Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2020
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I add Amazon Sword & Java Fern last week in my 55 Gallons. And Surprisingly my Featherfin didnt touch it like other Plant that I add.
I alr used Liquid Fert Every week and I thought it may not be enough for amazon sword, if I add Root Tabs & Use Liquid Fert will it burn all of my Plant or it will be safe ?. Some people told me that they used both and 2 weeks later Their plant die-off instantly. Any Suggestion?
I might move some amazon sword to another tank if they grow too big.


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What substrate do you have? New plants tend to die back a bit when added to the tank anyway so dont worry too much. I use TNC liquid fert and added some of their root tabs for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Mainly because i just have a plain sand substrate. Do you have co2 injection?
No I dont use any Co2 ATM.
I'll move some of them to my 66 Gallons Sand substrate, It's a blackwater aquarium and They need some green there. :rofl:
No I dont use any Co2 ATM.
I'll move some of them to my 66 Gallons Sand substrate, It's a blackwater aquarium and They need some green there. :rofl:
How many inches of sand do you have?
Amazon sword plants do benefit from substrate tabs. What brand are you using? Liquid fertilizer can help as well, depending upon the plants and fish load.
Amazon sword plants do benefit from substrate tabs. What brand are you using? Liquid fertilizer can help as well, depending upon the plants and fish load.
I use Tropical Specialised Fert
Edit :
Here's the Declaration for the Nutrient
Most people use both as they keep a variety of plants. There is nothing wrong with this when dosed correctly.

I'm unfamiliar with that liquid fertilizer so I cannot comment. Swords are heavy root feeders and need root tabs most of the time.
Agree. The product pictured should be OK, though there is no reason to be adding N (nitrogen) and P (phosphate) if you have fish being fed. So when gone you could look into something else.

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