Search results

  1. Lanpenn

    Is this cycled?

    I found this and it seems that there're more companies that own the right to use the patent, or I'm wrong? Well, I'm not an attorney. Curiously, this thread doesn't recommend Dr. Tim's One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria.
  2. Lanpenn

    Is this cycled?

    Seriously that there's a patent for NOB in biological accelerators? I read also good reviews from the FritzZyme® TurboStart® 700 Freshwater. Well, I also saw good user reviews even from the Seachem Stability for the cycling process. How could this be explained? I tested a biological accelerator...
  3. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    The Dakota had good sales here, although this pickup is so huge for our Brazilian cities... well, many Brazilian cities are inspired by cities from Europe. However, I don't know the reason DaimlerChrysler suspended the assembly in Campo Largo, Paraná state. Certainly, for terrible roads (and...
  4. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Indeed, when I lived in the US, I noted this phenomenon. The donuts are not just a thing that happens in movies and series. I even tasted the donuts from Dunkin' and I loved it. I also took this picture from a Dodge Dakota (date format: dd/mm/yyyy), a pickup truck that doesn't exist in Brazil...
  5. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Still caring for my small brine shrimp cultures, and I'm finishing the "cycling" process from my nano 7.92 gallons tank. Listening, once again, to some Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart music. I also found some old photos from my previous aquarium I had: My Betta splendens in my freshly cycled...
  6. Lanpenn

    No signs of nitrates. Should I still do water changes?

    I had a 10-gallon tank a few years ago (only with red cherries) and I did 20-25 % water changes every two weeks. The frequency and the percentage depend on your stocking density. Even in the aquaculture industry, in several production systems, there're also partial water changes. The water...
  7. Lanpenn

    Paradise fish - reduce aggression

    Beautiful fish. This was mine that I had 9 years ago...
  8. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Today I measured ammonia and nitrites once again, where I got 0 and 1 ppm, respectively. Soon my tank will be cycled, although I don't know what fish to place. I'm also thinking about moving my tank since it's getting some direct light for a few dozen minutes and indirect light a few hours...
  9. Lanpenn

    Females guppies issues help

    Well, I don't know what the climate conditions are where you live, but here in Brazil, the guppies do better in tropical temperatures. Probably there're strain preferences by country/region, even under the same species.
  10. Lanpenn

    Paradise fish - reduce aggression

    I had a male paradise fish with several zebrafish in my 10 gallons tank. I never had any problem with aggression. Unfortunately, when I suspected he was sick after I moved him to a basin, he committed suicide. The 150 liters is a good size for having a paradise fish and other compatible tank...
  11. Lanpenn

    What is this?

    It's some kind of biofilm. How is your photoperiod? The lighting used?
  12. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Well, today I spotted a damselfly nymph, probably Acanthagrion sp. (this may be the reason I'm not seeing mosquito larvae anymore). Also, I measured ammonia and nitrite levels, getting 0 and 1.75-2.8 ppm, respectively, adding a biological accelerator later.
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  16. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    For what reason, besides hurricanes and hot summers? I'm from Brazil's countryside, then I have different perceptions.
  17. Lanpenn

    Currently 4 fishes in a 2.9 gallon tank, should i upgrade the tank size and restart?

    Gosh, the tanks there in the US are cheap. Here in Brazil the aquariums are extremely expensive. A 30 gallons tank seems a good option since you have available room in your home.
  18. Lanpenn

    Females guppies issues help

    Indeed, the temperature's low for guppies. Try maintaining around 25-28 ºC. What's the flow rate of the filter? Do you use any biological media?
  19. Lanpenn

    Females guppies issues help

    How are your tank parameters? Please, post the pH, temperature (also the heater used), as well as ammonia and nitrite levels, filter used, lighting, tank size, and substrate used. If possible, try to make a short video of this guppy.
  20. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Well, besides trying to solve the powerful bureaucracy involved in my internship here in Brazil, I was also searching for Master's Degree programs in the US (I miss you, Florida) when I finish my Major in Biology here in Brazil. Now, also, I'm cycling my aquarium and trying to figure out why my...
  21. Lanpenn

    Currently 4 fishes in a 2.9 gallon tank, should i upgrade the tank size and restart?

    With a so small tank, only a Betta splendens or some nano shrimps. Indeed, there're still owners giving wrong advice...
  22. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    So, the day before yesterday I measured the ammonia and nitrite levels once again, where I got respectively 0.2 and 2.8 ppm. I added some more Ocean Tech BioActive biological accelerator. The plants continue growing well, including the ones that suffered from my sodium hypochlorite treatment...
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  24. Lanpenn

    Saving a betta splendens

    How is your betta? What are the parameters from the tank where you put the betta? I suggested giving live food such as adult brine shrimps, if possible with some bioencapsulation.
  25. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Tomorrow I should test NH3/NO2 again and figure out if this biological accelerator's good. While I try to cycle the tank, I'm maintaining these cool guys... the Artemia franciscana. Mommy artemia that I picked today for some pictures. I suppose that her's reproducing by oviparity. I...
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  29. Lanpenn

    Aquarium Question

    Is your tank cycled?
  30. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Well, since I transferred my artemias to other containers that are still now on the porch, then I transformed a brine shrimp culture (for my term paper from my Major in Biology) to freshwater. This is the setup: • Size: 15.74" length x 11.81" height x 9.84" width, 7.29 gallons; •...
  31. Lanpenn

    Female Betta with Tank mates

    I had three different bettas... the first was more aggressive and ate even the apple snail's antenna (and sometimes gave some "runs" over the cories in my 10 gallons tank), but I had others that are calmer and one that was bullied by the male mollies that are trying to mate with him... :( I also...
  32. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Indeed, I even got some bloodworms here (they appeared in my dog's water bowl, also). Mosquitoes are a good thing, but I never got larvae in these traps where the larvae when reaching adulthood cannot escape, and yes in open containers. A few years ago I got bloodworms but, also, I received the...
  33. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Hello! Well, I intend to have a Betta splendens soon in my small tank that's still cycling (30 liters) and I would like to know about the nutritional requirements that the species requires. What should the main ingredients be? I even searched in Google Scholar (for some academic articles about...
  34. Lanpenn


    Hello everyone, how is it going? Well, I'm in fishkeeping since April 2012, when I started with a small aquarium with only 20 liters. Then, I stopped the hobby at the end of 2018, because I moved to Florida (I'm from Brazil)... well, once again, I'm in Brazil and, also, in fishkeeping. Since I...