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  1. Penfold77

    Malawi Or Tangs?

    How would calvus as a species tank go?? Is this advisable?? I like how strange looking they are :)
  2. Penfold77

    Malawi Or Tangs?

    Fairies are actually one of my favourite and I have kept them before but in a 6ft community tank. I am aware that they can be aggressive in a smaller tank so that is why I hadn't considered them really BUT now with you mentioning species tank though.....mmmmmm that has me thinking :)...
  3. Penfold77

    Malawi Or Tangs?

    Hi just breezing over your post as I'm at the same point of choosing stock?? Let me know what you decide on. Im still unsure whether to keep a group of one or two species, whether that is advisable, or a mixture of tangs??? What are your thoughts. I have a 35g (UK). 3ft x 18 x 15. Sorry for...
  4. Penfold77

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    Will take a look thanks. Just out of interest, did you do a fishless cycle in your tank before adding your fish?
  5. Penfold77

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    Aww fish look great. If I could ask, where did you get your shells from??
  6. Penfold77

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    LOL no offence elisew, everyone's preference is different. I don't dislike it, i'm going to replicia the natural environment this time in a tang tank (well try to)
  7. Penfold77

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    Ye I know what you mean about the ocean rock thats why Im making my own background but will use coral sand to higher the ph which probably won't need much as the cement will apparently higher this too. Good luck with your rock search Too many fish to choose from, that will be the hardest...
  8. Penfold77

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    Hi there, Have you decided on rock yet? I have found some of the topic pages very useful on here. A few things I have read is depending on whether you are keeping Malawi or Tanganyika depends on what rock to use. Tanganyika if you are wanting to keep it natural are smooth rocks rather than...
  9. Penfold77

    Hopefully The Birth Of Another Tanganyikan Setup!

    Hi guys, Like you Dodders, I am dusting off the ole tank and setting up a tang tank. I also have been doing some research on these and have recently started to make my own 3D background to provide the caves the fish like. I have read too much information on Lake Tang and have found that there...
  10. Penfold77

    Tanganyikan Set Up

    Hi All, Thanks for all your advice. After researching a few things I have now decided to have a go at making my own 3D background. I have found a few very good websites with very good advice on what products to use that aren't halmful to the fish. Due to all the rocks (mainly the weight) I...
  11. Penfold77

    Tanganyikan Set Up

    Thanks for all the welcomes and thank you for your help Kiriyama. I am just about getting used to how this site is set out. I didn't realise there were different sections to the forum. I have had a look in the africian section. Thank you for your advice about Brichardi. I have kept a pair...
  12. Penfold77

    Tanganyikan Set Up

    Hi Guys, Thanks for your help. I am reading up on it at the moment. I'm not sure whether to go for more of a quiter tank and just keep a pair of fairy and shell dwellers or do a more varied busier tank? Not sure how exactly to go about it was going to ask local aquatic store when purchasing...
  13. Penfold77

    Tanganyikan Set Up

    Hi guys, I am wanting to set up a Lake Tanganyikan Tank to replica the natural environment as much as possible. I have a 3ft tank which I have set up with weekend, preparing the water etc. Can anyone tell me what exactly will make up the surroundings?? I have looked at alot of websites but...
  14. Penfold77


    Thanks for all the welcomes guys :)
  15. Penfold77


    Hi, yes it is a typo, doh! It is 18inche sorry lol
  16. Penfold77


    A Buibe? It's that long since I was in an aquarium that I had to google what one was :) Pretty cool. Thanks for the reply, will have a look round :)
  17. Penfold77


    Hi all, I haven't had a tank set up for quite awhile but I am going to be setting back up my 3' x 15" x 18" tank. Not sure what exactly to stock it with yet, community or species tank? Any suggestions. I have plenty of favourites but not all can be kept together. I want to obviously do a...