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    Pics Of Guppy Fry From Day One :)

    guppy gave birth 17 days ago and thought i would show some pictures for anyone interested :) the first picture is of the fry after about 5 days, still in there breeding box then i took a few pictures today...
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    got my new tank :D

    got my new tank :D
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    Video Finally Added Fish To My New Tank :)

    i think it is a tetra i want to go for and i have looked at cardinals and think they look aswome! but herd there hard to keep alive just like the neon kind? i like hardy types of fish because although i have had fish for goos few years with hardly any dying i dont no alot and like to keep it...
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    Guppy Help

    i posted this in the livebearer section as well but as it is going to happen tommorrow i need some advice quickly. i have a 30l tank free due to upgrading, and my mum wants my breeding tank and a few of my guppy fry. so im kindly giving it to her as she used to have them years ago in a huge tank...
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    Video Finally Added Fish To My New Tank :)

    not a massive fan of them and have always wanted a plec but thanks for the sugestion! :) i attached it but didnt think it worked so uploaded it on photobucket link it :
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    Video Finally Added Fish To My New Tank :)

    hey everyone :) just thought i would share pics of my new tank, its a 95l, at the moment it only has 2 female guppys and 5 zebra danios in. i have lots of little baby guppys but dont think there every make an appearnce in this tank lol. i am looking forward to getting a bn plec (always wanted a...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    my baby guppys are about 17 days old now i think. they have all lived no deaths :) they have grow a little bit. no colour or anything that comes alot later on yeah? anyway i have brought a new 95litre tank and my main fish have gone in there so i now i have a 30 litre empty. im planning on...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    how long does it take for guppy fry to start showing colour? and how old is it when there able to be sexed? :)
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    Guppy Fry :)

    oh so inbreeding aint as bad as first thought! well i will remember this for the future. just a little update i thought i had 13 turns out to be 14 lol. i have now taken out the adults and put them into a seperate tank. and i have released the fry out of that rubbish breeding box into the tank...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    thats bad ent it? surely there be weak and deformed and stuff and its wrong. just like us humans wudnt do it would we lol
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    Need Help With A Plec For My Tank

    next weekend hopefully i am getting a new tank and it will 95l and i want a plec i have always loved them and my mate used to ahve one and it grew huge and he had to get rid of it. and i dont want that to happen to me. i already have 5 zebra danios and 2 female guppys. (also have 13 baby guppys...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    also could somone tell me when your able to sex the babys. ( i no how to tell the difference between male and female) but i want to no how old they are when you can tell? and also when they old enough to sex are they still small enough for other fish to eat? because i want females, and one male...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    thanks very much for that information has helped alot. i did a water change today so when i next do one i will put the older guppys into my other tank and let the fry swim round there own tank :) cant wait to see them out of a breeding box! my under gravel filter has wuiter a flow on top of the...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    what so my two day old little fry would be okay with an under gravel filter?
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    Guppy Fry :)

    just a quiok queston. i have 13 guppy fry how long can they be keept in there breeding box? and i have an undergravel filter when will they be big enough not to get sucked into my gravel as i found loads like this when she gave birth. because when there ready to go into the tank i will get the...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    yeah i have another tank set up for them but im cycling it at the moment. so they are staying in the main tank in a breeding trap for time being :) i have an under gravel filter and ive just noticed i had about 20 babies stuck right at the bottom of my gravel so i moved my gravel and they all...
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    Guppy Fry :)

    my female was heavly pregnant and i woke up this morning and she was in the plants by her self but i didnt but her in a breeding trap, wasnt sure when she would drop her fry. anyway came back this afternoon and she had realsed soem of the fry there was about 15 in my tank so i put her in a trap...
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    New Tank

    thank you for your reply. i should of put it int he name of the thread but i forgot sorry dont think i can change it now. i am new to fish keeping i have two tank i have had them for about 4 months now so sorry if i get a few things wrong. to your queston the filter i will be usign is the one i...
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    New Tank

    hey everyone, i am soon going out to buy a new fish tank. currently have 2 small ones and want to upgrade. theres a few i been looking at. but the main one i like the look of is an elite 95. seen it for £100 in most places. gone to a few shops and liked the look of it. but on ebay i have found...
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    New Tank Need Stocking Help.

    cheers for your reply mate. not sure on the mesurements sorry. it is longer then it is height wise. so proberly not the best idea to go with the plec? ive always wanted one but ive only been keeping fish for about 4 months so still quite new to it all and dont want to make it hard for my self...
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    New Tank Need Stocking Help.

    i am starting my new job on thursday and will be getting paid more, so i thought it was time to upgrade my 2 small tanks to a bigger one. at the moment i have 2 30 liter tanks. i am thinking about getting a 95 liter or a 120 liter. not sure yet. so just in case i get the smaller one lets keep...
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    Problem With My Guppy

    about a week ago i got 3 guppys. 1 male and two females. they are in a 28l tank. dont think that is over stocking it, its heavly planted. anyway the two females are doing brilliant. one is heavly pregnant and the other is fine. both swim aroudn all day never stopping having a good time. but then...
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    Is My Guppy Pregnant? (Video Inc)

    is my guppy pregnant? heres a video to help decide. she wouldnt stop moving so not the easyest to see.
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    My New Tank. And Pregnant Guppy?

    im soon about to buy a new tank, its the elite 95 if you know it. if you have one or no information on them that would be good to know :) anyway i was just wondering when its filled up with water will it be okay on my large glass tv stand. because its an extra £60 for the stand and dont want to...
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    Blood Worm

    thanks for thay guys sounds like the frozen would be a better idea! dno if my fish would eat it if it went to the bottom but i might give it a try. also i just found u can buy dried bloodworm! has anyone tried this? would they recommend it? does it float? cheers people :)
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    Blood Worm

    does the frozen bloodworm float or sink? my danios dont really like going to feed fromt he bottom they like it on the top of the water. how much does frozen bloodworm cost? and why do it a day before a water change? is it messy? does it mess the tank up alot if uneaten? thanks for the reply :)
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    Blood Worm

    i have 5 zebra danios and ive read that once a week or so its advised to feed them some blood worm. always was thinking about feeding them bloodworm anyway. but i dont want to buy some frozen stuff and ive looked on ebay and its a good price to buy blood worm pellets. will this do the same job...
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    Need Help With My Zebra Danios

    cheers for that. i think thats the best method. im finking about platys thou i used to have them when i was really young and they all had babys was great when i was young. now i would love to have that age. every breed them? is it a good experience? some forums say its really easy and soon ur...
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    Need Help With My Zebra Danios

    okay thank you. i havent got any floating plants there all in the gravel. so i dont think there is much chance of breeding them in that tank at the moment. in future whats the best way to do breed them? how can you tell when there about to lay eggs. is raising there fry a good experince. had...
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    Need Help With My Zebra Danios

    hmmm would be nice if i knew when and how to keep them alive if she does have eggs. i have a spare old tank set up, just incase i see it happen would be good to and raise some youngsters. they will get eaten in my main tank. but thanks anyway if anyone else can help that would be good but if not...
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    Need Help With My Zebra Danios

    i have 5 zebra danios and last week i noticed 1 of them have got really fat and i think it is due to having eggs in them. i have 3 females 2 males. i think. its very hard to tell. but anyway ... one of the females is huge allot bigger then my other females and my two other females are big...