Video Finally Added Fish To My New Tank :)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
north somerset
hey everyone :)

just thought i would share pics of my new tank, its a 95l, at the moment it only has 2 female guppys and 5 zebra danios in. i have lots of little baby guppys but dont think there every make an appearnce in this tank lol. i am looking forward to getting a bn plec (always wanted a plec and think this will be the best one for this size tank. there is still room for more fish but i do like having lots of room for fish to swim but im thinking on gettin some kind of tetras to finish it off. so any shocking help would be good :)
How about corys, rather than a plec? You could ave a couple then, in that tank x
How about corys, rather than a plec? You could ave a couple then, in that tank x

not a massive fan of them and have always wanted a plec but thanks for the sugestion! :)

were are the pics?

i attached it but didnt think it worked so uploaded it on photobucket link it :
nice tank ! instead of tetras why not add a group of about 6-8 dwarf rainbow's they look awsome or a group of harlequine rasbora
you could ofcourse stick with the tetras i would go for either cardinals, rosy's or phantoms
i think it is a tetra i want to go for and i have looked at cardinals and think they look aswome! but herd there hard to keep alive just like the neon kind? i like hardy types of fish because although i have had fish for goos few years with hardly any dying i dont no alot and like to keep it simple :) is a bn plec a hardy fish (i hope so want a plec so much)

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