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  1. elisew

    My 1St Ever Fish Tank

    I completely agree with rifty, 30% is wayyyyy too little an amount to be changing for a setup such as the malawi/mbuna. A minimum of 50% a week is regarded as 'normal and necessary' and extremely beneficial for these types of fish, over filtration is always good too. Although I applaud you...
  2. elisew

    A Few Then And Now Pics

    I think the growth is pretty standard but as I`ve no previous experience either I`m just leaving them and thinking the colouring will pick up when they`re ready :good: I have thought abour getting some more fish, including another malauna male but as we`re hoping to move in a couple of...
  3. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

  4. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

  5. elisew

    A Few Then And Now Pics

    Mine have too Mark, a couple of the 4 began to get a yellow hue to them but that appears to have dulled again now. They`re growing well but their colouring is veeeeery slow :X Most of the other fish are doing very well, labs are growing quickly, mpanga female, red top female, neon spot and 2...
  6. elisew

    My 1St Ever Fish Tank

    Completely agree with Mark :/ Looks like a nice mix of colour but your tank looks way too small for Malawi`s imo :X
  7. elisew

    Anomalochromis Thomasi Tank?

    Cardinals in my experience are lovely shoalers and they`ll be good dithers for the Thomasi. As Mark says, as long as they can`t fit in the mouths of the Thomasi they should hopefully be ok, just keep a close eye on them all for the next few days :)
  8. elisew

    Fish Identification

    They`re tetras of some sort and if I`m correct then they should be kept in a shoal of approx 6 or more to keep any aggression at bay :good:
  9. elisew


    Well done on getting yourself a liquid test kit :good: Nitrates at 20 is fine, mine straight from the tap is 40 :X The nitrites and ammonia should always be at 0. Have you tested the water straight from the tap for ammonia? :unsure: When you say you do regular water changes, how much...
  10. elisew

    Fish Of The Month - June 2011

    Love the clownfish but the ellioti is gorgeous :good:
  11. elisew

    Tank Of The Month - June 2011

    An excellent standard of tanks again this month!! 3 of them in particular really caught my eye but I think ChilliPepper`s tank has the edge :good: :good:
  12. elisew

    Anomalochromis Thomasi Tank?

    I don`t mean to be funny minnnt but you had a reply that you immediately disagreed with, I don`t understand why you asked if you already have an opinion or info on the butterfly fish :/ The profile on the butterflies says that they`re peaceful and should only be housed with other peaceful...
  13. elisew

    A Few Then And Now Pics

    They`re looking lovely Mark, definitely deeper colouring as they`re maturing. :good: :good:
  14. elisew

    Lfs Visit Today

    Great pics! :D :D Seems quite ironic that you`re buying the multis in and I`ll be taking mine to MA tomorrow :sad: Yours look as thought they`re quite young, especially as they look so light in colour, they`re really lovely and at least you should have them for a long time due to...
  15. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    There are also 4 or 5 Assassin snails in the tank too :)
  16. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Typical :/ :lol: :lol:
  17. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

  18. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

  19. elisew

    Kiriyama`s New 6Ft Tank

    No worries, don`t mind helping out :good: I like the open look of the tank, I think the rocks look pretty good to be honest B-) lol@mod... too busy to mod on here as well :lol:
  20. elisew

    Kiriyama`s New 6Ft Tank

    Another vid: It`s a cracking looking setup, you must be absolutely chuffed to bits with it :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
  21. elisew

    Kiriyama`s New 6Ft Tank

    As kiriyama is a bit stuck for uploading vids and pics at the moment I`m posting these for him. I am only allowed to post 2 vids at any one time so will post another once there`s a reply below. :good: Vid clips:
  22. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Livestock/Equipment make-model: 35L Arcadia tank complete setup that also includes fish and shrimp, please see below for further details Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Reducing number of tanks Delivery or Collection: Collection only Sales price: £40.00 via paypal (fees to be paid by...
  23. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Livestock/Equipment make-model: 35L Arcadia tank complete setup that also includes fish and shrimp, please see below for further details Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Reducing number of tanks Delivery or Collection: Collection only Sales price: £40.00 via paypal (fees to be paid by...
  24. elisew

    6 Feet Of Tanganyikan

    pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics.......... please? :D :D
  25. elisew

    Thinking Of Trying An African Setup

    Yeah, the Tangs are definitely a taste that you either have or you don`t. They`re not for everyone. Can you not keep the rainbows in whichever tank they`re in at the moment and get a 4ft for a mbuna setup? :/
  26. elisew

    Ngara Flametail - How Much?!

    I have to say that surprises me to be honest rifty, all of my fish have been fantastically coloured from Tony and I don`t have any concerns with mine at all :huh: The fish at that link are stunning however, I may be wrong but the colouring on some of those pics seems to have been played...
  27. elisew

    Yellow African Cichlids

    +1 for red zebras, but as rifty says it`s a bit difficult to tell from the pics to be honest :/
  28. elisew

    Tanganyika Multifasciatus

    Where abouts do you live Lisa? :unsure: I have a lot of mulitfasciatus juvis and fry at the moment, most of which (possibly all) will be going to MA this weekend but if you lived close enough to Dorset we could sort something out?
  29. elisew

    Thinking Of Trying An African Setup

    Hi Chilli As fishguy says, the 3ft isn`t a good size really for malawi, even mbuna need a bigger tank than a 3ft I`m afraid. The yellow labs are lovely fish but the demasoni are really aggressive and definitely not the right fish for someone who is unexperienced with mbuna :no: The acei are...
  30. elisew

    Yellow African Cichlids

    There are a number of different yellow and orange african cichlids, can you post a pic so we know which ones you have? :unsure:
  31. elisew

    Ngara Flametail - How Much?!

    Nice looking fish rifty B-) I guess it does come down to personal choice, I much prefer what you consider to be the 'fatter' body of the Aulonocara in the Firefish from Tony to be honest, also the colour is much deeper and vibrant: As you say, the Eurekas that he breeds are absolutely...
  32. elisew

    Pics Of My Multies

    :lol: :lol: :lol: The houses we`ve been looking at so far are 4 bedroom new builds and they`re twice the size of where we are now soooooo.............providing our plans come to fruition there will be more room for more tanks and as hubby will be working abroad for most of the year it`ll be...
  33. elisew

    Fish Room Project

    A perfectionist, you? I`d never believe it!! :hyper: :hyper: :lol: :lol: :lol: As always I`m looking forward to seeing the progress :good: :good:
  34. elisew

    Ngara Flametail - How Much?!

    I`m obviously on the opposite end of the opinion as I love the colour and quality of line bred, especially those I bought from Tony. :good: Didn`t realise you had Firefish, would you mind posting a pic of it as I`d love to see a really good example of an imported one? :unsure: It is...
  35. elisew

    Pics Of My Multies

    Great pics Jo :good: :good: I absolutely love the multis but I`ll have to look at trading loads of my fry and juvis in at MA instead of just a few due to us sorting the house out and putting it on the market in the next few weeks, I have to reduce the number of small tanks in preparation for...
  36. elisew

    Ngara Flametail - How Much?!

    Some of the nicer looking Malawis are difficult to get hold of for a decent price, especially if you`re looking for WC ones. The main thing I would advise on is that IF you do manage to get WC fish from anyone/anywhere, please do make sure you check with the seller about any quarantine time...
  37. elisew

    Cichlid Tank

    Depends on whether you would like to go for an option that is either colourful and busy or interesting and entertaining? :/ If you`re thinking along the lines of the colourful and busy Malawi/Mbuna/victoria haps then you could really do with trying to get a tank that`s bigger than 100L. The...
  38. elisew

    Thinking About Starting An African Cichlid Tank.

    As kiriyama has mentioned the julidochromis, I would also suggest adding only one of them. myrtle has recently posted about how aggressive hers became once they settled in her tank and they`ve basically terrorized the other fish. My local Maidenhead Aquatics are brilliant with their honest...
  39. elisew

    Upgrade Rio 180 -> Rio 240

    Looks good :good: :good:
  40. elisew

    Thinking About Starting An African Cichlid Tank.

    In a 29G setup I personally would opt for a pair of the neolamprologus caudopunctatus (punks) and 2 pairs of multifasciatus (multies) and separate the 2 species by a decent sized rock pile between them. I say that because I have both species myself and find them extraordinarily entertaining and...