Ngara Flametail - How Much?!

I have to say that surprises me to be honest rifty, all of my fish have been fantastically coloured from Tony and I don`t have any concerns with mine at all :huh:

The fish at that link are stunning however, I may be wrong but the colouring on some of those pics seems to have been played around with :unsure:

Anyway, I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree.....I still prefer the 'fatter' body of the Firefish :p :lol: :lol:

Those are all really awesome fish. Would love one in my tank.

Some of the Malawi and mbuna are absolutely striking but it`s a definite case of doing your homework when it comes to finding a really good breeder/seller to get the stunning fish you want :good:
like i said everyone has a different thing they look for when buying fish im sure i am in the minority having a poor experience with tony but the amount of fish he sells not everyone will be happy I guess :good: so we will have to agree to disagree :good:
I think you always go with the best experience and one sellers loss is anothers gain so I stick with the few sellers I have always been pleased with Kevin Smith and Mike Bonnick but neither post so you are limited if you cannot get to them I guess im lucky
plus I do like walking into Mikes or Kevins fish room with the I wonder what else he has??? prospect going through my head shortly followed by do I have enough money panic!!! lol
Also a visit to either gives me so much knowledge even around fish I dont buy, advice or ideas on setting up my own setups and seeing what is growing on or coming in on the next shipments for future visits :good: plus with Mike in particular he quite often will have a 1st import fish like the Lithrinops Micrentodon Makokola that no one in the Uk has which i love being able to see its like going to an aquarium! lol

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