Anomalochromis Thomasi Tank?


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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Paid a visit to my LFS today and came away with what looks like a 99% pairing of these lovely little fish.

They're currently in a 90 litre tank by themselves and was wondering if it would be ok to add a small shoal of fish such as Harlequin Rasboras? I have thinned out some of my Vallis and a Crypt from one of my other tanks and added some slate and a couple of pieces of bogwood to help with the setting. Does this sound ok? Will try and get a few pics up later on... Or maybe tomorrow when the tank has settled. lol.

Thanks in advance :) :good:
Thanks for the reply, but i disagree. These are some of the most placid cichlids there is and others have kept much larger cichlids with shoals of small fish.

I don`t mean to be funny minnnt but you had a reply that you immediately disagreed with, I don`t understand why you asked if you already have an opinion or info on the butterfly fish :/

The profile on the butterflies says that they`re peaceful and should only be housed with other peaceful species. Harlequins in my own personal experience are peaceful so putting the 2 together I`d say you shouldn`t have any problems however the Harlequins are associated more with a tropical community tank with other species such as rummys, neons etc, so if you do add Harlequins it`s obviously your choice to try them together :)

I don`t mean to be funny minnnt but you had a reply that you immediately disagreed with, I don`t understand why you asked if you already have an opinion or info on the butterfly fish :/

The profile on the butterflies says that they`re peaceful and should only be housed with other peaceful species. Harlequins in my own personal experience are peaceful so putting the 2 together I`d say you shouldn`t have any problems however the Harlequins are associated more with a tropical community tank with other species such as rummys, neons etc, so if you do add Harlequins it`s obviously your choice to try them together :)

I am asking for peoples opinions on what would work... The first reply stated that cichlids tear up other fish, which simply isn't true! Fair enough, alot of cichlids would annihalate a shoal of Rasbora's, but Thomasi aren't Oscars.

I have read the fact sheet on them and was wondering what would be good tankmates. If you say HR's wouldn't be the best option then this is the kind of help i am looking for and would appreciate your help in choosing some better ones.

Thankyou :)
id say try it , these are small generally quite peacfull cichlids . and from experience i know that its sometimes surprising what you can put in with cichlids . as long as you go with a shoaling species that is too big to fit in their mouths i rekon you should be ok . altho cichlids as you know can be fickle creatures so its going to come down to individual temperement at the end of the day .
Thanks Mark. I went to Pets @ Home ( :look: ) yesterday and asked for 6 Cardinal Tetra's. The quality of them was really good, the best colouration i have seen for a long time! But they were pretty pricey at 3 for £5. Got home, put some tank water in the bag and let them settle for a while then placed them in the tank. I counted them and there was only 5! So this morning we went back to the same P@H and spoke to the girl that served us and the manager gave us the 1 that was missed yesterday and 3 extra ones for the trouble of having to go back as it was a bit further than my normal one. Quite a result really. I've now got 9 Cardinals in there and they're shoaling quite nicely! Really impressed.

The Thomasi have started to come out a bit now also, i think the Cardinals have given them a bit of confidence.
Cardinals in my experience are lovely shoalers and they`ll be good dithers for the Thomasi. As Mark says, as long as they can`t fit in the mouths of the Thomasi they should hopefully be ok, just keep a close eye on them all for the next few days :)
Cardinals in my experience are lovely shoalers and they`ll be good dithers for the Thomasi. As Mark says, as long as they can`t fit in the mouths of the Thomasi they should hopefully be ok, just keep a close eye on them all for the next few days :)

Thanks. The Thomasi are starting to come out a lot more now, very interesting little fish. The cardinals shouldn't fit in their mouths, they're not that big.
Just wondered, what would be the maximum shoal size I could have in this 90 litre tank?

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