A Few Then And Now Pics


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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had the malawis for 5 months now and some in particular have really coloured up. the most notable change in size would have to be the yellow labs still a few shots to get , these boys dont tend to sit still too long , il p[ost them as and when i can get them but heres the story so far .

male jacob coloured up well
when i 1st got him

and now

male malauna's blue is deeper now too
when i got him

and now

and lastly for now the yellow labs these have changed quite a lot!!
when i got them

and now

They`re looking lovely Mark, definitely deeper colouring as they`re maturing. :good: :good:
thanks lisa , how are your usisya coming along? mine seem to have slowed right down lately ,
Very nice pics. your fish look great, always liked Yellow labs, colour really bright and deep on those ones now, cheers for posting :good:
thanks lisa , how are your usisya coming along? mine seem to have slowed right down lately ,

Mine have too Mark, a couple of the 4 began to get a yellow hue to them but that appears to have dulled again now. They`re growing well but their colouring is veeeeery slow :X

Most of the other fish are doing very well, labs are growing quickly, mpanga female, red top female, neon spot and 2 jacob females are all holding at the moment. I currently have 10 Jacob fry, 1 red top fry and 7 neon spots in a small tank that will be off to MA in a couple of weeks time once they`re big enough :good:

My Jacob male is becoming a complete bully when he`s feeling frisky, he herds all of the other fish 3/4 of the way down the tank. Is your Jacob male the same?

Unfortunately the second OB fire died a couple of days ago as well as the malauna male that hubby had to cull a while ago, so there have been a few drawbacks. On the whole though, they`re all doing well :)
sounds about the same as my usisya , i rekon they are probably around 3 inches 1 is showing faint yellow along its flanks in the right light , 2 are starting to show light stripe across the top of the dorsal fin and 1 has got a couple of faint blue spangles on its face . altho development is a lot slower than i have been used too when i had new worlds . when you look at the picture of the adult male tho it should be well worth the wait .

bummer about your losses are you not tempted to get another male malauna?

my male jacob can be a bit feisty when hes horny but nothing overly aggro .

do you seperate your holding females from the main tank? i ask because i regularly have holding females but they never spit . at the moment ive got a female sp.44 holding but shes got a way to go yet ionly watched her spawning with the alpha male last night , and my female sunset is literally looking ready to burst . you can clearly see very largew fry swimming around in there when she opens her mouth but she wont spit .
I think the growth is pretty standard but as I`ve no previous experience either I`m just leaving them and thinking the colouring will pick up when they`re ready :good:

I have thought abour getting some more fish, including another malauna male but as we`re hoping to move in a couple of months (ish) I`d rather wait til then because we`ll be closer to where Tony lives......no P&P and I get to see all of his tanks then :good: :good: :good: :lol: :lol:

I don`t separate any of the holding females, I just leave them to spit in the main tank and then remove any fry when I see them. They usually end up in the weir and sump most of the time so it`s easy to net them. I was going to separate my sunset female and strip her a few weeks ago because she was holding and I didn`t know who the Daddy was but she ended up either spitting early or eating them so I didn`t need to.

One of my sp.44`s was holding a while ago but she either ate or spat the eggs/fry early, nothing from them since :no:

The thought of removing all the slate to net the females is too much like hard work so I`ll just leave things the way they are and catch the fry if/when I see them :X :lol:
lol i remember removing all my rocks to chase the male jacob with the net when i needed to catch him . its a bit of a mission!!! but im going to go for it this time as id really like some fry .
Awesome photos and very nice fish!

How do you manage to get such great lighting for the photo, if you don't mind me asking...?
thanks . ive got an extra 2 tubes on top of my tank that i switch on for photos , coupled with a fast ( f 2.8) lens and increase the cameras iso setting .

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