Search results

  1. elisew

    Jbl Pro Flora M602 Co2 Kit

    Just wanted to let you know that unless you use a Courier that is licensed to transport cylinders you won`t be able to post them anywhere. :no: I had exactly the same problem when I sold my CO2 setup a few months ago. It worked out better all round to list the item on ebay as collection...
  2. elisew

    My First Cichilds Tank Taking Shape

    I would strongly suggest you look at getting some egg crate or similar for the bottom of your tank before you start adding sand/stones/cobbles etc. B&Q sell some plastic drain grids that can be used as an alternative to egg crate. Have a look at some of the other Malawi/Mbuna threads here as...
  3. elisew

    Multi Fry, How Big When Selling And What Price?

    It`ll just be the fry and the juvis, not the adults as they`re too cute and entertaining :lol: They`ll be absolutely fine in a 60L, mine are all in a 35L and there`s still enough room for them. It`s purely because they keep breeding and I know they`ll suffer when the space gets less and less...
  4. elisew

    More Tangs Arriving This Wednesday

    Good to see you`re getting some more :good: :good:
  5. elisew

    Multi Fry, How Big When Selling And What Price?

    Hey Jo :) Didn`t realise you were still thinking along the Tang lines but yes by all means I`m sure we can sort something out. Only difficulty I have is that I don`t know how many fry or what size fry are in which shell. It may well be pot luck :S I know they`re pretty expensive at MA, I...
  6. elisew

    Exlamprologus Multifasciatus

    Thanks for that. Gives me some idea on what other people are selling them for....I guess 30+ fry and juvis would sell for more than £30 in total ;)
  7. elisew

    For Sale Section

    Have the mods gone slack on the For Sale Section? There seems to be more and more 'For Sale' topics where the 'Sales Form' isn`t being used. No point in having the guide/rules there if they`re not going to be followed or if people aren`t going to get a kick up the jacksie to use them ;)
  8. elisew

    Happy Birthday - Ianho!

    Belated Happy Birthday :bday: Hope you had a good day Lisa x
  9. elisew

    Anyone Mind Donating A Test Kit? :p

    doresy I would if I could....but I can`t :P :lol: :lol:
  10. elisew


    Is there a particular treatment/illness you`re concerned about? :unsure:
  11. elisew


    Depends what fish you keep. Some fish are brackish and their requirements may include salt others aren't so don't need salt. I've used salt purely for treating wounds or small illnesses but apart from that I don't make a habit of it. :good:
  12. elisew

    The Truth About Water Changes

    On my Tanganyikan setup and Malawi setup I do a minimum of 50% once a week and have done 2 water changes a week on occasion if I think the water still looks a bit hazy. Both tanks are 380L so it takes a while but the fish do look healthy so I'm happy to invest the time. Depends on what time you...
  13. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    A quick update: Unfortunately 1 of the fry has just disappeared but after finding another 4 fry in the sump and 1 in the weir whilst doing a water change on Monday, there are now 10 :happy-jumpeveryone: They`re all growing really well, the daily water changes and regular feedings are...
  14. elisew

    Anyone Mind Donating A Test Kit? :p

    :X :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. elisew

    Multi Fry, How Big When Selling And What Price?

    I was thinking possibly £5-7.50 each as there don`t seem to be many multis available locally and at least people can see where the multis come from and how healthy the fry and adults are ;) Thanks, I know they`re definitely not cheap little critters :lol: :good:
  16. elisew

    Tetratek Air Pump Aps400

    Sorry, how blonde of me! :blush: :lol: :lol: Info sent :good:
  17. elisew

    Multi Fry, How Big When Selling And What Price?

    Yes I`m in Dorset. I really can`t remember how much I paid for my adults, I 'think' they were approx £16-18 for 2. I`ve already had someone send me a msg on youtube asking if I`m a breeder and do I have some multi fry for sale as this 'person' is finding it difficult to get multis for anything...
  18. elisew

    Multi Fry, How Big When Selling And What Price?

    I currently have approx 30 ish (possibly more) multi fry in a 35L tank, they`re from 3 different pairs of adults (I have 8 adults). All of the fry are growing really well, some are newly hatched others are quite big now but the time is coming when I have to seriously consider selling them due to...
  19. elisew

    Ordered Tangs For Wednesday!

    You must be feeling pretty excited now then?! :lol: :good: Can`t help you with the addition of ammonia as it`s not something I`ve ever done but I just wanted to advise you on the addition of 4 punks.....if you haven`t already thought about it, make sure you have 2 separate areas for the...
  20. elisew

    Tetratek Air Pump Aps400

    Thanks B-) Payment sent :good:
  21. elisew

    Tetratek Air Pump Aps400

    Can you please pm me your paypal details? I`m presuming paypal is ok for making a payment? :unsure:
  22. elisew

    Tetratek Air Pump Aps400

    pm`d you my email address :)
  23. elisew

    Baby Cyps Yaay

    Excellent!!! So pleased for you and I'd love to see some pics if you can get some :good: :D
  24. elisew

    German Blue Rams

    +1 Couldn't have put it better myself :good:
  25. elisew


    As already asked, can you please post the results of your water test? It's all well and good saying the water is fine but without proper, reliable results it makes it difficult to diagnose and help. The test strips are renowned for being very unreliable. I would strongly suggest getting...
  26. elisew

    Starting A 75 Gal / 284 L. Suggestions Welcomed!

    For a tank that size you could look at keeping some Mbuna, especially seeing as you like the demasoni. You can have Synodontis petricola with the Mbuna and also plecs (not common plecs though), just make sure any plecs you add are at least 3-4 inches in size as they need to be big enough to...
  27. elisew

    African Cichlid Question

    That`s a bit like asking 'How long is a piece of string?' Can you find a picture of the fish you`re on about and post it so we have some idea of what you`re on about? :unsure: It`s no good for any of us to guess as you could well end up with the wrong info ;)
  28. elisew

    It Is Days Like This I Hate Being A Malawi Keeper

    Really sorry that she died. At least you did what you could for her, it`s just unfortunate that her wounds were too much for her to recover from :sad: :sad: Just keep an eye on things for a while, if the 'Bully' starts giving the others a hard time then it might pay to look at rehoming...
  29. elisew

    I've Lost All My Mollies :(

    I stopped keeping a tropical community because the fish always seemed to be dying off, despite good maintenance and water stats. The guys at my local MA did agree that a lot of the tropicals these days are beginning to get weaker due to a lot of inbreeding. You also have some fish that are...
  30. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    It`s always going to be a concern but so far each female is sticking with their own male, the females are easily identifiable :good: As I`m always watching the fish I knew for definite that the fry that the Jacob female has just spat were proper Jacobs. I have 3 female Jacobs, a second is...
  31. elisew

    My Fish Have Bred!

    It`s always a possibility that they`ve been eaten but they could well be hiding. Most fry will stay hidden for quite some time, no doubt you`ll be doing some maintenence on the tank one day and find more :good:
  32. elisew

    It Is Days Like This I Hate Being A Malawi Keeper

    My Mpanga female didn`t eat for a couple of days, when I tried her with a small bit of brine shrimp in garlic she started eating and seemed to pick up from there. All you can do is try, at least you`ll know you did what you could IF the worst happens ;)
  33. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    The 300 would be much better if you can get it :good: I was told that the red zebras can be pretty aggressive so I opted out of getting any of them. Yes it`s the same guy that Mark got his fish from, really good quality fish and I highly recommend buying from Tony. I can`t tell you how...
  34. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    My Mbuna are fine with the haps, they`re completely blase' about them to be honest and never pay them any attention at all. The only aggression between any of the fish is mainly from the male Jacobfreibergi Peacock who has claimed a specific spot for spawning and he chases all the other fish...
  35. elisew

    It Is Days Like This I Hate Being A Malawi Keeper

    I really sympathise with you, one of my Mpanga females got really beaten about by a second female whilst in transit and she didn`t half look a mess when they got here. Her fins were completely shredded down to nothing more than stumps and she had a right nasty gash in her side. I, like you...
  36. elisew

    Fish Water Test Again.

    Testing and water changes daily :good:
  37. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I have no idea what I`m doing but obviously it`s something right :lol: :lol: Tang tank is doing well, the cyps are colouring up nicely but no sign of babies yet. I still don`t know if I even have any female cyps so I guess time will tell. Good news on yours though :good: :D :D I`ll try...
  38. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Update: One of my female Jacobs has finally spat fry after a very long 4 weeks of waiting :). I was going to just leave nature to do it's thing but after seeing one of my female red tops chasing, catching and eating one of the fry I decided to remove what fry I could catch and there are now 6...
  39. elisew

    How Many Fish Should I Start With?

    What are the measurements of your tank? Danios are very quick, zippy fish that would do well in a longer rather than taller tank. As has been said danios should be kept in groups and you should be fine to add 6 at the same time. Just keep an eye on the levels after stocking a few fish at any...
  40. elisew

    Filter Gph

    I don't know anything about the uv sterilizer to be honest so can't offer any advice on that I'm afraid, but I think the majority here tend to go with the concept of the lph for a filter is recommended at 10x the volume of water in your tank. I guess it would also depend on what fish you keep...