Search results

  1. Gazoo

    My Khuli Loach Has Lost Its Stripes

    Yep, without a doubt. I keep a log for my tanks and make updates whenever I add or remove dead fish. Back in 1/23/09 I added two Khulis to the tank that already had two. Nothing else changed. I've got a mutant. :alien:
  2. Gazoo

    My Khuli Loach Has Lost Its Stripes

    Thanks for the reply MikeV. The first picture is from about a year ago and the second is one I just took.
  3. Gazoo

    Make Foods Sink?

    Very clever use of fishing line. :thumbs:
  4. Gazoo

    Have You Ever Seen Hikari Tropical Flake In Your Lfs

    Nope. Unfortunately I've never seen it in a LFS. A few years ago Hikari had a promo where if you sent them a competitors empty flake container, they would send you theirs in exchange. Not too shabby of a deal. If I could find it now I probably would start buying it instead of TetraMin.
  5. Gazoo

    is learning to play guitar.

    is learning to play guitar.
  6. Gazoo

    My Khuli Loach Has Lost Its Stripes

    Has anyone ever heard of a khuli loach losing its stripes? For some reason ~6 months ago, one out of the four turned to a solid colored body. It eats and socializes like the other loaches. My water stats are consistently: Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 5-10 Any ideas? edit: added topic...
  7. Gazoo

    Black Specks/spots On Severum

    I was about to start a new thread but it seems as if you and I are dealing with the same thing. I recently added 6 rummy noses and within a few days they developed ich. :sly: Then when I was taking a closer look at them, I noticed one of the rummy noses had one black spot on the side of its body...
  8. Gazoo

    What's The Hardest Lesson You Learned?

    OK all you youngins' - don't do this one: Many years ago when I was new to doing water changes, I decided I would be smart by saving some time by filling my tank with an outdoor faucet/garden water. Needless to say, the water was too cold and within a day all my fish had Ich. Since I didn't...
  9. Gazoo

    Rummy Nose

    I paid $15 (£10) for 6. What are they going for where you all live?
  10. Gazoo

    Rummy Nose

    For quite some time now I've had my eyes on rummy noses to add to my tank that has cooper razboras in it. Yesterday I purchased 6 that looked pretty good at the LFS. Now that they have been it the tank for a day, their noses have really brightened more than I expected. :D I now wish I wouldn't...
  11. Gazoo

    Tiny Black Flecks In New Seachem Prime?

    Thanks for the legwork VaegaVic. "Prime® has a very distinct odor that is similar to sulfur which is completely normal. Also, the presence of small black specks is normal."
  12. Gazoo

    Tiny Black Flecks In New Seachem Prime?

    I just unsealed a new 250 mL bottle of Prime (water conditioner) and there are many tiny black flecks floating in it. I've been using this product for many years and have never seen this before. Have any of you seen or heard of this weirdness? edit: spelling
  13. Gazoo

    What's The Hardest Lesson You Learned?

    I once chose not to unplug my heater before doing a water change because I thought I wouldn't be removing that much water. Yep, you guessed it - CRACKLE POP! :crazy: I never moved so fast in my life to get my hands out of the water. (I really should have known better.) :blush: I will now...
  14. Gazoo


    I use a couple of these Coralife units as well. They cost ~$6 and their readings match two other of my glass thermometers - that's good enough for me.
  15. Gazoo

    New Corys

    They look like either like a Delphax Cory / False Blochi Catfish (Corydoras delphax) or a Sterba's Cory (Corydoras sterbai).
  16. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    With a Little Help from My Friends: The Making of Sgt. Pepper by George Martin
  17. Gazoo

    What Are You Listening To?

    AC/DC's latest CD, Black Ice
  18. Gazoo

    What Do You Think Of The Music Group Kings Of Leon?

    Good suggestion. I just added it.
  19. Gazoo

    What Do You Think Of The Music Group Kings Of Leon?

    I was recently was turned on to the music group Kings of Leon and I think they have a great sound. What are your thoughts on them? Has anyone seen them perform live? edit: added "Don't like them"
  20. Gazoo

    Whats You Fav Paranormal Freaky Film?

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Poltergeist. :unsure: "They're here" - Carol Anne
  21. Gazoo

    I Need Some New Songs.

    Have you listened to anything by Kings of Leon?
  22. Gazoo

    Can Someone Explain In Basic Terms What A Plywood Tank Is?

    I've seen the term plywood tank but I don't understand what they are. Could someone explain what they are as well some of the concerns in keeping one?
  23. Gazoo

    Do You Visit Your Local Fish/pet Store Even If You Don't Need Anyt

    In general, does anyone take the time to go to their LFS/LPS just to look around and shoot the breeze with the staff even if you aren't planning on purchasing anything?
  24. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Today I borrowed from the new section at my library How to Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People by Henry Alford
  25. Gazoo

    Kuhli Loaches

    Once I jumped from 2 to 6 I saw mine at all hours of the day. They have now become one of my favorite fish.
  26. Gazoo

    Poto Lovers...

    :unsure: OK, I'll bite. What's Poto?
  27. Gazoo

    Crappy Economy - Are You Spending Less Money On Your Fish?

    I don't know about all of you, my fellow Fish Forums friends, but I've been budget conscious about my fish-keeping hobby lately. I would never compromise the health of my fish but at the same time I haven't considered any new major purchases. How are things in your part of the world?
  28. Gazoo

    Diy: Re Plumbing Aquaclear Hob

    Nice work BA. I especially appreciate all of the photos.
  29. Gazoo

    Aquaclear Powerhead 70

    I don't know how Hagen production standards have changed over the years but I've been running the same AquaClear 70 (402) power head nonstop for over 18 years. Not too bad eh? :cool:
  30. Gazoo

    What's A Good Logo

    The first thing I thought of when I saw 'ugly' was Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  31. Gazoo

    Cracked Heater

    Copper leaking ... I would be a lot more concerned about electricity leaking. :hyper:
  32. Gazoo

    Which Power Head?

    Even though this isn't one of your choices, I thought I would share that I've been using the same AquaClear power head non-stop for over 18 years with no problems. :drinks:
  33. Gazoo

    Cherry Or Ghost?

    I dig ghost shrimp since you can see the food they eat move through them and they are dirt cheep.
  34. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm probably starting to look like a broken record with all my comments but today I decided to start reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas
  35. Gazoo

    If You Could Choose Only One Tank, What Would It Be?

    Please move this to "Tropical Discussion". I messed up. Thanks
  36. Gazoo

    If You Could Choose Only One Tank, What Would It Be?

    If you could keep only one tank for fish, what would it be? Keep in mind, the tank would be kept where you live and only you would be responsible for maintaining it. Don't be persuaded by big sizes if you dig something like a betta and would only want to keep it solo in a small tank. Also, the...