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  1. C

    200L . . .

    Thanks guys. Its all cool. we all get confused in life, me a lot of the time, lol! keep them coming. I'm always up for reading about fish..
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    200L . . .

    G'day everyone. I'm setting up a 200L tropical fish tank. But the thing is I dont just want the same fish you see in every tank. I'm looking for really weird fish. Please let me know what really weird fish you would put in a 200L. If you have pic's of these fish please post. Thanks.
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    Opps I Did It Again!

    Thank you. Not sure what I'm going to call them. Any ideas. They where two i just could not walk by, lol.
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    Opps I Did It Again!

    Walked into my fav. fish shop with my sister. BIG BIG NO NO!! Was when we get together we always buy fish. This time, new fish plus new tank!! Anyways, here is the new guys. If anyoe has any names for them please let me know. And if you know their true colouring please let me know...
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    Oh My Gosh, Its Dropsy Isnt It?

    Im so sorry. I lost one of my girls to dropsy.
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    Neon Girl's Beta

    Congrats. lovely guy your grand-daught has got there.
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    I Feel Disgraced Looking At This Betta

    All i can say is OMG!
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    hey. My parents used to have two breeding angels, sailfin mollies, a male fighter an a few other fish. not sure on the size of the tank it was years ago. I have have found it best to read a bit see what they say about the fish you like. Ask a few people you trust about fish (who have keep...
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    Telling The Age?1

    #29###!!! I got my CT male about July last yr, would he be to old. He was very little when I got him from the shop. I just found a CT female I like and have the tank space and everything. Just need to get something for all my males. If not plan 2. my VT. who I just got... :unsure:
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    Telling The Age?1

    I remember someone saying that they are getting a betta and if it was at a good age they would breed with it. How can you age Betta's??? Is it possible... Thanks.
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    Female Betta

    My experience with females and other fish - I have one male and one female swordtail Mollies and 5 neon tetras in with a female fighter. She is fine. Swim's around with the other. She has her own little spot in a one of the plants. But I believe it is up to the fish.
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    Serach For A Betta

    Hey. Im in NSW on the Mid North Coast. I was talking the person who runs a shop down here and they said they can get whatever I wonted in. So, best bet would be to ask around in the pet/fish shops in your area. Sorry dont know many in QLD.
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    New Guys And Gals.

    I just took this pictures of him. He has a bubble nest. . . and is flaring at the other female/male that I brought at the same time as him. They are both flaring at each other. But the other one has a lot of finage that needs to repair.
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    Help Sick Betta?

    Yer I had 3. I was waiting to find more I like. Can neon's or catfish get it?
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    New Guys And Gals.

    All my tanks are filtered. Bowls are not they get water changes all the time. My female tank has been running for about 3 months with heater and filter as I didnt know what I wonted to put in there and I was away alot and comuldnt do water changes when needed. I was told by about 3 fish shops...
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    New Guys And Gals.

    Sorry Amberleaf - The females are in a 20L tank with plants and drift wood. There is 5 neon tetra in with them as well which seem to be doing well. Peachis is in his own 20L (about 70us gallons I think) with rocks and plants. I'm not sure if im going to slip the tank and place Marble next to...
  17. C

    Help Sick Betta?

    Everyone at this point in time is fine. I'm down to two females in the tank now. Hoping the do not pick on each other to much. Because I dont now when I'll fine more I like. It took me a long time to fine them. All the tanks again everyone.
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    Help Sick Betta?

    Thanks everyone. However this morning I woke and she had passed away. The other fish are having a close eye on them to make sure they are ok. Thanks everyone again.
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    New Guys And Gals.

    Hey everyone. Thanks for your reply's. sorry to say but this morning I woke up and she had passed on. On the other hand. I've had to use my sisters back up tank for a female (as said by the fish shop) but guess what. . . another male. Love it. I made sure to ask them about this one at the...
  20. C

    Help Sick Betta?

    This female I got a few weeks ago. She acts fine, eats, etc. But now she doesn't look herself. I have other females with her and at this point in time they are fine. The one I brought at the same time as here as not changed only gotten more colour. If anyone can tell me if she is fine or...
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    New Guys And Gals.

    Just thought i would show off my new guys and gals. I just cant not help myslef when it comes to bettas. I believe i am know up to 2 males and 4 females here, and 3 males and 1 female at my boyfriens. LOL. Peachie Marble Gals The ones I got today, stil in the bag. This female I got...
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    I Cant Help Myself

    Thanks. the green guy was my first so I have a special spot for him. Is Spike a crown tail?
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    New Guy.

    That's what I'm hoping. He is already starting to look better. He is a cute little guy. Still with on name.
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    I Cant Help Myself

    Thank you
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    New Guy.

    Thanks. No. he doesnt have a name yet. Any ideas? I have only name one of my 4 bettas. Yer. With some love and care he will be back to normal. I just couldnt go pass him. The poor little guy.
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    New Guy.

    G'day all. Just to show you the new guy I got. I felt so sorry for him. I cant wait to get him back to his former glory.
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    I Cant Help Myself

    More Pic's of my guys!!! The Purple marble The green, blue, red guy
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    New Here :) Also A Question (betta Related)

    Happy Birthday!!!! Another July baby like Me, LOL!
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    New Here :) Also A Question (betta Related)

    Welcome. :drool: OMG! I so wish. They are just beautiful fish!
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    I Cant Help Myself

    Yes, I think so.
  31. C

    I Cant Help Myself

    Yer. I've got the Betta bug! i got to say, My fav. would have to be me crown tail, which was also the one my brought home for me. My father just told me he knows a guy that breeds them, So. . . I might be going to check out his babies and getting another one!!!
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    I Cant Help Myself

    G'day guys. I've been on here for about a year now looking at your beautiful fish. But i had just got a 20L tank and put guppies in it, so I was not a loud to have anymore fish. Know im at College I needed something I could take with me. So, I finally got my Betta's. I have four. Lol! one...
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    Help! Betta Not Eatting!

    About 5 days ago myself and a friends (who is staying a my here) went to get a betta's for our rooms at college. Mine is eatting fine but my friends is not. The first day or so it eat, now it just leaves the food. We have tried Wardley - Betta food which are pellet and Nutrafin Max - Betta...
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    What To Do?

    I have been reading a bit on cycling. Still trying to get it all together on what i have to do an when. What are Pelvicachromis Pulcher aka Kribensis, Purple Cichlid like? Are they good in a comm. tank?
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    What To Do?

    Thank you so much. That has helped me so much. Sorry to ask so many ask q's but i dont want to do anything wrong and kill any fish, what plants would i need? Jade
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    What To Do?

    I Love community tanks. They are just so different, your not just looking at the same type of fish all the time. I have always had a thing for Angels and little colourful fish. I have been told that I can put a male fighter fish in the tank as long as I dont put Guppy's in there, is this true...
  37. C

    What To Do?

    Hey. Im 17 from Australia and im just starting got with freshwater tropical fish. I have two tanks 1. a 20L which has 3 guppy's one male and two females(everything seems to be going well with it at this point in time). 2. the other is about 260L (L - 122cm, W - 47cm, H - 46cm. ) But i dont...