New Here :) Also A Question (betta Related)

OMG!!!! Those fish are absolutely incredible... I'm jealous!

About the bent gill... I guess it depends on what has caused it. I have one with exactly what you're describing. He's a rescue and as far as I can tell in his case, it is a deformity or an injury that occured at a very young age. I've had him for close on six months and it hasn't changed at all.
Just an update... My LFS got some stunning fish in from Thailand this week. Since the manageress knew I was keen she'd kept them "in the back" until I got there and wow! :D Unfortunately for my Visa I couldn't help myself...

New fish are listed in my sig in bold type. I'm DEFINITELY stopping now except for the Thai PKs I've ordered... :shifty: :ninja:

I WILL get pics when I can - probably at next water change when I'm moving everyone around anyways... The pineapple and mustard gas are especially nice. Yay :D Oh, and I forgot to say... The shop said they'll buy as many Bettas as I can breed for them, as they sell fast and they would rather buy from an enthusiast like me than import from Thailand! Score!
uh where did you say you and this store were again?

No....Way!! they sound the most delicious combinations and colours yet AHHHHH!!!
Sorry, last thing... I noticed their Betta display had the water outlets running at full pelt, resulting in the fish sitting clamped at the bottom of their tanks. I had a nice chat with the manageress and two minutes later the fish had a mere drip-drip into their tanks and a full dose of blackwater extract circulating amongst them. 10 mins later, all the fish were merrily prancing around and looking very much happier with themselves. Nice to find a LFS happy to listen to advice and take it on board! They've promised to never let the taps go on 'fast' again and to make sure they get regular black-water or Betta Spa top ups.

/warm glow
Thanks cheekysbabe :)

It's my birthday today and guess what I woke up to? EGGS! The green/red PK in my OP and his sister (also a green/red PK) have spawned overnight :D To say that gave my day a kick-start is an understatement! Woop! My first ever breeding attempt. Wish me luck :)

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