Search results

  1. beechey

    Keyhole Breeding?

    i would love some of the babies
  2. beechey

    Mostly Japanse Blue Guppys Free

    still avalible
  3. beechey

    Mostly Japanse Blue Guppys Free

    Yeah sound ring me on 07841512318
  4. beechey

    Mostly Japanse Blue Guppys Free

    yeah not far about 2 maybe 3 mile away
  5. beechey

    Mostly Japanse Blue Guppys Free

    not really
  6. beechey

    Juvenile Oscar

    what temp do you general keep oscars at?
  7. beechey

    Shoals In Discus Tank

    ive got 8 of each at mo
  8. beechey

    Sterbi Cory , Parrot Fish , Keyholes

    any one got any above let me know also free guppys if any one wants any
  9. beechey

    Mostly Japanse Blue Guppys Free

    as title says got loads now there annoying me coventry
  10. beechey

    Morgans Tavern (Neptunes Bar) In Benidorm

    any one been there they have a massive fish tank in there , with oscars parrots jd firemouths, few others also thinking of changing my discus tank to summit like that, could i add any of fish above do u reckon with my discus ?
  11. beechey

    Help With Discus

    Its doin my head in lol just want babies
  12. beechey

    Help With Discus

    I've already just made one lol no brill but worth a try can u buy proper ones? Do you have to keep both parents with the eggs
  13. beechey

    Help With Discus

    Yeah the diverder is clear doh , really don't want another tank 3 is enough lol
  14. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

  15. beechey

    Help With Discus

    Right my discus are always laying eggs and never hatch due to the others eating them so decided to seperate my tank in to 2 parts and the 1 pair actually laid 100s of eggs up the breeding cone but they still ate them . How can I stop them eating them ?
  16. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    Still some left
  17. beechey

    Discus Food

    I fed them it rore. But to be fair the clowns ate most of it lol
  18. beechey

    New Discus

    Gotta website
  19. beechey

    More Babies

    I wish mine would lay eggs . Good luck
  20. beechey

    Corydoras For Sale

    Wish I was closer I'd have 20 at 1 pound each
  21. beechey

    Elodea Densa

    I will have all 10 for 3 quid just what I'm after do u accept paypal
  22. beechey

    New Discus

    Who's kenny ? I to had get rid of my snow white one as the rest of my discus would not accept it I really want your golden sunshine one been after one for ages ,
  23. beechey

    Discus Food

    The misses bought home a massive slab of it lol thatss all put a small bit in it fish did not go crazy over it .
  24. beechey

    Discus Food

    Anyone feed there discus salmon ?
  25. beechey

    Discus Threesome

    Got a differnt female laying eggs tonight , its a orgy tank I reckon lol
  26. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    Bump got over 300 I reckon
  27. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    Did u still want these
  28. beechey

    Discus Threesome

    Eggs gone might make a seperator
  29. beechey

    Discus Threesome

    I'm not at home now but the eggs will be gone in morning I've got aboout 3 pairs the eggs always get eaten they need to be in there own tank
  30. beechey

    Discus Threesome
  31. beechey

    Discus Threesome

    Never seen this before both my females are laying eggs at the same time in the same spot and the big male is fighting guarding the eggs . Gotta be a first !!
  32. beechey

    Major Revamp On Discus Tank

    I want that dragon
  33. beechey

    Sick Discus, Please Help!

    I would personly do a 50 %water change with pure ro water and also clean out for filter and raise the temp couple degrees over 30 and add a garlic beefheart mix for food
  34. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    Monday will be fine
  35. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    All will be medium size Postage will be 1st class recored next day
  36. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    Yeah there are loads of guppys in with my shrimps Like I said I've got 20 for say 18 quid for you ..
  37. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    Yeah do sell them on ebay m pm me your mobile no and I will send u a pic or try the link...
  38. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    From my shrimp breeding tank If intrested I accept paypal
  39. beechey

    Amano Shrimp For Cleaning

    If got cherry shrimp 20 for £20 delivered
  40. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    Try this...