New Discus


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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I'm loving seeing everyone's discus pictures on here, so I decided to contribute some of my own. I got these guys about a week and a half ago from Kenny, and they are definitely some of the nicest discus I've seen. I'm always hesitant to order online but after this round I'm eagerly waiting for March's shipment to hopefully round out my group. :lol: I have others (the snakeskin may be hanging about in a few of these) but these are just shots of the new four.

White Butterfly/White Scorpion cross:


Checkerboard Pigeon:



Golden Crystal:


Snow White:




Please excuse my tank... it has a LOT of growing in to do before it's presentable! :unsure:

I'm also sorry for the spam, but they were being awfully photogenic. :blush:

About five days after receiving them they starting showing spawning behavior. Before this I thought (based on behavior) that the two solid ones were likely males and the two patterned ones were females. Now after seeing breeding tubes I think it's the other way around, though if so the checkerboard and the cross get on awfully well for males. They were both courting the snow white and yet never picked on one another, though I'm wondering if it's because they're still young.

At any rate she wouldn't pick between them and was harassing the yellow one, which caused the other two to harass the yellow to please her, which caused it to skulk around and not eat much, so Miss Trouble-making Snow White has been moved to another tank for a bit to cool her caudal. :rolleyes:

These new guys are already proving to be an exciting bunch. :lol:
wow very nice looking discus, im guessing they werent cheap.
Thanks for the pics and good luck with breeding :good:
excellent quality discus , very good shape . kenny does have a very good reputation , these pics only go to further confirm that. lovely fish
Very very good quality Discus! I especially love the snow white! :blush:
Very nice how big are they? They look great And the photos are great.
Whoops, things have gotten so hectic that I totally forgot that I posted this. Sorry about that!

wow very nice looking discus, im guessing they werent cheap.Thanks for the pics and good luck with breeding :good: Lloyd
Thank you! Actually, they were very reasonably priced compared to the discus available locally. The local fish here are extremely poor quality, parasitised, and expensive. One the size of a golf ball is $35, which is how much I paid for that 4" checkerboard. Another place was offering a "snow white" that was smaller than mine and an off cream color for $90 when my larger, actually white one was $58. Even with the shipping it ends up being a lot cheaper to order online, and the fish are better too! :blink:

Very nice how big are they? They look great And the photos are great.
Thanks! I can't believe that they held still so much for me to take them.
The checkerboard, cross, and golden crystal are all around 4". The snow white is around 5.5".

I just put in an order for four more discus... they should be here next Wednesday (16th). I'm excited all over again! :lol:
those discus look extremely healthy

happy days I love the first two not a fan of plain light discus but they are a good shape and very healthy al the same :good:
Who's kenny ?
I to had get rid of my snow white one as the rest of my discus would not accept it
I really want your golden sunshine one been after one for ages ,
those discus look extremely healthyhappy days I love the first two not a fan of plain light discus but they are a good shape and very healthy al the same :good:

Thank you! The solids are a bit plainer, but I think they'll give a good contrast when I get them all together. I'm planning on four patterned ones, two white-faced ones, and two solid. I was going to go with four light and four dark but light discus are "the rage" right now (especially albinos) and I couldn't find many darker types so I altered the plan a bit.

You are getting more from Kenny? Sounds like you are hooked. :)

I definitely am! Kenny is just awesome to deal with... super polite, very honest, and willing to tell you everything that goes on with the fish. After experiencing his customer service and seeing his fish I wouldn't order from anyone else. You can tell that these fish aren't just a business, they're his life! I've gotten discus from all over town and from a breeder in Florida but none of them compared.

Who's kenny ? I to had get rid of my snow white one as the rest of my discus would not accept it I really want your golden sunshine one been after one for ages ,

Kenny imports and sells discus from Forrest in (I think?) Malaysia. Their fish are gorgeous and very healthy, and are quarantined and medicated both before leaving and after arriving to ensure that they're completely clean. I also find their prices to be much more reasonable than some of the other big breeders for better quality, larger fish.

That's odd, I'm actually having something of a similar problem with the golden crystal. The others (particularly the snow white) all want to beat on him. I'm hoping a larger group will help, and I think the gender ratio may have something to do with it. I've seen breeding tubes on all four of them now and I'm thinking the checkerboard, cross, and golden are all males and the snow white is the only female. But then... why is the female beating on the golden? Ah crap, I guess that ends that theory. :lol:

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