More Babies

Normally I wouldn't complain....But the Sterbi still haven't stopped laying
I must have collected over 100 eggs so far and even with food in the tanks the Sterbi can't resist the
up. Just wish the Peppered's would also get in the mood, but then if they did I have no idea where I would put all the growing out babies. Already have 3 4ft tanks and 2 2ft and a Nano of 29L but its too small to put any bubs in. A shame "he who must be obeyed (
)" insists NO MORE TANKS.....well there is always the 1000L pond or the old bathtub but coming into Autumn/ winter I don't want to risk putting any young outside to face those extremes. Anyway with the low pressure system hanging around and the high probability of more rain I think the Peppereds should get in the mood pretty soon. Will keep you up dated on the progress from hatching to growing up.

And now that it looks as though the Sterbia have finished their breeding spree
The Peppereds
have started and I would have just relocated at least 100 and thats not counting the ones that accidently fell back in themain tank or the ones I undoubtly missed because they hid them too well. I am hoping that mixed in with the eggs I did get there might be some Many Spot eggs as well, because before I left for work the little male was trying to intise the female to breed. Fingers crossed
hopefully I'll have more baby
than I know what to do with.... Can't wait

Just some of the eggs

And the Peppereds although late starters in the breeding game are still at it..... Rescued some more eggs, not as many this time so hopfully that means they are giving up for a bit and give me a chance to concentrate on the eggs I already have and the fry. Although as we are expecting more rain/showers this weekend I wouldn't put it past the Cory's to have another egg-xtravagenza (sorry couldn't resist the pun).

2 of the proud parents and a young bristle nose I bred.

Some of the Steebia disappearing along the back of the tank
Some more pics of my Cory's and just for you Harlequins I have added a photo of one of my previous baby Sterbia that started out white, eventually started getting balck bloctches and then settled into traditional Sterbia colouration.....Have you ever seen or heard of this happening before?

You can just see the dorsal fin of one of my high fin peppereds on the right of the pic.


One of the big girls


Not the best pic of the little white fella I know but he spent a lot of time hiding will try and find a better pic later.


Don't worry these guys are now on sand along with all the other Cory's.

Knew I had some better ones of the white fella


Here you can just see the darker colour just starting on its head and one whisker.


Added this just because I found it, sorry for all the finger marks but fish tanks appear to be a magnet to young kids with grimy fingers
Fab pics :good:

I haven't heard of them changing colour,although they're are albino sterbias on the market,perhaps its a late developer :rolleyes: :lol: cute though :good:

Good luck with eggs and imminent fry :good:
you have a good few plecos in those pics do you breed them or is it the same one that just loves the camera lol
you have a good few plecos in those pics do you breed them or is it the same one that just loves the camera lol

Nah most of my BN's take great delight in avoiding the camera especially the all black one that I've been trying to get a good pic of
. I don't know if I can claim "breeding" the BN's they keep adding to the population without assistance from me
. The only reason the BN's ended up in my Cory pics is because A. I put them in that tank to grow out and B. there was a lot of them that time around C and I had just bribed the fish to one area for some snaps with a bit of food they all go
over. Otherwise they tend to be all over the place and a 4ft tank with hollow rocks, timber and heaps of weed gives them plenty of places to nick off to at the last moment.
great work, do you breed guppies?

HaHaHa Krill
Just remeber I know where you live
And I help with all your plant Q's.
Well I knew it would happen....
Missed some eggs in the Peppered Cory tank and sure enough I have just spotted some bubs hiding out amoungst the parents. So now it looks as though I really will have to all but dismantle the tank to relocate the babies to a tank I can let them grow out in without letting them get so big that I can't tell them from the parents. Its a right royal pain waiting for people to answer adds instead of going to the local pet shop where the poor Cory's are usually ill and abused. Yep I regulalry check out the local pet shops supplies of Cory's and leave almost broken hearted to see so many wasting away, lost barbels or actaully in the throws of death let alone already dead.

My Peppereds have gone on another egg laying spree and I have had to pull out another of my mesh baby nets to let them hatch in. The other babies in the already used net are doing really well and are soon to be relocated to another tank to finish growing out in ( I hate moving them too small/young unless I can put them in a tank with water from the original tank). I might try get some pics of the babies later and upload.
Thankfully a bloke was just around to get some Bristle noses and says he wants some Sterbia when they are big enough (yeah! the last batch I had were really hard to find homes for- thanks to people around here seeing the name catfish and instantly thinking of our local salmon tailed catfish that nearly every local fisher man (woman) leaves to die a slow death
on the bank they are that loathed). The bloke got some peppered cory's off me ages ago and he says they are now huge and have never looked back. Thanks to the bloke wanting a male BN and knowing I had a young (but maturing male) in the Peppered Cory tank is how I found the other catfish babies.
Still wishing the pygmy's would breed... hang on they proabably have and the eggs have hatched allowing the tiny fry to find heaps of hidy holes in the tank...ummm maybe less weed is better.....Nah they all love their live plants and the tank would look too sterile without the lovely bunches of weed and scattering of rocks, some small gravel and plenty of sand and timber. I'll just have to be patient and nab the bubs as I get the chance.

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