Search results

  1. Fish911

    Feeding Betta Fry

    Hey u a say that you ahve some microworms for sale. Ive looked and asked every pet store i know of and people and they say they dont have any. So i was woundering if i could maybe get some from you. I dont know how much but ill see. So if ya can post. ASlo my betta just spawned today and i have...
  2. Fish911

    Is My Sowrtail Preggers?

    kk.Ill try!
  3. Fish911

    Is My Sowrtail Preggers?

    okay! But i want to keep her away from the other fish when she gives birth becuase i want all the babys to survie.
  4. Fish911

    Is My Sowrtail Preggers?

    I got i male and i female swordtail from the pet store about a week ago. The female has a really dark spot on her back but i dont know if she is preggers or not? She isnt that fat thought? It wont let me post the pic so i will email it to anyone who wants to help!
  5. Fish911

    My Baby Mollies Keep On Dieing!

    Thanks! But another fry died today and now i only have 13 out of like 40!!
  6. Fish911

    My Baby Mollies Keep On Dieing!

    They are with like 2 dozen baby guppy fry witch are 6 days old. And they arein a ten gallon for now. They do have a filter its bein running for a few days now but i have a net over it so it doesnt suck up any fry. They alos have a heater.
  7. Fish911

    My Baby Mollies Keep On Dieing!

    I had around 40 mollie babys and now i only have like 15-20. Why do they kep on dieing! There tank is clean and its perfect!!!! hhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppp!!
  8. Fish911

    All Gupppies Dieing!

    WEll they all died except for my white clouds pristella tetras 1 neon tetra cory cats and i male mollie and one femlae mollie and a male and female guppy. Also a female and male betta
  9. Fish911

    All Gupppies Dieing!

    Well my tank stuff is all fine. But they are like losing there tails and dieing!! Im thinking of putting all my healthy fish into my 3 breeding nets and putting them into the fry tank and then empty the other tank that they were in!!?? Do you think thats a good idea?!?!and should i put the eggs...
  10. Fish911

    All Gupppies Dieing!

    All my guppys are dieing so far 2 males 2 females soon to be 4 out of 7!! There tails when white and ouldnt swim and then there is dead fishies every where!! Just know my guppy tiny died and when i looked at her there was blood( Shes in a seperate part of tank with no fish) And her stomach was...
  11. Fish911

    Mixed Betwen A Plattie And Mollie

  12. Fish911

    How Big Should 2 Week Old Molly Fry Be?

    WEll i just wana know! Becuase my mollie just gave birth this morning!!to i dont know how many fry? Some are white and have huge fins! Excpecially the back!
  13. Fish911

    When Should I Put My Molly In The Net?

    My mollie whitch is smaller then my other one just gave birth. I woke up nad there were babys in the net!!! Some of them are pure black and some are cut right throught the middle(like there is a border) And on one side its white and the other is black. Aslo i have about 5-6 white babys. They has...
  14. Fish911

    How Big Should 2 Week Old Molly Fry Be?

    Becuase you guys are talking about mollie fry i was just woundering i have a tank of guppy fry and they are living in cold water! Can i mix my mollies fry (when she has them) in with my guppy fri. So what i am asking is can they live in cold water? Like guppy fry can!
  15. Fish911

    When Should I Put My Molly In The Net?

    I'll also post a video of them becuase its much easeyer to tell!! I think!
  16. Fish911

    When Should I Put My Molly In The Net?

    My website is!! Ive got the pics on so please reply fast!!
  17. Fish911

    When Should I Put My Molly In The Net?

    Ive tryed to just put a photo on but it wont let me! Here go to my web and go to my pics there will be a pic of them!Soon!
  18. Fish911

    When Should I Put My Molly In The Net?

    I just gto 2 new female mollies today and one male. They are both pregnant but one is a bit bigger then the other. Aslo can you see a graved spot on mollys or not.?
  19. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I have to put one of my females in to the trap!(little blue) She is huge nad her spot at the back it pure black!! She is bulging at the back to!! I must put her in to be safe!!
  20. Fish911

    When To Put In The Trap?

    Well if you have a pic that would be nice! But i think you should put her in the trap tonight just to be sure! Becuase i did the same thinf i waited till the morning and over night she gavebirth and the other fish ate her babbys. So put her in the breeding net! :good:
  21. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    So i can keep them in my ten gallon tank with no heater?
  22. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    there in cold water just until i can get thema new heater! Well id ont really know how cold it is but ill tell ya when i can! KK! I gotta go to work so ill tell ya after ! But i think its like some where in the 55-60F
  23. Fish911

    Alge Eaters

    Its a 15 gallon tank that my baby fry are in and they need something to clean up all the exace food!
  24. Fish911

    Mixed Betwen A Plattie And Mollie

    I have female mollie that seemes fater then she was before. I had a male mollie with her but hes sick adn has been sitting at the bottom ( well now hes sepertaed from them. Then i also have 2 male platties that have been going after heer and now shes fat! Could they acually breed together?
  25. Fish911

    Algae Eater Question

    I just have a question can you put alge eaters in a tank of cold water?just woundering?
  26. Fish911

    Alge Eaters

    I need to know can you put an alge eater or a cory cate or a pleco into a tank that is cold water?
  27. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Also this is a bit off topic but i have an alge eater at home and i want to put it in the tank to get all the food the fry have missed but can alge eaters go in cold water?
  28. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    okay! thankx! So i will post a pic of my females in a week or so... Also are my 2 females around the same pregnace?
  29. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    okay! WEll i have 4 females all together and 1 male. the other female that i have lookes to be like a week. Also how long all together does it take for a female guppy to gove birth/
  30. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    So i should not put them in the breeder tank? When should i?
  31. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    thats it? What is your email? I can email you the pics!
  32. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Should I put my 2 females into the breeding pen/net? Or should i one put one in! Or should i put them both in a breeding net but seperate nets? I am so crazy!! what should i do!! :/ So please reply soon!!
  33. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I got the pics uploaded but not any from my fry tank yet. The website should work!
  34. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Well thats good! Its just that i got 2 new females and one new male and one female is pretty fat and has a jelly orange color also with black(mainly black) and shes sorta fat!And then the other femlae is small like her normal size but her spot 0n the back of her is black(pure black) Except for...
  35. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    Also i was woundering if your female guppy is pregnant does she have to be fat or can the sorta stay at the same size?
  36. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I put my big tank heater in the tank.
  37. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I found out what happend! My tank heater has a crack in it and i think thats why it got to hot. I saw this when i was taking out the heater. Alo my tank is on a aquarium stand!And i did not fill it up with hot water. Also my male guppy lost lots of his tail and he looks like hes in pain. Hes...
  38. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I dont know? Our house is pretty cold and all the fry were dead when i came in the room except fro some of the bigger fry.I haev like 20 left.
  39. Fish911

    Fry Help!

    I dont know? Just when i looked at the thermomiter it was at 92f. Thats hot!! So i dumped a couple buckets of cold water in the tank. But all the babys except fro a few dyed and also my male (only male)guppy is dieding and hes my only male. I dont know what to do. I think ill move them into the...