All Gupppies Dieing!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
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2330 Imperial St,Abbotsford,BC
All my guppys are dieing so far 2 males 2 females soon to be 4 out of 7!! There tails when white and ouldnt swim and then there is dead fishies every where!! Just know my guppy tiny died and when i looked at her there was blood( Shes in a seperate part of tank with no fish) And her stomach was cut open!!
There wree baout 3 dozen baby guppy eggs on the floor!! They are all developed but in the egg still!! CAn they still survive!!??HELP!!!!
Whats your water stats? amonnia? nitrite? nitrate?

His the white patch starting near the dorsal fin?

The other fish, with the blood, was there a big like ball type of blood blister coming out of her anal?
5teady is right, we need more info to help you.

How long has the tank been set up, how big is it, how many fish are in it and did you cycle it? As mentioned it's easier if we have the water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).

The fish with the tails that went white - as 5teady said, was there any white patch on the dorsal fin? Also did their mouths swell or go white before they died?

How developed are the fry? Some people (me included) have saved aborted fry before if they were close to fully grown. Put them in a shallow dish of water and use an airstone to create a slight current over them - they should not be moving. If you can get it, treat them with methylene blue. Every day remove any eggs that are white or fungusy. The embryo is already dead and the egg won't hatch - if you leave it there it will kill the others.
The white part i would put down to this....


This looks similar to fungus, but is actually caused by one of two types of gram-positive bacteria. Its causes are not really understood, but it may arise due to crowded tanks, poor water conditions, inadequate filtration, or poor water circulation (aeration). It manifests itself in the beginning of the disease as a whiteish area where the pigment appears gone, usually on the peduncle or the body's middle area ("saddleback columnaris"). The guppy will later show difficulty swimming as the body slowly becomes paralyzed. Most often this affects female guppies for some reason, and it is highly infectious -- it can destroy all the fish in the tank if the affected fish is not removed.
My guppy died of columaris. I treated it and it did not work. But it was a male that got the disease not a female. Columaris is very difficult to cure.
Well my tank stuff is all fine. But they are like losing there tails and dieing!! Im thinking of putting all my healthy fish into my 3 breeding nets and putting them into the fry tank and then empty the other tank that they were in!!?? Do you think thats a good idea?!?!and should i put the eggs into a breeding net like the mesh ones and put it innto the fry tank where there is a small kurent?? But what should i do with the fiosh that have the decise but are still alive? Oh ay the baby eggs are fully grown but still in the egg!! You can see there eyes and tail and this red stuff!? lookes like a heart!?
Dont do that because you risk contaminating the fry tank, you need to fully treat the tank and be sure all disease is clear before moving anything, also make sure yopu wash your hands before putting them in other tanks, and use seperate nets etc..
Dont do that because you risk contaminating the fry tank, you need to fully treat the tank and be sure all disease is clear before moving anything, also make sure yopu wash your hands before putting them in other tanks, and use seperate nets etc..
WEll they all died except for my white clouds pristella tetras 1 neon tetra cory cats and i male mollie and one femlae mollie and a male and female guppy. Also a female and male betta

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