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  1. P

    Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log

    Good morning! Thank you all for your responses! This morning, the salt piles have disappeared, probably because of the powerhead. I took a gravity measurement and got a reading of 1.028 which is still high. My temperature right now is around 81* F. Today, I hope to acquire some live rock...
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    Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log

    Well, first off I would like to thank all who have helped me get this far, expanding my mind with saltwater fish knowledge! I have just set up my tank in my bedroom. Here are the specs: •29 US Gallon Glass Aquarium •Fluval 150 Watt Heater •Topfin Powerhead 50 (150 gph) •Small Digital...
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    Question About My Powerhead

    I bought a Powerhead at PetSmart today by Topfin for my 30 gallon nano. Yea I know, its not a high quality one, but for now it will work. It came with no instructions, so what is the air tubing and air inlet/outlet for on the actual unit? Please help with this! --Jim C.
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    Starting A Question

    can you explain what it actually does? Thx! Thats what I wanted to hear!!! --Jim C.
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    Starting A Question

    I have a 29 gallon tank that will become my nano reef very very soon. I have one question. I know it has to cycle but do I mix the water and run the filter, powerhead AND protein skimmer to cycle? Basically, before I add ANYTHING, do I add my saltwater and run everything? I have a filter and...
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    Ammonia Not Budging Yet!

    I'm having the exact same problem. I have gotten a reading of around 5ppm from my API kit for the past week. I was told to add 15 feeders to kick start my nitrItes to kill off the ammonia, but still nothing. I also added AMMO-CHIPS to my media filter inside my Emperor 400. Ill keep checking...
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    ya know Imber, I just don't know... Maybe my LFS guy knows nothing? He claims he's got 25+ years experience under his belt. I definitely trust him over PetSmart any day! The only thing PetSmart employees know about fish is how to net them. I will be testing my water later this afternoon. Ill...
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    Excuse me, but I am the furthest thing from a "troll." I came here for help and get called a troll?! Nice people. You need to get your facts straight before coming to conclusions. Like I ESTABLISHED BEFORE, I HAVE A 55 GALLON TANK. That is big enough for a teacup and one or two other fish...
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    I certainly don't agree with just "tossing fish in the trash" so I'll ignore that statement. I'm not 100% sure what the feeders are, but they are kinda cool, so I would rather let them live in a 10 gallon tank than be eaten. I know that's just the way it goes sometimes, but this time they got...
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    Well if it makes you guys happy, I have decided to keep them and put them in a 10 gallon tank in my living room. Cheers! --Jim C.
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    Didn't sound harsh, just kind of dumb. No offense. Its not like I'm tossing in a Great White Shark or something. They are harmless "goldfish looking" feeder fish. 10 for $1.50. Anyhow, I will get you guys an ammonia reading from the tank and tap after dinner. If it matters, my tap water comes...
  12. P

    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    Yes. its my own personal pond...I thought I established that. :) --Jim C.
  13. P

    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    I already own a master test kit. I use it once every other day. I had my water checked by him to see if I was ready for fish...and my stingray. Yes, it was 4ppm and I didnt add ammonia to the tank, but I did add "Cycle" the first day I got it (2 weeks ago today). Lemme know what I should be...
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    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    The LFS owner said he would buy back the feeders if I didn't want them. I may just toss em in my pond? Peace, thx for the info. --Jim C.
  15. P

    Ammonia Levels At 4.0 -

    Yo all, I have a 55 US Gal that is currently been cycling for a week. I got the water tested today at my LFS and he told me the ammonia level was a 4.0. He told me to add 18 teaspoons of AmQuel plus into it and drop 15 feeder fish in. I'm not entirely sure what this actually accomplishes. Can...
  16. P

    What Do These Clowns Have?

    Lets just say I'm not what they call a "fish expert" but both of my Gouramis died from "Columnaris." It's a fuzzy fungus that overtakes their body and kills them. I treated with Maracyn but to no avail. Im sure Im a total n00b, so if this sounds dumb or not right at all, please ignore!!! --Jim C.
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    Thats ashame. Yea def, but that "wasted" planning is useful. When you get a tank, you can go about what you were going to do. Hope everything works out well. --Jim C. PS: Be sure to assess the tank damage! If its cracked you can try and return it to the LFS you got it from.
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    Teacup Stingray! A Burden...?

    Holy god in heaven! That thing may be a little too large when it grows up, lol. I'm going to talk to the LFS Owner again and see what he has to say. That thing is definitely a beast tho, so I may do a tank upgrade! Thanks for the info guys! --Jim C.
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    Was it totally destroyed? Like...cracked into a million different pieces? See what you can work out with your buddy. Maybe you guys can split the difference or something. Let us know what happens! --Jim C.
  20. P

    Teacup Stingray! A Burden...?

    Hello all, My local pet shop has a freshwater teacup stingray for sale at a mere $79.95. :blink: It is an extremely cool animal to add to my new 55 gallon tank. I have a few questions: 1. How big can this thing get? The owner said no bigger than a 4" Diameter. 2. What does it eat? 3. Can it...
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    Re-doing A "sick Tank"

    Hello, I am sorry to say that both of my gouramis passed away after a long, hard battle with what I believe was "columnaris." I currently have a 55gal cycling with no fish in it. This was the tank that both fish were sick and died in. Here's my question: I certainly want to get new fish, but...
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    Two Questions About Water Filtration/movement

    So...If I have LR, no filtration is necessary AT ALL? Would it hurt to have a filter in there to keep the water cleaner? Let me know. And thanks for that power head answer. That is what I wanted to hear! I looked some up on Dr F&S and they are very inexpensive. Thanks again.. --Jim C.
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    Two Questions About Water Filtration/movement

    Hey guys, I am definitely starting a marine tank and had two questions. 1) Does it need a filter, like a freshwater tank one? I have one, but dont know if it works with SW tanks. 2) Most tank I see have water movement systems that are cut into the side of the tank. Does it NEED to be cut into...
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Well guys, thanks for all your help thus far! Unfortunately, I lost the small Gourami last night and do not think that my 2.5 y/o one is going to make it, but I am trying my best. I will keep you guys updated. Once again, I would like to thank everyone who contributed what they could to...
  25. P

    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Any help? Suggestions? They arent looking very good today. They both have this somewhat fuzzy clear material on their body. On the small gourami, it prevents him from swimming : / Help please! --Jim C.
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Any ideas? bring up my post!
  27. P

    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Here are the pictures I promised! They aren't the best I've ever seen, but they should be able to hopefully decipher some of this fish mystery! **Please note the way that his back fin is somewhat stringy and how he is somewhat discolored! Let me know, guys. --Jim C. **The brown stuff on...
  28. P

    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Well, to answer some of you guys' questions: I have a 55 gallon tank. When will I know that it is completely cycled? A beginners guess is "When all chemical levels are in check." If and when this happens, what is the best route I can take to make sure the water is CRYSTAL CLEAR and ready for...
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Thanks for your help guys. I had checked ALL of my chemical levels yesterday and found that my pH was somewhat higher than it should be. This is after I took care if the high ammonia problem, which has gotten better. I immediately did a water change, about 40%, and gotten the pH to its regular...
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Hello, I had a few more questions regarding my Gourami. Ever since I added Maracyn-Two, he seems to be a little more responsive to everything, but still hangs at the bottom, coming up for air every once in a while. Today I did my first tests to make sure everything on the tank was going...
  31. P

    Nano Reefs For Newbies. A Few Questions.

    Hello all, I recently just purchased a 55 US Gallon fish tank and transferred my gouramis into. I now have two spare 10 US Gallon tanks laying around and am not sure as to what I should do. I found the Nano Reef Forum here and decided that I would like to try my hands at one of these. First, I...
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Good news, my gourami seems to be doing much better today with the Maracyn-Two. I followed the dose instructions and he seems to be looking a lot better. The film that covered his eye is also slowly disappearing. Yes, my tank isn't cycled, but I added some of their water in, and well as a Bio...
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Sorry for not following the posting guidelines. This is my first time on the site and I am in a great hurry as to find out what to do. Please help. Thanks again! Jim C
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    Kissing Gourami Laying On Side - Help Please

    Hello, I have had this one kissing gourami for about 2.5 years. From being in such a small tank, he has matured to around 5". Last week, he started sitting on the bottom of the tank and would come up for food when I fed, but would immediately return to his corner spot in the 10 gal tank. I...