Starting A Question


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2007
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I have a 29 gallon tank that will become my nano reef very very soon. I have one question. I know it has to cycle but do I mix the water and run the filter, powerhead AND protein skimmer to cycle?

Basically, before I add ANYTHING, do I add my saltwater and run everything? I have a filter and powerhead but not a protein skimmer yet. is it necessary at this point in time?

Please let me know. I am starting this tank tomorrow.

--Jim C.
add the water and salt and let mix for a day with the power head going and then add ur liverock and sand, i wouldnt run the protien skimmer till after the cycle is over, protien skimmers arent nessacary at all but will help once you have livestock
protein skimmers just make millions of tiny bubbles so stuff with stick on to it from surface tension. the bubbles then go into a cup where you empty and clean it out. i dont think it is needed on a nano reef because you will still have to do weekly water changes to replenish the essential elements in the water. protein skimmers also take some of these things out so you will have to find a way to put them back in.
skimmers in nanos is a highly debated topic. I went with the skimmer but that is because i plan on a hard coral reef one day, and i have an RO unit so changing water to replenish trace elements is cheaper for me. 20 gallon tank.

There are many benefits and cons in either way, read about it and make your choice.
I started my nano with no skimmer and then added a skimmer later - I was very glad I did. I slacked off on tank maintenance after I had m 2nd child and I think that having the skimmer really saved my tank.

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