Search results

  1. constantine03

    Opionions On Minimum Tank Size

    Too many variables...depends on how often water changes will be done and such too...
  2. constantine03

    Female Crowntail

    Petsmart frequently sells crowntail bettas-- both male and female-- so I wouldn't be surprised.
  3. constantine03

    Male... Or A Female? :s :s :s

    You really should post actual pictures to be able to make a declaration on what the fish you have are.
  4. constantine03

    Ot: Does Anyone Have And Know How To Use Photoshop?

    Awesome! Can you dull the color of the flag some more so you can really see the first picture? And is there any way to make it bigger without distoring it? And I know 11x4 is weird, but it's the size of a window opening this has to go in...
  5. constantine03

    Ot: Does Anyone Have And Know How To Use Photoshop?

    I need a couple things layered. This is the base picture: I want this flag over top and very light so that it's just visible, and you can see what's under it clearly, but so it just adds a hint of color (does that make sense?)...
  6. constantine03

    Ot: Does Anyone Have And Know How To Use Photoshop?

    I have a couple of pictures that I need layered, but I don't have photoshop here. Does anyone have photoshop and if so, can you help me out? TY.
  7. constantine03

    How Do Beanie Boxes Work?

    These are typically used in barracks systems. Do a google search and you'll see how it works.
  8. constantine03

    My First Two Planted Tanks...

    Is there a different kind of moss I can put on it? I'm not a huge fan of java moss (though I had thought about that). What about some riccia? Would it be okay in my tank?
  9. constantine03


    ^^ Spade tails aren't a recognized strain-- it's likely a very recessive trait to a SD/HM x that's probably why you don't see them often.
  10. constantine03

    Have A Look At The Right Pics Of Dexter And Wyatt

    Look like rose tails...way heavily branched HMs.
  11. constantine03

    My First Two Planted Tanks...

    Thanks for the replies! I was wondering about the reddish plant in the oval tank myself. The pots/huts may have a play-like look to them, but wild bettas have to have a place to hide-- it's essential for them to not beat each other up, and be able to have some place to nest-- so unless I can...
  12. constantine03

    Just To Make Sure I'm Doing This Right

    How long will you be gone?
  13. constantine03

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    Best option is to use the search function as this topic has been covered extensively already.
  14. constantine03

    My First Two Planted Tanks...

    No one else?? I suppose they'll be okay then. :)
  15. constantine03


    I think it'll be fine, and if the filter ends up causing a problem, replace it with one that'll work.
  16. constantine03

    Bloated After I Fed Him 1/2a Pea

    He could've been constipated before you gave him the pea, so adding the pea is just going to add more mass to the stomach and make him look bigger. With time, it should work its wonders and slim him down. Just keep an eye on him and fast him for at least a day. If he stays large after a day...
  17. constantine03

    Best Way To Control Ph?

    You can always do a water change without any problems. It's good for the little guys. IAL also lowers pH, but like bronzecat said, 7.6 should be fine anyway.
  18. constantine03

    My First Two Planted Tanks...

    So, these are my first two planted tanks. They each house wild bettas, so I wanted to make sure they were heavily planted and had hiding spots.... The first: This is an oval wall tank. It holds a little over 7 US gal, and is about 1 1/2 times the length of a regular 10 gal. It has a 15w...
  19. constantine03

    The Best Of Aquabid

    Whoa...that's a TON of branches on the steel female. Not ideal for breeding, IMO. The male and the copper female are okay, but the other two aren't so much. The steel for the reason above, and the giant female because of the poor scaling.
  20. constantine03

    Shipping From Thailand Qs

    My experience with having fish shipped from Thailand is that it costs around $50 just for the part of going from the transhipper to you. You have to pay a handling fee, an import fee, the fees for shipping supplies, and then the actual shipping fee, which is typically express and starts around...
  21. constantine03

    Argh! P@h Refused To Sell Me A Betta

    That's so dumb. I'm sorry. I'd be livid and would've gotten the store manager and district managers info to complain!
  22. constantine03

    :( My Favorite Little Girly Fry Died.

    Yep. You can see them in the buy/sell section, or on here as my older spawn log. The pictures are a couple weeks old though, so the fry have grown a bit since.
  23. constantine03

    :( My Favorite Little Girly Fry Died.

    Okay-- so-- just kidding? I searched through the fry today and my favorite was still there, just that I had put her back in a different spot. Hah. Still not cool that one of my little fry died, but I think it was the one that spontaneously let some eggs go. Anyhow- I'm glad it wasn't my fav.
  24. constantine03

    Awwww :(

    Oh, so sad... I'm sorry. Her coloration was very similar to the female I just had die...only she was bf.
  25. constantine03

    :( My Favorite Little Girly Fry Died.

    I just really wanted to breed this girl back to the dad. She had pink fins with butterfly outlining. He's yellow, so I was hoping that if I bred her back, I'd be able to develop that non-red, yellow gene and possibly get some bfs out of it. I still have other females, but I don't think...
  26. constantine03

    :( My Favorite Little Girly Fry Died.

    She was so cute! The best one I had held back. I did a water change and she jumped...I put her back in, but two hours later she was nose-diving...dead. :( So sad. I hate when that happens! Loosing fish is always terrible.
  27. constantine03

    8g Biocube Saltwater Complete Set - Richmond, Va - $150

    If I lived in VA I'd be all over this!
  28. constantine03

    Live Bloodworms're right...just water. Sorry, cleaning and stopping by periodically...looking at my tanks as they're next. Just have tank water on the mind!!
  29. constantine03

    Live Bloodworms

    Also, they need tank water on them, but very very only enough to keep them moist-- not covered at all. Just a few drops'll do, and off to the fridge they go. ;)
  30. constantine03

    What To Do About My Divided Setup

    I take small (20oz.) coke bottles, and cut the top and bottom off. Then I cut down the spot where the label was. Where the label is, I tape it on the top of the filter, then manipulate the plastic so it curls under to output. This way, the water flows to the back of the tank, and out the...
  31. constantine03


    Augh...would LOVE that sibling pair if it were possible!!!
  32. constantine03


    Wish I could get some in the U.S.!
  33. constantine03


    I would do some salt, melafix, and I think everyone in the U.S. should get some nitrofurazone. You can get it on It's one of THE best treatments ever. Linda Olsen uses it on the fish she imports and has noted an extreme decrease in deaths. I'd also lower the water and put an...
  34. constantine03

    Curious About One I Saw At Wal-mart Today.

    He could get along just fine in an uncycled tank. I do 100% water changes on my fry every other day. Bettas can manage. :)
  35. constantine03

    Betta Diarhhea?

    It's hard to tell these things without a picture. Bettas shouldn't have diarhhea-- could you be over feeding and what you're noticing is the disentigrating food? That's more likely. More specifics are needed-- pictures, what you're feeding and how much/how often, size of the container, etc.
  36. constantine03

    Curious About One I Saw At Wal-mart Today.

    If you want him, you should get him. Just grab a 2 G dish, or even rubbermaid container to house him in for now. It'd be better than what he's in...and it'd be my luck that if I wanted him, I'd go in and he'd be gone-- and likely sold to some kid who's going to kill him by fighting him. :(...
  37. constantine03

    Is It True!

    Plenty of FTs don't have a problem swimming-- if you'll look at Bronzecat's sig (I think), you'll see that they have some FTs that do just fine. There are some that do okay, and some that don't. It just depends on the fish.I think it's only a really big issue when you have a FT that has long...
  38. constantine03

    Got Some Betta Rutilans. :)

    Thanks...they're pretty neat, but they hide so much! I have a trio (2F, 1M).
  39. constantine03

    Got Some Betta Rutilans. :)

    They're so cute. I don't have their tank fully set up yet...but still- here they are! You can't see me, right?! Silly boys... Girls know best, hiding under the logs! And a tank shot...still trying to hide. It needs work, but it'll get there.
  40. constantine03

    New Bettas!

    Exactly my thoughts...more hiding places! That way if one does happen to decide to get nippy, there's a place of refuge in the tank. Otherwise they look great!