
orange shark

Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2007
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I was doing a gravel vac in my bettas tank, i looked away heard a noise, lookked back AND THE FISHS HEAD WAS STUCK UP THE SMALL HOLE IN THE VAC!

I paniced frantically trying to shake it out but it was well and truely stuck, i just lost everything in my head, it went blank and the only thing i could think was shake, i then realised this wasnt working and i thought i had to blow it out, so i blew...he came shooting out but he has a huge gash on his head and the top of his body looks like the fins have been badly damaged :( I immediately topped the tank up with water and dosed with melafix.

Im really worried about him, i dont think he will make it, im so close to tears, i cant believe ive screwed this up :(
Hello mate, long time, wicked signature!

As for the issue at hand, unless the fish is on it's side looking half-dead, it should be okay with good water parameters... you'd be suprised how quickly wounds can heal with good water quality

The melafix is ok, just dont be tempted to overdose as it can then become an irritant to the fish and add further stress
First thing is don't blame yourself.....I've heard this happening lots before. You've treated with Melafix which should stop any infection. You could also try a little aquarium salt as long as there are no other fish in the tank that it could affect. Then just leave him quiet and maybe cover his tank so he's not disturbed. Hope he's ok and good luck.
should i keep feeding him?

Im gonna get some salt from work tommorow, but theres different kinds and i dont know which one to get :(

edit: hey fry lover, i was wondering where you were on my return!
I wouldnt bother with the salt, no point messing with the water too much here. You've already added Melafix, last thing you want to be doing is changing what the fish is used to too much

Feeding doesnt make a difference unless you overfeed and mess up the water param's, just be a little more cautious perhaps with food
agree it can happen to anyone.
treat how youare, do you have any Indian Alomond Leaves that is the best thing for healing fighters.
I have had the same thing happen, except my most agressive girl decided to atack the tube...thus I didnt pull it away from her in time.

melifix is good, but I would have some maracyn on hand incase it gets nasty. also lowering the water level in case the fish is having trouble swiming, makes it eaiser to get to the surface.

dont beat your self up, accidents do happen.
thanks for your kind words all

so melafix and daily water changes (obviously with me watching intently this time)
i wouldnt add salt tbh, some fish dont take well to it and it can make things worse

clean fresh water, and melafix should do the job, try feeding some nice live or frozen food for a few days, i sucked one of my girls up before and i found this helped her recover
I would do some salt, melafix, and I think everyone in the U.S. should get some nitrofurazone. You can get it on It's one of THE best treatments ever. Linda Olsen uses it on the fish she imports and has noted an extreme decrease in deaths. I'd also lower the water and put an airstone and some leafy plants in. Good luck.
after using salt with an injured betta before, i got a bad reaction from it, so i believe its best not to add it to start with
ok, didnt bother with salt.

Ive managed to evaluate the damage, he has lost scales on his back on has a cut on his back and also has a cut just at the side of his gill

i got him some frozen food, some live brine shrimp and a nice tall (too tall for his tank) plant. It was quite funny when he saw the brine shrimp, he didnt really know what to do, and every time he sees one before he eats it he will flare at it. He had me giggling anyway :rolleyes:
I did this once however it was a bbg so instead of getting stuck it got sucked all the way down :crazy: I plopped it back in and it was none the worse for wear after its little theme park ride.

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