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  1. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    You really got me, I can't tell! Don't know much about cichlids! There are so many!
  2. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I am going to take a complete guess   Keyhole Cichlid Cleithracara maronii?
  3. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

      Yes! Such a pretty fish. Well done! Your go :)
  4. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

  5. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Thanks lol. Ok here is mine.    Scientific name please. 
  6. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    lemon tetra!
  7. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Oh that's good, see-patience people :p
  8. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    Thanks, they were an unexpected surprise! Love them!
  9. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Maybe blondie isn't online yet, either that or she's forgotten lol. 
  10. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    Got a surprise today, my landlady was at the door, she gives me a bag, inside-proper melini! She bought me a pair of melini! See the tall dorsal fin and the proper stripe, diagonally down the back. Here they are, there's 2 in this pic before anyone gets excited, they are not doing the T...
  11. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    I don't know, I just wanted it lol.  I don't want to chase the fry out of hiding into the rams mouth. If I miss with the siphon they will be eaten for sure, I will leave them where they are. They have made it this far. 
  12. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Yeah that's why I took a chance. I know the water has to be spot on and my ph is always very low. This will stop me getting lazy :p  Did you see the fry in that pic? There are more in there which is why I haven't done siphon or moved anything around too much!   If I get a bigger tank (someone...
  13. Ny82

    Guess The Species Competition 2

    Yay! I won! I love tacos! hahahahaha! :p   This ones a bit tricky.   1. no idea 2. silver shark 3. platy 4. I'm thinking it's a roseline shark 5. gold nugget pleco 6. veil tail angel fish 7. corydoras gossei  8. neon rainbowfish 9. scissortail rasbora 10. zebra danio
  14. Ny82

    Male Japanese Blue Grass Guppy

    Oh that's a shame, they were beautiful as well.  Welcome back! Can't wait to see more pics.
  15. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    I have just been watching my cories and can confirm, 3 of the elegans have started getting the black markings on their dorsal fins! One isn't but I have seen on planet catfish that the females don't have the black markings and some have the gold sheen. I must have taken a pic of the female...
  16. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    If you look very closely, you see one of the cory fry, in the main tank hiding against the pebble!  
  17. Ny82

    Some Of My Corys

    I love black schultzei! My schultzei will be here next week, just the normal ones! You have an amazing collection! Keep the pics coming!
  18. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Yeah. When they were born they were all dark, then they were all half black, now they are all different lol. 
  19. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    Thankyou. It's a bit bland at the moment, I took all the wisteria out to give the cories more floor space, so was working with the "less is more" theme. I have put my seashells in (PH is still 6.4) now I have planted 2 stalks of wisteria from the fry tank back in as rams like plants and he is...
  20. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Don't be silly, I still have my 64L tank with the 3 platies! Plus I am not going there for some high and mighty to tell me I can't keep rams with cories or that my tank is waaaaaay too small because it's not 4 feet long.  I will stay here with you guys  ;)
  21. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    Full tank shot, ram on the left, bronze cory at the front! All the other cories scarpered!
  22. Ny82

    August 2013 - Fotm Competition Entries

    I would like to enter mine please.     
  23. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I did confirm it! The post above yours :p
  24. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    We are thinking they will get the spots/stripes as they mature? Yeah the other metae died :( but my friend is bringing one over as one of hers died that she got from the same place-maybe problem with the stock or with the heatwave?    My peppered cories have figured out that when the lid is open...
  25. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    The nanus are very dark coloured on a bronze/gold body even as juveniles. I doubt it's them. We just wont know until they are older! Like I said, they can only get so many, he only had 4, so I got 4.   forgot to attach the link lol
  26. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Thanks blondie, as noor said it will have been from the previos mating of the female. I was sure it was my black male but forgot she would still have been birthing from her last mating. Nevermind they are still very pretty!
  27. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Thanks for the advice. I have had guppies for almost 2 and a half years now, it was time to move on! I have had my eye on rams for ages so i'm glad I did it.  I had about 10 guppies and 3 platies in that tank, now it's down to just 1 ram so the bioload will be easier on the filter. I still do...
  28. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

      Yes! Blondie is the winner! Your go!
  29. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    It's not that i'm afraid.  Right now it's 1:30am I am going to bed, I will leave it with you and get back to you all in the morning.  Night folks :p
  30. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Thanks! If I get a better pic then yeah! Honestly I was there for ages, the red rams, the gold and the blue. The GBR are stunning, I picked the gold because you always see the blue. If the sales assistant hadn't said to me, look the festivum gets to 6 inches you need to think about then not now...
  31. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Ah, I didn't say holbrooki at first because do they not have spotted fins or can they have variations just like fancy guppies?   I would like the proper name for this please :p
  32. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Gambusia holbrooki?
  33. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Hmm...because of that goldy colouration, i'm going to go with    affinis?
  34. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I am going to take a completely wild guess and say gambusia 
  35. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    I just made my sig and he's in it lol. He's a gold ram. I couldn't decide between the gold and the blue.  I like the bolivian rams but they need at least 30 gallons and mines is 25. I chose the gold since it's smaller and recommended tank size is 20 gallons.  With everything though, as long as...
  36. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Aww I hope they make it. 50% survival is quite good for being left in the tank. Yeah it's such a feeling of achievement knowing you've got it right!   Like I mentioned earlier, I moved the rock in mine and they were hiding under it. I have read cories do not eat their own fry, I have however...
  37. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    It's not an ambiacus, but since I made a booboo and thought spotted cory was the common name for it, I will let you have it.  It was actually corydoras punctatus, one of my faves.   Your go!
  38. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Oh, now you tell me. It says they only grow to 3 inches, and that they like to be in pairs. That's a decent size plus that means that since I have nothing else I can add a female to keep him company and I will put some coconut caves in. 
  39. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    What's the actual name?
  40. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    You helped me! We helped each other! That's awesome! What a great feeling! Have you removed them? How exciting! :D