Fish Identification Game

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It's not that i'm afraid. 
Right now it's 1:30am I am going to bed, I will leave it with you and get back to you all in the morning. 
Night folks :p
The wrestling/platinum halfbeak, Dermogenys pusilla, also known as Malayan halfbeak is a member of the halfbeak family found in the fresh and brackish waters of rivers and coastal regions in South-East Asia.
We cant just wait for people for so long.
I did confirm it! The post above yours :p
Maybe blondie isn't online yet, either that or she's forgotten lol. 
Blondie is in NZ.  She'll be along in a few hours, I'm sure.
Oh that's good, see-patience people :p
I'm awake. Which means BLF will be in school now It's 9:15am . She'll be here in 6+ hours probably. Anyone wanna take her turn?
She'll be in school? That makes me feel tremendously old! I just assumed everyone on here was...older than school age!

Maybe you mean she's a teacher in school?
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