Fish Identification Game

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I was going to put female, but just left it at swordtail as it's a bit obvious lol
Dang my trap was too easy! :lol:  Thanks for the turn, back to you!
Lol I thought it doesn't have a sword it's obv female! Did you think people would say platy? I was thinking, the tails too long to be a platy-yes, I need to get out more :p
Another beauty
It's not an ambiacus, but since I made a booboo and thought spotted cory was the common name for it, I will let you have it. 
It was actually corydoras punctatus, one of my faves.
Your go!
I am going to take a completely wild guess and say gambusia 
Hmm...because of that goldy colouration, i'm going to go with 
Ah, I didn't say holbrooki at first because do they not have spotted fins or can they have variations just like fancy guppies?
I would like the proper name for this please :p
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