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  1. Ny82

    My Human Fry Has Arrived - Warning: Baby Pictures!

      She CAN sing, she CAN dance...but she can't walk like rihanna cus she's 4 and i'm pretty sure her dad would have something to say about that :p     Thank you Ny and yeah - is she going to support you in your old age when she's a star?     Lol I should bloody hope so! haha!
  2. Ny82

    My Human Fry Has Arrived - Warning: Baby Pictures!

    Hey Sophie huge congrats! I was looking through my pms to find the date and work out if you had had her or not and found this thread! She is absolutely gorgeous! I wish my little one was that age again, no attitude!(when she was that age I couldn't wait for her to start walking)  Rhianna looked...
  3. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Hi, I haven't been on, I haven't had any more spawns, I don't know why. They were doing regular spawns. I rehomed the angels as they were too aggressive to the cories, I got 10 long fin zebra danios and 6 rummynose tetras. Maybe if there have been eggs, there are so many top swimmers that they...
  4. Ny82

    Look Who Moved In!

    Aww congrats! Fry are so cute and it's awesome watching them being born! The lyretail boy is gorgeous! It's a little early to tell if it's male or female but in a couple of weeks time, the females with show gravid spots so you will be able to tell the difference.
  5. Ny82

    September 2013 - Fish Of The Month Entries

    I will start us off then :p    C.Melini     Verification - I added an arrow sticker to show where he is!  
  6. Ny82

    August 2013 - Pet Of The Month Voting Poll

    I love number 3, what pretty eyes!
  7. Ny82

    August 2013 - Totm Banter

    So many stunning tanks this month, was very difficult! Good luck to all!
  8. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      Absolutely :D
  9. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    Lol! I need to remove some bog wood from here and there then it will be fine :p
  10. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      Lol, I can't wait. I have to rearrange some things and move fish around haha but they will fit!
  11. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    They are gorgeous! I want some!   On planet catfish they have a common name of red stripe cory. They are lovely can't wait for them to arrive!
  12. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      No he said they weren't red lasers. The number is CW023 but they don't have a name lol
  13. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      Lol! That was like me last night I just couldn't believe he added me on fb, I was so excited I didn't even read it properly! I felt like a silly little girl but I have so much respect for him!   I know...I need to get out more 
  14. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    I don't think so. I thought they were a colour morph. When they arrive I will pm him the pic and see what he thinks. 
  15. Ny82

    Who Let The Dogs Out? Who? Who? Who?

    Hahaha that's awesome! What a gorgeous dog!
  16. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    They go mad for brine shrimp-take it from your hand! My fry are not scared when I put my hand in they think they are being fed shrimp and come right over lol. 
  17. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    Well Ian Fuller just pm'd me and said that they are an undescribed species which he has named CW023. I copied and pasted the 2 messages.     Ian Fuller The red Cory could be a red form of the undescribed species CW023. These are being bred in Germany and I have not seen any in the UK yet...
  18. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      Depending on the size of the tank, I think they will be fine. They are at the bottom, the betta will be all over the tank but mostly middle/top so I don't see a problem. I love dwarf cories they are adorable!    I will defo be putting pics once they arrive and settle in!
  19. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      No sorry it's from a page on facebook which are just starting out. They are just along the road from me :D
  20. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    There's a section called journals and photographs I think, in the top of the livebearers section. Just start a topic there. A few of us have journals there. 
  21. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    Start a journal! We love progress and pictures!
  22. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      Spot on! This is what I am doing, one tank and leave them to it. Remove any which are weak. 
  23. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      I just ordered 2 since they are new around here, and I ordered 5 bunches of twisted vallis too. If the cories are fine then I will order another 2 after a week. 
  24. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    I know :( sitting up here myself lol. Everyone else is down south.  The fish site is going to place the order on monday and because it's just down the road they are delivering it to me for nothing :D should have them by thursday!
  25. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    I am a lot further north than most people lol I am in scotland.
  26. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I wasn't actually sure how it worked and I have breeding for almost 3 years now lol. I always thought that the female would store sperm from a previous male, if there was no male present, she could still have his babies but if there was another male, she would have his. I put all mines together...
  27. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    Yeah it's on corydoras land on fb too,  It's too far for me to travel down to :(
  28. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

      The adolfoi are gorgeous, there was a cory convention with Ian fuller at the start of the month in a town near me I wasn't able to go but he had his adolfoi with him, the next one he's going to is in lancs-are you near there?
  29. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    Ah thanks for that, yeah that's them! I have ordered 2 and I will get another 2 next week as they are £5.99 each lol. 
  30. Ny82

    August 2013 - Fotm Banter

    Oh it's a tough one again!
  31. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    The female will have the fry from the previous male if there is no male present in the tank, whatever male is present and if she mates with him, it "should" be his fry!  I am just going to get a few females and put them into the tank and let them breed, I will have a colony in no time and will...
  32. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    I don't know if it's the red lasers. It sometimes says corydoras aeneus red cory. I don't know lol.  The ones on live aquatics are £9.50 each but no image. 
  33. Ny82

    Has Anyone Heard Of These?

    A newly opened fish seller is selling "red peru cory" £5.99 each. I can't find it on planet catfish. I have pm'd Ian Fuller but am awaiting a reply about a scientific or real name for them.  Anyone heard of these?
  34. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I would take the fry then breed back to either mum or dad to keep those colours and line breed. If you want to add more lines then just breed to females or males bought outside the "colony".
  35. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    Yeah that sounds ok. I would only inbreed one generation as not to make it weaker. 
  36. Ny82

    What Is Better?

    I find gravel easier for plants, sand is a pain for keeping plants rooted (for me anyway) I have cories and they uproot things in the sand!
  37. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      This is a controversial one. I will tell you about my platies. I have a white, blue eyed platy female, she had a mate who was identical. They had fry, the male died but 2 fry survived. They are still growing but if I have a male, I will breed him back to the mum to see what the fry turn out...
  38. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I tend to find that guppies I used to get from LFS didn't last at all but the fry I have had and sold on are still going strong! I haven't found any nice ones near me, I need big tailed females. 