What Is Better?


Mostly New Member
Aug 12, 2013
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Is Gravel or Sand better for a planted tank. The gravel I have is about 3/4mm wide. is a finer gravel any better? 
The Tank is 60 litres. I would like a planted tank with very colourful fish and plants in (but tropical).
Can someone please advise.
I use sand in my planted tank, mainly because i have Panda corys who enjoy scavenging in the sand and secondly i prefer the look of sand.
I think it is just down to personal choice really
ive found that its easier to keep plants in place and give of a natural look, although as above stated its about the personal choice.
I find gravel easier for plants, sand is a pain for keeping plants rooted (for me anyway) I have cories and they uproot things in the sand!
It's funny how everyone has different experiences with sand. I prefer sand for plants and for cleaning. In fact, I don't even have to clean the substrate of my current tank because the flow of the water is such that nothing is left sitting and it all gets sucked into the filter. If I had gravel, the poop would fall down between the stones and I'd never feel confident it was clean.
I just have pretty chunky gravel because I originally just had plastic plants and castles.  I just kept it when I planted; my plants grow fine!  So I think it's just an aesthetic choice.  If I were to start a new tank from the ground up right now, I'd probably go with a darker, monochromatic, finer gravel.  Or maybe sand.  Or maybe some specialty soil.

To see what plants I have growing in gravel without a problem, see my signature.  
on the subject ish :) is there any reason for more or less gravel ? cheers 
Sand is better for a lot of fish like cat fish, shrimp , ect but I've got sand and gravel tanks and the sand is harder to clean.
Like Alm0stAwesome, i have managed to get the water flow right and any bit of poop goes straight to the filter leaving the sand looking permanently clean
Other than for the fish, I agree it's a personal choice.
Have grown plants in both. As for certain fish, like corys digging them up, strategic placement of rocks, bog wood, or good old plant anchors work for me.

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