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  1. F

    Platy had baby

    I would take the baby out and put it in a different tank. I would put the mother in a different tank too because she's probably super stressed out. You should have a 2 females-1 male ratio 3 females- 1 male would be ideal though. It's mainly so they're not stressed out because they won't lay as...
  2. F

    Reed Fish

    You could probably put in barbs. They are fast swimming and strong. So if the reed fish did try to eat them it probably couldn't. You could PROBABLY put in 5-6 of them without overcrowding it.
  3. F

    Reed Fish

    You could maybe put in a few smaller fish in the tank that won't get eaten by the reed fish. Make sure the reed fish is also fed well so it won't want to eat the smaller fish.
  4. F


    welcome:hi: hope you enjoy this hobby
  5. F

    Help! Sick betta

    Okay. Just remember the fewer chemicals you use the better.
  6. F

    Balloon Molly

    That sounds good. ? They look a ton like my pearl danio fry that I've been breeding. lol
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    Balloon Molly

    Ya meant the male...sorry.
  8. F

    Balloon Molly

    Or I would remove the male. Really anything in order to stop the male from chasing the females.
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    Help! Sick betta

    I don't know how to help you then. Sorry.
  10. F

    Balloon Molly

    I would separate her into a different tank so the males can't chase her and stress her out.
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    Neon tetras

    Yes, I think this is the cause. I would get the infected fish out immediately so the other ones don't get it too.
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    Fish Tank Aeration

    I agree 100% I think the nitrite you need to address immediately because it can kill fish.
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    Neon tetras

    I think this might be neon tetra disease. Do they have discoloration on the neon tetras if so it's neon tetra disease. Yes, it might sound like I'm making this up but it's real. There's a real disease known as neon tetra disease. Unfortunately, if it is neon tetra disease you are out of luck...
  14. F

    Help! Sick betta

    When was the last water change you did and how big was it?
  15. F

    Help! Sick betta

    I can see the pictures and it almost looks like lymphocystis. It's a viral disease that makes a fish have cauliflower-like growth and white under eyes. Does it look like I described it because I couldn't tell 100% that this is what this looks like.
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    Fish Tank Aeration

    It looks almost as if you put soap in it.
  17. F

    Rotten (?) aquarium plants

    If you don't mind a few snails zebra nerite snails will eat the dead leaves on plants and only the dead leaves. Also as a bonus they don't reproduce in freshwater.
  18. F

    Rotten (?) aquarium plants

    What do the catfish look like? Do they have red tails? Do they look like the fish on this link? If you need beginner info I would watch Kgtropicals on youtube. They have amazing beginner information.
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    Rotten (?) aquarium plants

    Along with that, the catfish will get bigger(depends on the type though). Are they cory catfish? Once again any other info would be helpful.
  20. F

    Rotten (?) aquarium plants

    That's overstocking a little bit. But in a planted aquarium should help bring down the ammonia and nitrite they will cause and any nitrate build up. I'm in the middle of breeding danios at the moment and let me just say now that it is hard. So if there's any specific question that they have...
  21. F

    Neon tetras

    Just FYI the cories like to be in groups. Also what size tank do you use? Any more info would be helpful.
  22. F

    Cories are dying

    You can't really do too many water changes so I would start doing your water changes more often. I would do 30-gallon water changes on that weekly. The more water changes the better the water quality.
  23. F

    Cories are dying

    This is a good YouTuber that helps tell you more about fin rot.
  24. F

    Cories are dying

    Another question do some of the bigger fish nip at the smaller fish? If so it is most likely fin rot.
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    Cories are dying

    The reason I think it's fin rot is that they have white on the edges of their tails and because you have a lot of aeration which can help with filtration in a way. One of the causes of fin rot is filtration is too strong that's why I say this.
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    Cories are dying

    Wait a second I was doing more research and it is fin rot. I'm pretty sure. Can you describe what the white on their tails looks like.
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    Cories are dying

    Hope we can find what the cause of this is.
  28. F

    Cories are dying

    All my tanks have a little bit of algae on the filter so I wouldn't worry about that.
  29. F

    Cories are dying

    I don't know what this is then. This doesn't look like fin rot. It also doesn't look like bubble disease. I have seen this before with some of my fish. It never turned out well though. Never actually figured out what this disease was though. I will try and do a little bit of research for you...
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    Cories are dying

    They help a ton more. Does there look like a film on the top of the water?
  31. F

    Cories are dying

    Also, what's the temp?
  32. F

    Cories are dying

    To hard to see. Could you give me some information on what their eyes look like?
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    Cories are dying

    Can you send a picture? It might be too much oxygen in the tank.
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    Cories are dying

    Is this a new fish tank that you just bought?
  35. F

    Silly Question: Wash your hands?

    I just rinse my hands off with hot water. Then I dry them off with a paper towel.
  36. F

    5 gal betta help

    I recommend the API freshwater master test kit. It tests very accurately.
  37. F

    Fishless cycle not progressing after 3 months

    Don't know what to say about the tank though. Good luck. Just wanted to make sure you were testing accurately.
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    Fishless cycle not progressing after 3 months

    That makes sense, you made it sound like you only use the test stips though. That's why I recommended the test kit.
  39. F

    Fishless cycle not progressing after 3 months

    If you have the money I would get the API testing kits. They test way more accurately than the test strips.
  40. F

    cory fry eggs+care?

    Don't know 100% if the cory catfish will eat that though because I don't breed the cories but my pearl danios eat it. Google also says you can feed them algae soya.