Help! Sick betta


New Member
May 19, 2021
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Hey guys I'm a new fish owner and I think something may be wrong with my betta Paul.

I got him about 2 weeks ago, he's in a 4g cycled tank with some live plants, filter and termostat. No ammonia and no nitrite, ph at 7.2, temp at 79. I change 10-15% of the water once a week.

At first he was pretty active but I noticed right away that his eye was kinda weird looking, did some research and thought it looked like diamond eye, since he can't really see that well when I feed him and gets spooked easily. But now I'm worried it might be something else (maybe pop eye?). He's not active anymore, pretty much just lays around all day and I noticed one of his eyes looks a bit bigger than the other.

He's still eating normally, so I don't know if he's just lazy, older or actually sick. Tried my best to take good pictures.

Please help!! Is it really diamond eye or something else? What should I do?



Hi there, I can't access your pictures... Can you try again or use a different format please?
I can see the pictures and it almost looks like lymphocystis. It's a viral disease that makes a fish have cauliflower-like growth and white under eyes. Does it look like I described it because I couldn't tell 100% that this is what this looks like.


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I can see the pictures and it almost looks like lymphocystis. It's a viral disease that makes a fish have cauliflower-like growth and white under eyes. Does it look like I described it because I couldn't tell 100% that this is what this looks like.
I googled it and I'm not sure, I don't think so because lymphocystis looks a bit bigger. It's a very tiny bump.
I've seen them now thank you! I've ever come across something like that before, hopefully someone with more experience in eye troubles will comment soon
Lymphocystis usually affects the fins, I have been told.

The betta is a dragonscale as you know, and they are very prone to scaling growing over their eyes. I once has once with very similar colouring to yours, and he developed it (one eye became totally covered and there was just a tiny gap in the covering of the other eye). Your betta's eye almost looks as though the scaling is bunched up at one side.
Lymphocystis usually affects the fins, I have been told.

The betta is a dragonscale as you know, and they are very prone to scaling growing over their eyes. I once has once with very similar colouring to yours, and he developed it (one eye became totally covered and there was just a tiny gap in the covering of the other eye). Your betta's eye almost looks as though the scaling is bunched up at one side.
If it really is just diamond eye that’s a relief honestly. I know they can live just fine with it so better than being something else!
My betta lived fine despite being almost blind. I just made sure that if I moved anything in the tank during a water change, it went back in exactly the same place, and I fed him in the same place every time.

I would see if Colin_T replies as he is better than me with health issues.
From what I can see, @Essjay is right. Although there isn't anything which can reverse it, the fish can still live happily. Pick a corner to feed the fish from incase he goes completely blind so that he can find food easily. You can tap the rim of the tank at feeding times so that he knows there is food. I'd up the volume of water you change, weekly, to 50-75% also

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