cory fry eggs+care?


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
hello! my cories supposedly had eggs, and im wondering how to care for the frys.
i think it is summer so they just started getting in the mood for egg laying
theres only 7 of them, but my catfish are not huge either
Don't know too much about breeding cory cats but for my pearl danios, I take them out of the tank with a turkey baster. I will take a turkey baster and get as many of the fry out as I can then put them in another tank. Once they become free-swimming which might take a couple of days, feed them. You can put water outside in the sun for algae to grow. Once you have a lot of algae in it you can pour some into the tank for them to eat.
Don't know 100% if the cory catfish will eat that though because I don't breed the cories but my pearl danios eat it. Google also says you can feed them algae soya.
Hi! Did they lay the eggs in a community tank? What are the tank mates? My cory eggs took three days to hatch. I saw 6 eggs, then all of a sudden there were 40 fry, as my catfish had laid tons of eggs on the substrate I think. The adults may stumble across the eggs and eat them. If the fry hatch, you can just feed them crushed flake food. Do you have any driftwood or almond leaves in your tank?
Hi! Did they lay the eggs in a community tank? What are the tank mates? My cory eggs took three days to hatch. I saw 6 eggs, then all of a sudden there were 40 fry, as my catfish had laid tons of eggs on the substrate I think. The adults may stumble across the eggs and eat them. If the fry hatch, you can just feed them crushed flake food. Do you have any driftwood or almond leaves in your tank?
community, a pair of swordtails
a whole ton of guppies
some snails
no, i am preparing driftwood but it had grown a weird lumpy black thing that is probably algae of fungus of some sort
i do not have flake food, but every time i feed powdered cory shrimp food for all fish
community, a pair of swordtails
a whole ton of guppies
some snails
no, i am preparing driftwood but it had grown a weird lumpy black thing that is probably algae of fungus of some sort
i do not have flake food, but every time i feed powdered cory shrimp food for all fish
The eggs will probably get eaten in that setup, but if they make it hatching you can crush up whatever you do feed small enough that they can find it!
The eggs will probably get eaten in that setup, but if they make it hatching you can crush up whatever you do feed small enough that they can find it!
i made a cory hideout with a lot of amazon sword, anubias and a moss ball, the big guppies dont like to mess around in that area, so i think they are safe there
The eggs will probably get eaten in that setup, but if they make it hatching you can crush up whatever you do feed small enough that they can find it!
they are on the glass right now, i might get a plant or something to cover it

still i am not sure if its cory eggs
they look a lot like nerite eggs and are unfertilised
photos later
My corys have spawned a few times, and I've done a few different things, with varying degrees of success.

1. C. schulzei. These live with raphael cats, so eggs have no chance if they remain in tank for more than five minutes. Removed the eggs to the 29L bare bottomed quarantine tank. Eggs all got fungus. No fry.

2. C. schulzei. Once again, removed eggs to 29L, but this time added methylene blue. Eggs hatched and we got around twelve fry. Tried to follow fry care instructions we found online, but only two survived longer than three or so weeks. They're now adults, back with their parents.

3. C. habrosus. Different tank... 125L. Just corys and L199 plecos. Did nothing at all. Two fry survived to adulthood.

4. Aspidoras spilotus. Also in 125L. Did nothing. Two fry are now juveniles.

5. A. spilotus again. Removed eggs to breeder net that hung inside the tank. The tank is very high flow -- has three powerheads to keep the plecos happy. And, apparently, the corys. The majority of eggs hatched. Once the fry seemed large enough, I shifted them to an established 55L grow-out tank (decided to make the 'quarantine' tank into a real tank -- and get a bigger one -- after high attrition with the C. schulzei). They're all growing and buzzing around. I now have around forty young A. spilotus. Does anyone want one?

6. Something in the 240L tank. Probably C. schulzei or C. bethanae. Removed eggs to breeder net. Unfortunately all but one got fungus. That tank doesn't have three powerheads, so my guess is that there wasn't enough flow to prevent fungus. Added lone fry to 55L, with all the baby aspidoras, as soon as we felt it could cope with the move. Have not been able to identify it or even find it amongst the aspidoras. If it's alive, it will not look like its tankmates.
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