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  1. Chris2

    Discus Question

    I have zero hands on experience, but i have been reading a lot on this lately and it does sound about right. Good job on getting the pair, you lucky dog!
  2. Chris2

    Firemouth Cichlid/bolivian Ram Hybrids?

    Well they definitely look different! I cant tell you 100% that what the store guy told you is true, but id be willing to believe it.
  3. Chris2

    Day 1: Breeding

    Update on my breeding efforts: Black moscow gups/fry are everywhere! I have about 200 of them at different ages spread over 4 tanks. I still have my powder blue rams, im down to 4 though. I did get a pair around October, but they perished for some unknown reason after i moved them to there...
  4. Chris2

    Piranha Question

    I would have to agree. Tons of Reds would be happy in a tank of that size, but they do just sit there 99% of the time.
  5. Chris2

    Daphnia (Moina) Cultures

    For anyone interested, i found this paper: All my answers were found in that!
  6. Chris2

    Daphnia (Moina) Cultures

    Anyone here keep some cultures of this going? I had some going before, in 4 50 gallon garbage cans but i had a hard time keeping them from crashing. I think the longest i got them to go was about 5 weeks. My routine was to feed them all daily, a mixture of yeast and spirulina (cant remember...
  7. Chris2

    Help Recreating The Nile

    48x24x32 inches? Thats around 150 gallons. Cool tank idea OP, I really want to see this when its done!
  8. Chris2

    Please Critiqe My Idea For This Tank Rack

    Thanks ill look for it.
  9. Chris2

    Please Critiqe My Idea For This Tank Rack

    I plan on using CMU's (also known as cinder blocks, which =16"x8"x8" give or take a fraction of an inch) for the uprights. There will be four uprights (only 2 are pictured for simplicity and because i did not want to sketch a side view :)). Each block costs $0.97. The horizontal plane will...
  10. Chris2

    Microgeophagus Ramirezi - Blue Rams

    Sexing these guys is not easy. Thats why i grabbed 7 of them, i am hoping for atleast 1 pair in a few months lol.
  11. Chris2

    Finally Went Bare Bottom

    Bichers can be without substrate, they are unique thats for sure. And i like the look!
  12. Chris2

    Microgeophagus Ramirezi - Blue Rams

    Nice ram you got there! I just happened to take a vid of my "powder" blue rams, which are a gold ram bred back into the electric blue rams. Id have to say because of the intense color on your ram its an electric blue.
  13. Chris2

    Video Updates On My Fry And Juvi's

    In case anyone is interested (and i wanted an excuse to use some new toys :)) here are some black moscow gups (5-6 days old) and my juvi rams that i got in 2 weeks ago. In the vid of the gups you can only see 3-4 of the guys, but at last count i have around 40. They are sneeky!
  14. Chris2

    Very Sad

    Just avoid these stores, and if anyone that you know gets into the hobby inform them of this as well. Thats all we can do.
  15. Chris2

    Fish Rubbing Gills On Gravel - Help Please!

    ^^^This. And not to outright contradict fluttermoth, but i have seen fish with ich that dont show it on there body/fins for a day or two. Sometimes it shows up in there gill plates before anywhere else, which makes them try to scratch it off.
  16. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    I used aquabid, bought from Joe Gargus.
  17. Chris2

    Hemichromis: I Think I Have A Pair, Someone Confirm?

    Thanks for the heads up, so far the male and female are getting along like usual. I think its because they can see the rams i have in another container, separated from them. Everytime i go down there to feed, they are pushed up against the sides of the container trying to show off/attack the...
  18. Chris2

    Got 7 Powder Blue Rams In The Mail Today!

    This was my first experience getting fish sent to me through the mail, im glad i choose to buy from someone who knows what they are doing! As far as i can tell, this is on the high end of what to expect when buying shipped fish. Most people use regular bags, too much water, too big of a box...
  19. Chris2

    Got 7 Powder Blue Rams In The Mail Today!

    First, thanks Joe Gargas! He was the shipper/seller and he did an excellent job keeping the fish in great shape and alive. I ordered 5 of these guys, he sent 7! And he did such a great job of shipping them, they 2 extra "just in case" fish are now free fish! Great guy! Alright, onto the...
  20. Chris2

    Hemichromis: I Think I Have A Pair, Someone Confirm?

    Well I had eggs, they were eaten by the pair over night. Not to shabby for 2.5 weeks! Pic from last night: Also the female has intensified GREATLY over night in color. Yesterday she had touches of red, today she is fire engine red everywhere. Most people would not believe it is the same...
  21. Chris2

    Hemichromis: I Think I Have A Pair, Someone Confirm?

    I have about 300 hemichromis eggs! They have to be less than 24 hours old as i checked them this time last night after doing a 20% water change. Im very excited! BUT, I have a problem now. I bought 5 powder blue rams, which will be here tomorrow. I Was planning on moving this hemichromis...
  22. Chris2

    Fireball Fish

    Wow have not seen that name in awhile! Thanks for reminding me about those fish.
  23. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    Thank you. I set up the 15 tonight, bare bottom. However i will do a small water change, and add sand at that time....which will give me plenty of time since they will be here Friday! I bought them from a very reputable guy on aquabid, he sent me the tracking # tonight and also let me know...
  24. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    The shipper confirmed his water params with me (alk: 20 mg/l, pH above 7) so it looks like that wont be a problem. Now i just have to setup the tank for them. I have a 20 high (20x10x24) and a 15 (24x12x12). Im thinking the 15 will work best. Should i go barebottom? Or sand? I have some...
  25. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    Yay! Just won the auction :D
  26. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    I thought hybrids included man-mades? lol, oh well :) And thanks, ill skip the float.
  27. Chris2

    Shipping/receiving "powder Blue" Rams

    Its a possibility i will be buying some "powder blue" rams, and i do plan on asking the shipper for advice on this subject as well...but i thought i would ask here, it cant hurt! They are F5s, so im thinking my neutral pH should not be a problem right? I have to check with him, but i think i...
  28. Chris2


    Can honestly say ive never had this problem. Are you certain you dont have "mini" air line tubing...that stuff will fit a pump, but it will pop off easily.
  29. Chris2

    Help With Demasoni Sexing?

    Grab a stool or a 5 gallon bucket and sit down in front of the tank. They will warm up to you sooner or later. Also ive found feeding to be the best ice breaker :)
  30. Chris2

    Platy Found 2 Feet From Tank On Floor!

    Screen tops and glass tops are very useful! I lost a christmas flasher wrasse in my marine tank 3 weeks after getting it. It jumped through a 0.5"x3" hole in near the overflow....where there is a will there is a way. As for how the platy got where it was: It jumped out, then flopped around...
  31. Chris2

    Day 1: Breeding

    Thanks Scott, ill make some notes later today and compare them to the fish and see what i get.
  32. Chris2

    Anyone Know Someone That Will Ship Glofish To California?

    I agree with everyone (yes even you OP). While the laws are pretty ridiculous (banning genetically modified fish...?) is the law. If your going to try to break it, i wouldn't be posting on a public forum :) If it was me, id take a days drive to the next state and DIY.
  33. Chris2

    Is This The New Thing We've Been Looking For?

    Eco labs (microbe-lift) makes a Gel filter inoculate that i can say works well.
  34. Chris2

    HOW do you get zucchini to sink?

    I have used rocks, but prefer those waited bases you find on old school sponge filters. They are round and easy to attach the zuc too.
  35. Chris2

    This Is What I Found In My Minnow Trap!

    Awesome find, i was just talking to someone at work today about trying to grab some local minnows. He said there are some darters around here (im north of you a bit) that are very colorful, looks like what you found! Thanks for the link on the fish and the traps, i appreciate it.
  36. Chris2

    Best Mbuna Food?

    Great, thanks!
  37. Chris2

    Safe Products For Cleaning Inside Of Tank?

    The tanks empty right? Just about anything will work with an empty tank :) I use 1:2 bleach:water in a spray bottle and a scrubber pad, rinse to remove debris then let air dry. No problems, and ive cleaned MANY tanks this way. Im not certain if this is an issue, but does vinegar evaporate or...
  38. Chris2

    My B. Simplex Have Arrived

    Why not use a product to add in some of the salts needed? Something like brightwell or Eco Lab? Also, good job finding your problem before things got real bad!
  39. Chris2

    Day 1: Breeding

    Quick update on the fish: The jewel pair: Ive been watching the female/male interactions. They are very civil with each other when bonded. They seem to take turns eating, one keeps "a look out" while one grabs a bite...then they switch. The one jewel i have left (in another container, but...
  40. Chris2

    Best Mbuna Food?

    Ive thought about the NLS pellet, but the protein content seemed a bit high for dubowsi. Anyone know if it works longterm?