Please Critiqe My Idea For This Tank Rack


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2011
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I plan on using CMU's (also known as cinder blocks, which =16"x8"x8" give or take a fraction of an inch) for the uprights. There will be four uprights (only 2 are pictured for simplicity and because i did not want to sketch a side view :)). Each block costs $0.97.

The horizontal plane will be made of either 2x4 or 2x6 white pine lumber. Not certain yet, but i may have to build some sort of "deck" for the 54" span to eliminate the chance of deflection.

Anyone seen something like this before? Or done something like this? I can fit 7 "15" gallon tanks (24x12x12) this way, and it only takes up 19" more than what i am using now to fit 3 of the same tanks.

It should be under $60 to assemble the whole thing, so its very cheap to make. Ive used a setup like this before to hold two 50 gallon rubbermades (troughs if your not familiar with the brand) that were filled with water & aquatic plants. It was rock solid for years.
pretty sure i saw something like this on youtube. search homemade aquarium rack, or something like that. it was almost identical to your drawing.

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