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  1. N

    What To Feed Plecs

    They are not quite pleco but I got some baby albino bristlenoses recently. And I tried carrot top(not the leafy top but the top part I don't eat) and they seem quite fond of it. Also they did get fed the bottom of asparagas and they did enjoy these also. I just hope nobody tell me these vegi...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    But I am not joking about finding the "fish trainer", after all there is dog trainer and animal trainer and such. Some fish might be smarter than we give credit for. For example, my biggest Angel always dance try to get my attention when I go near him/her tank. Obviously s/he like to get fed...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

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    Why Does This Keep Happening To My Pandas?

    I'm not expert of diagnose the problem but I can offer you some of my experience with Pandas. Fortunately I do have them for a while and they have been breeding frequently. So I'll tell you what works for me. I don't know what water parameter you are keeping them. But I found that they...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks eggbert_99, I guess they are happy enough or just the nature of their way to sustain the species. I don't know. And I don't cull as strict as the Mother Nature but I don't pumper them too much. I mean, I feed them well and do daily water change in the fry tanks but I'm sure only the...
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    Cloudy Cories

    I am no expert but I don't find anything unordinary of your water parameter. However I do not like the looks of your picture of Pandas even I think about the tinted not so high quality picture. Their eyes looks beyound cloudy but almost look of dead fish and I also see some fuzziness on their...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    I usually keep them in the little container with airtube until they hatch but I am trying to make more egg tumbler thingy. And I couldn't believe I saw eggs this morning when I was siphoning out the water for change water for fry tanks. Yes, there are 11 eggs I collected. All in the Java...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I think not all the Sterbai eggs are fertlized.(well at least my group it seems) Although this is their first year and I don't know it would change as the time goes. And I do hatch them in container with airtube. I am slowly changing to the home made egg tumbler thingy. Made out of pop...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

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    Cloudy Cories

    I am not expert of diagnose the illness or symptoms. All I can do is share some of my own experience with you. I have been keeping group of Pandas for a while and I think I am doing ok since they have been spawning for a while quite often. Anyway, generally speaking I believe Pandas do...
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    Rescued Julii Cory

    I'm sure they weren't doing that. I was just kidding. Like I mentioned this more than few times. Best would be keeping large group of same species, especially if you are considering collect eggs and raise the frys. Next best would be keep the corys in big school(preferable 6+ but at...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    So I went to collect the eggs from Sterbais this afternoon. They live upper level of Pandas. And I noticed there is an egg in the same front corner of glass I collected the eggs this morning. I know there is no way I missed that egg this morning. So only the explaination is the "SEX MANIAC"...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    So I haven't hear any idea of train the fish yet, I collected the eggs from Sterbais this afternoon as usual. One by one. There were 58 eggs, 20 on the leaves of Java Fern, 8 on the back glass and 30 in the spawning mop.
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    Rescued Julii Cory

    Hey poopsydrew, Did you ever think that they gave you 2 Julii so they can sell you 4+ more(as good cory keeper and I'm sure you are the one, keep good size group for their well being) sometime in near future? :lol: Or maybe the previous owner gave up on finding 4 more Juliis as they are...
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    Panda Cory

    Hi tropicalgirl2007, Yes, it is sometime tough to find the Pandas that are healthy. The thing about Pandas from the stores, they are not always healthy. The reason is they are popular and they usually sell pretty quick. And they haven't had time to recover from the long trip(from...
  16. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did collect 9 more eggs yesterday morning(2 on the glass and 7 in the Java Moss). And this morning I wasn't sure if any eggs were layed but I saw the male going around every Pandas in the tank including the half size young. :crazy: And sure enough, there are 16 more eggs this morning. 2 on...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey Bozza, No No NO. You misunderstand me. I didn't say I WILL train my female Stebais to stick the eggs on the inside of the hatching container. But I was looking for someone who knows how to train them. :shifty:
  18. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    This morning, I notice the male is chasing/harassing the female again. And sure enough they sticked more eggs. Although I was kind of surprised since yesterday I got huge batch but I collected 35 more eggs today. There were few eggs in front plants but most was sticked at the back glass...
  19. N


    Yeah, I was thinking they were not laid in usual Sterbai fashion. That make more sense that they came from the Bronze Corys. It seems Bronze lay eggs in concentrated area than Sterbai does. Anyway, good eggs usually color up(get darker but stay pretty clear and you maybe able to see the...
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    Angel Eggs

    Hey Heather, Long time no see/hear/read whatever. That's too bad, you don't have any more batch. Maybe something bothering them. Too much audience or traffic around the tank.,etc. Then, what do I know. I never bred my Angels. It seems they look same size and not growing. Although the...
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    Different Species

    Generally speaking, the best way to keep most cory is keep with many of their own kind. However most would prefer to be with other corys over few corys(1~3). Although one of the problems of keeping many different species cory in the same tank is you have more risk of getting hybrid. Then...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I collected eggs, there were 31 on the corner of the front glass and 149 more on the back glass some on the corner and most on the behind the powerhead. :look: So I streched my arm and scraped them with my fingers. In a way, it is a good thing that they are sticky, otherwise I would've drop...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I just notice that they are making some sticky eggs and sticking to the glass. So I guess I need to pick them up this afternoon/evening. So the eggs get little harder and little less stickier. I guess, depends on the Sterbais, I may have the tri-fecta today.
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    Cory Eggs!

    I just want to mention to all the breeding net user that you do need to make sure that the frys won't get squished between net and the plastic that support the net. The frys can be small and get in between the space and later on the net get pulled too hard.,etc. So please be careful using...
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    Hi Amunet, Congraturation for the eggs. Yeah, they sure look like cory eggs. And judgeing from your tank occupants, I'll take it you have Sterbais. Or do you have another kind of cory in the tank? Also how old is the fish or how long do you have them. Here is the good link you can...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    OK That's good, someone else spend the time to read also. It makes it worth typing, then. This morning I saw a egg in the moss. So I know I have to look for the eggs. I found 17 eggs(4 on the back glass and 13 more in the Java Moss.) It makes me wonder how it like to be the male of...
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    Duh! I Have Forgotten It's Name?

    I don't mean to spoil your fun but it is always a good idea to quarantine the new fish so the old fish won't be a risk to catch any illness the new fish may have. -_- I know it doesn't happen all the time but I sure were glad that I did put the new fish in the quarantine tank when I bought some...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks. I'm glad that someone find it interesting.
  29. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I harvested 61 eggs(12 on the leaves of Java Ferns and 49 in the spawning mop). Now, does anyone know how to train the female(s) cory to leave the eggs on certain spot like inside of hatching container? That would be good.
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    Marbled Hatchetfish ?

    Ahh, food for hatchetfish. I know the marble hatchet fish would take flakes but I also know that they would do better if you can supply some kind of live food. Best one among that is fruits flys, I myself try to get the culture of wingless kind at the moment. I also did feed some small...
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    What The Devil?

    Haha. That's a good news. You found the 10 you thought you lost. Probably 10 of them were hiding the 4 fat ones. Seriously, probably behind some decorations(wood, heater, filter or something) since you said you took out every single plants.
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    I don't know if my eyes and fingers are getting old or what but I noticed more eggs this evening. I ended up with 5 more eggs. Really make me wonder if I missed that many or they made more while I wasn't looking(sometime between this morning to evening). If they only can talk.
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    Midlevel Swimming Sterbai

    I am not sure if your fish are spawning. But it is up to you and what do you want. If you just want to pick some eggs when they spawn, then you do not need to do much but just feed them well and do some water change regularly. And I'm pretty sure they will spawn when they are ready...
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    Sterbai Cory Eggs

    I know some people get some kind of loaches try to get rid of snails from the tank. But please do some research before do so since some is not really compatible with Corys. Since they both spend majority of time on the bottom part of the tank. And sometime the territory, food and...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    Last night before I went bed, I noticed the male was trying to talk sweet nothing to the females. :shifty: Yes, the females, he was going around. I wasn't sure he got any taker. Anyway, this morning I spot a egg when I was siphoning out the water for the fry tank. There I go again, take...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess the females are still recovering from "the big spawn" few days ago. I did find the eggs but it was only 21 eggs. 4 on the back glass, 2 on the Java Fern and 15 in the spawning mop.
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    Just Got 3 More Neon Tetras!

    I just want to say that I hope you are quarantine the new Neons. They often have some ick. I bought some lutino Neons about a month ago from the store and after few days they were covered with ugly white spots. Thanks God for the quarantine tank, and they all recovered and I didn't lose any...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    I saw some eggs last night before I went to bed so I knew I need to collect some eggs this morning. Anyway, I collected 40 eggs! Well, 2 was much darker so I know they were fugitive from the last batch. There were 2 on the back glass, another 3 on the blue shoot glass cave I made for them...
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    Eggs Again (missed It)

    I am sorry to hear that. I guess there is a will, there is a way. When it comes to those tasty cavior. I knew you have to set the breeding tank sooner or later. Not many eggs or frys can survive in the community tank. Although I did get some Lemon Tetra survivors now and then when I...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I just harvest 44 eggs, 7 on the glass, 36 in the spawning mop and 1 on the Java Fern. Judging by the number, I'll say 1 female made them. So it is the 3rd day since the last big spawn. So it seems 1 female came back in 2days off. We'll see if I get any eggs tomorrow from other females.