Cory Eggs!


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
YAY I have pepper cory eggs. After their morning feed I spotted my female being chased by some males. I didnt think anything of it and walker out of the room and came back and saw some eggs. Watched abit closer and saw them in the T position and her laying the eggs. My question is, is it ok to leave the eggs in the tank and let them hatach this way or would be be best to move them into a breeding net? In the tank there is 4 peppers, 3 sterbai, 1 full adult sodalis and 2 blue rams. Or should I seperate all the eggs or just move the rams out? Any help and info would be much appreiated

Torrens :D
How hard is it to harvest the eggs. My hat goes off to you all cory breeders. I dont think any of mine will survive. I hope to raise just 1 to full grown would be nice. We'll see :S
Cories have a tendancy to eat any eggs they find, and unlike fry they can't escape for they're not out of the egg. The best thing would be to gingerly scrape them off with a razerblade with a net waiting below and a) set up a small tank with some of the tank water or b, Jollysue's method to put them in a net and keep it suspended in the tank water but with the top a bit above the surface so so fish can get it.
I was goin to do the breeding net way, but I couldn't find the suction cups for the breeding net!!! Ive sorta compromised with abit of thought. Oh well at least I know they are ready to breed anyway. Next time I will be more ready.
I also use the breeder net method. I carefully scrape them into a waiting net and transfer them to a breeding net. I place the breeding net slightly in front of my filter for aeration and wait. I've had fry the 3 times I've done this.
I know now that they are capable of spawning. So I will get the necessary equipment for eggs. I got 1 breeding net but no suction cups. So im thinking when i buy another breeding net, ill just put 2 suction cups on both and I should be fine thats way.

Madmom: When the fry have eaten their egg sack do you move them away from the filter current or leave them where they are?

Thanks in advance
As long as the flow isn't too fast, I would leave it there. I have some that have been free swimming for about 3 days. They are in a net infront of my filter. The water movement helps keep their net clean. I just put it where it hits on one side. That way they can get out of the current if they want to. I also slide it away from the filter flow for about an hour when adding their food. That way they have time to eat without all of their food getting washed away. It works for me, but my net doesn't have suction cups. It has metal bars that hold it up. This kind is really easy to slide from one side to the other.
Good luck!
I also have the net with the metal holders. It makes it alot easier to move around. Like ICEEGIRL I leave the net near the filter. I leave them in the net feeding 3-4 times daily with fry food for a few weeks until they start looking like their parents. When they were about 5 weeks old I moved them to a grow out tank.
Good luck with your future spawns Bozza.
I just want to mention to all the breeding net user that you do need to make sure that the frys won't get squished between net and the plastic that support the net. The frys can be small and get in between the space and later on the net get pulled too hard.,etc. So please be careful using those.
I read some people use them without the bottom plastic. Just top and verticle sticks but not bottom plastic square. I'm sure there are more than few different breeding net out there but be careful they won't creat the spot that might crash the frys.
That is one reason why I prefer to use the container with airstone and do some water change instead. But that is just me.
Anyway, I just thought I should mention that.
My bad. Thanks for reminding me NEONCORY. I take out the bottom part of the net so the fry don't get squashed or stuck.
I have heard about fry getting squished. I would/will use the net without the bottom square and just the top bit and verticle bits
Might try that myself.

Congrats, Torrens!

I like the breeding net also because it not only gets washed free of excess food more easily, but it also builds up residue that the fry feed on, so I don't have to worry about them not getting food. Peppers do very well in the nets.

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