Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

That's wonderful news about the fry!

Yes, it is a great news for me. Now I can go get another Cory and see if I can get eggs then frys from them. And you know I already have some idea of which one I would like to get. :shifty:

Which ones?

Wonderful news about the surviving fry.

I an thinking that the problem with some species of Cories not hatching could be the fry getting air after hatching. ????? Maybe I need to do something to make the trip easier. I think it may have to do with the way the water movement hits the net. I have only been thinking about the fungal problem and having water movement on the eggs. I think I need to set up airstones under each net to make the trip easier, rather than relying on the filter outlet flow. That also leaves the filter flow for spawning dances. :rolleyes: :shifty:
Which ones?
I am thinking maybe Matae if I go with local store since I see them now and then. I like Adolfoi but not the $19.99 price tag :crazy: they had on the local store. Beside I hear they are real challenge to raise the frys. Axelrodi maybe good for change of pace. Or Arcuatus if I can find, they looks pretty interesting. Or "NeonCory" for my name sake although it is actually Neon & Cory which are my favorite fish. Also I might get some miniture corys since they can always fit in the small tank although I only see pygmaeus and not hastatus which I prefer. If I see something I like at the store and if they have 6 healthy Cory and price is right. They could be any Cory. Although I probably take 2 trips before I buy since I like to check the care and water requirement before I buy fish. Unless the fish I already know I can provide the right tank for them.
And if I finally decide to mail order, of course I would go with Albino Sterbai. And get something else also as well paying for the shipping.

Wonderful news about the surviving fry.
The last big batch hatched but most of them died unfortunately before they become free-swimmer. The good news is next batch just hatched today. And it must be like 95%. Now I have to improve the survival rate.

I an thinking that the problem with some species of Cories not hatching could be the fry getting air after hatching. ?????
Do you mean the EGGS not hatching or wigglers not surviving or free-swimmer not reaching the surface for air?

Maybe I need to do something to make the trip easier.
Just reduce the height. Raise the net/container.

I think it may have to do with the way the water movement hits the net. I have only been thinking about the fungal problem and having water movement on the eggs. I think I need to set up airstones under each net to make the trip easier, rather than relying on the filter outlet flow.
That also leaves the filter flow for spawning dances. :rolleyes: :shifty:
Yeah, that's sound good.
I harvest 147 eggs from Melanotanias now. I saw them doing their nooner. As usual, there were 27 eggs on the back glass behind the sponge, another 75 on the glass at front corner and 19 on the Java moss and 26 on the flat stone next to the Java moss.

I hope by the time most of these eggs hatch, I still have manage to keep the frys from the last batch. They are using their egg sack at the moment.
I just notice that they are making some sticky eggs and sticking to the glass. So I guess I need to pick them up this afternoon/evening. So the eggs get little harder and little less stickier.
I guess, depends on the Sterbais, I may have the tri-fecta today.
I collected eggs, there were 31 on the corner of the front glass and 149 more on the back glass some on the corner and most on the behind the powerhead. :look: So I streched my arm and scraped them with my fingers. In a way, it is a good thing that they are sticky, otherwise I would've drop in the water and they would been a snack for someone.
I think the last batch of eggs I got from them finally used up the egg sack and start to be need of feeding. Hopefully I can keep them alive and grow them.
This morning, I notice the male is chasing/harassing the female again. And sure enough they sticked more eggs. Although I was kind of surprised since yesterday I got huge batch but I collected 35 more eggs today. There were few eggs in front plants but most was sticked at the back glass behind the powerhead.
I don't know why some eggs are not producing viable fry. I think that maybe they are not getting to the surface to fill their swim bladders--or whatever..... Some batches I have put in the net don't produce anything--not even fungus eggs. I think the water flow may be wrong, so I have put an airstone in one of the tanks under the net to see how that works.

I have lost all of the fry (about 5) when I moved them to the grow out tank with the larger fry. I will have to wait and leave them in the nets longer.
I don't know why some eggs are not producing viable fry. I think that maybe they are not getting to the surface to fill their swim bladders--or whatever..... Some batches I have put in the net don't produce anything--not even fungus eggs. I think the water flow may be wrong, so I have put an airstone in one of the tanks under the net to see how that works.

I have lost all of the fry (about 5) when I moved them to the grow out tank with the larger fry. I will have to wait and leave them in the nets longer.

I think not all the Sterbai eggs are fertlized.(well at least my group it seems) Although this is their first year and I don't know it would change as the time goes. And I do hatch them in container with airtube. I am slowly changing to the home made egg tumbler thingy. Made out of pop plastic bottles. Like brine shrimp hatching container made of 2 lt pop bottle but small bottle.
And I remember first time I got the eggs from Sterbai, I put them in the breeding net and they fell off. So is your net breeders holes small enough to hold the Sterbai eggs? Mine wasn't. The current from the filter washed out the eggs. I know if the egg is bad and didn't fungus eventually they just disintegrate.
And I do not know when they have to fill the swim bladder but I do keep them in shallow water when they are young and gradually increase the depth.

I did collect 117 eggs this morning/afternoon. There are about 40 on the front corner where the water from outlet hit and rest on the back glass behind the sponge. I only know the approximate since I have to pick the eggs quick since I notice one female keep coming try to eat the eggs. I shoo her away but she was pretty persistant.
I don't understand the tumbler thingy.

I will just keep trying until I find what works.

I am going to order the C. melanotaenia from Bryan now, I think, with some of his green neon lasers, gold cardinal Tetras, wild pandas, and others he has on hand to replace some of the ones lost this year.
I don't understand the tumbler thingy.

I think if you are c*child person, they are familiar with some funcy device that "tumble eggs" which basically rotate the eggs in mid water powered by some air pump. The cheapaskate I am I just make them out of plastic pop bottle. I don't know if you do hatch brine shrimp but some people make the hatching container out of 2 lt pop bottle. Same concept but I make the egg tumble with smaller plastic bottles(since I get enough batch of eggs).
Anyway, you invert the bottle and cut the couple of inches of bottom(now top) of the bottle. And basically put the airtube in it so air bubbles lift the eggs and tumble them. But just stick the airline from the top, it just doesn't tumble the eggs so well. It usually end up collect eggs behind the airtube and stick to the container. So I had to find the way to bubble the air from the bottom to lift the eggs in the mid water. I make the hole in the middle of the wine cork and stick the airtube through it and make it flash and plug it in the pop bottle and silicon it to stay as the bottom of the container(used to be the round shoulder of the pop bottle) retain smooth round shape(the eggs rotate better). I just have to silicon it well enough and let it dry so water don't leak.
I just find the eggs that not stay on the bottom of container hatch better. Like floating rotating eggs are like "rolling stone gather no moss" they discourage the fungus in a way. And I try not to use chemicals to hatch the eggs even fungucide or methlene blue. Also I find some tanning help discourage fungus, it seems. I read about some people using alder cone and thought about it and decide to experiment with some peat water. And it seems work so I now hatch my eggs with some peat tinted water most of the time. Of course, if you do that you have to re-acclimate the frys to non-peated water slowly to the water you are going to keep them. So now I usually use the peated water first day or 2 and slowly dilute the peat as the day goes and try to get to the water I am going to keep the frys before they hatch.

I will just keep trying until I find what works.

I am going to order the C. melanotaenia from Bryan now, I think, with some of his green neon lasers, gold cardinal Tetras, wild pandas, and others he has on hand to replace some of the ones lost this year.

Gee, you really make me want to get the fish from him. He has gold cardinal tetra, too? Although I haven't see the picture but I imagine they must be selectively bred crdinal similar to the "gold neon(lutino neon)" which I have some and almost big enough ready to try breed. I bred regular kind about a month ago and I have about 2 dozen of tiniest Neons right now sharing the nano/fry tank with cory frys and red cherry shrimps, oh yeah and many snails.
I done with Neons more than few times but I never bred Cardinals, heck I never owned them. And I always wondered how difficult to breed them(I hear it is difficult). Although I have to organize and make some tank space. And all the frys from Melanotanias now. I find they hatch, I mean they hatch really well. Like 95% of eggs now unlike Sterbais'. Their eggs are about same size. And they start to lay 100+ eggs every 4~5 days now. I don't think I have more than few weeks old but. I might have tons of them in few months. And I don't know how popular they gonna be. I know I can never have problem with Pandas and Sterbais(I haven't got much off spring considering the all the eggs I collected) but I just don't know about Melanotanias. I guess they are pretty prolific, after all they probably belong to the Aeneus. Did I tell you I got 147 eggs from them yesterday? And I expect most of them to hatch in few days. Of course depends on the stage and size of frys but I don't think I have space for more than few hundreds of cory frys. But the way it seems, they may produce a thousand frys in few months if not sooner. This maybe a problem. I might be looking many foster families for them in this fall winter. And I only have 2 females and 3 males. I guess I just have to wait and see.
I am now start to worry that I will have too many frys than I can handle. I just collected 104 eggs from Melanotanias. I just look back the record of this week and I see I got 117 on Monday, 147 on Wednesday and 104 on Friday(today). And I think more than 100 from Monday hatched already. And I expect 130+ would hatch from the Wednesday batch and another 90+ from today. That's like 300+ frys would hatch.
Since I have 3 different species of Corys(Pandas, Sterbais and Melanotanias) and all have been spawning and often. First I tried to seperate in different small tanks to grow them but it just become impossible to do because of the lack of space and frequency of egg production. Now I got 4 small tanks with mixed frys in it although I have no idea how many of what in it since they are nano tank with full decorations. I think the 2nd tank went something wrong either temperature was too high or substrate was not right so I don't think there are many frys in it. But I just put 200+ frys(although they are still like 1/4"TL) in 4th shallow tank this morning. And I don't think I want to put more than that. I may need to set 5th tank before next week.
In a way it is funny that I had trouble hatching the Melanotanias eggs in first few spawns but now they hatch 90% easy and made 300+ eggs this week. Although I don't know how many can be successfully raised to 1/2"+ miniture adult which usually make me feel good about find them new home.
I never thought I would have TOO many frys.
I know I have few empty tanks still but I need to figure out how many frys can be kept in what size of tank for how long.

It is not my nature to NOT collect eggs but that maybe the possibility in my near future I may need to think about when it comes to these Melanotanias. I mean I can get never enough Panda frys(I have few people waiting for them) and I don't think I would have trouble find the home for Sterbais but I have no idea how popular the Melanotanias would be. And I sure don't want to have way too many of them than people would want. Or maybe seperate the males and females. Or retire them in the community tank.
The gold neon cardinals are a newly developed variety by Dr. Karel Zahradka of Prague.
and here

Doesn't sound like you need to buy any melanotaenia.

Yes I have heard of using tumblers with some Cichlids. I have a couple varieties of Cichlids, but I am not breeding any. One species is a mouthbrooder. The other is a cave spawner, but they are in a community tank and have never successfully raised any fry.
I see. It is interesting to see that they retained the red color unlike gold Neon(Lutino Neon).

No, I don't think I need to buy Melanotanias. Even if the half of the wigglers make to the decent size, I need to find many new home for them. Since I do not like to grow the sons and daughters to join the breeding group(inbreeding or line breeding or whatever), I don't think I will keep many if any.
And I seriously need to think about not collect any more eggs from them or retire them to the community tank or something until I know how much space I really need to grow those frys. Since I don't think I have space to grow 300 Melanotanias frys every week. And I only have 5 adults(2F and 3M). BTW, the Wednesday batch hatched and I now have about 230 wigglers from them.

Anyway, about the egg tumbler. I find eggs hatch better when they are rotating in the mid water. I'm pretty sure that help discourage the fungus or the bad eggs contaminate the good eggs. Then again, it maybe worked TOO WELL for the Melanotanias case. :rolleyes:
And I don't think I will get any new fish for a while until I can sort this sudden bundle of joy.
OK. I will have more wigglers and frys from Melanotanias than I know what to do with. Like what I said, they are still wigglers and only week old and maybe some few weeks old if I have some survived from earlier spawn(when I had tough time hatching them). But I see more eggs on the flont glass this morning/afternoon. It must be another 100+ eggs.
Although I don't know exactly how many I can grow without problem from week old to 3~4 months.(that need to be experienced.) Even if half of week old make it, I would have couple of hundreds.
I think I need to go to my local fish store to see if they will be interested in take them for trade in few months. I usually sell/trade with other hobbiests but something tells me that I would have end up more supply than demand at the aquarium society members.
I know the Pandas or Sterbais, I don't think I need to worry but I don't think Melanotania would be as popular. But once eggs hatch I do want to raise them as long as they are healthy and not deformed or anything.
I do have few more empty tanks but I need more filters for the shallow tanks. Also I should check around to see how many local store takes them in few months otherwise I may end up with 200+ (it doesn't seem like they are slowing down soon) Melanotanias. And they place the eggs so neatly to collect. It could be the toughest thing for me to do(if I have to not collect eggs) but I sure don't want to destroy the fish just because nobody want the fish. Better to be the eggs to be recycled. I might just move them in the community tank to be retired.
For now, I will collect todays batch and go around the LFS this comming week to see.
I guess I forgot to list but I did collect 230+ eggs on 28th Monday. After that I had to think about what I should do about all the spawns after that. That put the total of eggs to over 550+ in 8 days. This is just simply amazing. And make me wonder that is it really that tough to survive in the willlld that 2 females have to make 550+ eggs in 8 days? And how many would survive? 1 in 100?
Anyway, in captibity lately 95 % of those eggs hatch! That is like 500 wigglers and I have no idea how much tank space I need to raise them. Aalso I don't think they are as popular as Pandas nor Sterbais.
But it just so tough for me to restrain and not to collect eggs. Especially, they are sticked so neatly on the glass. :shifty:

Andd this morning, I see more cluster of eggs on the front glass. And I just had to, I just had to collect and also know how many there are. So I picked them, there are about 120 most of the front glass where the current fromm the powerhead hit and some more on the behind the sponge attachment of the powerhead. So far, that is almost the 2 spot they lay eggs.

It is kind of funny that I had tough time hatching them in first few spawns.

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