Cloudy Cories


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I have 2 peppered cories and 2 panda cories in my community tank (34gal: tankmates 2 dalmation mollies, 1 dwarf gourami, 1 gibiceps cat (soon to move to bigger tank), 6 kuhlis and molly fry (about 10, 3 weeks old)).
Well about a week or 2 ago i noticed the 2 pandas started going a funny colour (maybe greying) but now there just seems to be a sheen on them and they almost look like they're glowing and they're eyes have now started going very slightly cloudy and its started on my peppers too. So i have done several 50% water changes and checked the parameters and everything is normal and i checked for any granuels on them to rule out ich and velvet and saw nothing and there is no signs of fungus just the funny colour, and in the last few days they have been coming to the surface for air more often and instead of just coming up once they dart up to the surface for about 5-10seconds at a time now.
They have been in the tank about 4 months and have had no problems with them and they still eat normaly and are very active and i just don't know whats wrong.
Any ideas will be much appreciated, cheers.
I am not expert of diagnose the illness or symptoms.
All I can do is share some of my own experience with you. I have been keeping group of Pandas for a while and I think I am doing ok since they have been spawning for a while quite often.
Anyway, generally speaking I believe Pandas do require more oxygen than many other corys.(they are originally from the near the base of river in higher ground, I heard. And therefore the water is cooler equal more oxygen in the water.) I don't know anything about the color change and cloudy eyes but I do believe there is some kind of water parameter issue although you mentioned the test is fine.
And I do worry about the going up for air for so often. I would add more water circulation by adding powerhead or airstone if I were you. As well as more frequent water change.
And move the fish as you mentioned A.S.A.P. As I suspect maybe the stock level increased because of the fish growth. Also I am curious of what kind of water parameter you have. Since I know the mollies do better with some salt although cory does not tolerate. Also temperature.
I found my Pandas are doing great in the tank without heater and hover around 68~72F. Although I am not saying you should change immidiately since the Pandas need longer time to adjust to the new water parameter more than many other Corys. Also the change from the parameter they were born and raised sometime cause problem.

But I'm sure adding water circulation and moving the gibiceps cat(I have no idea what fish it is) and frequent water change would not hurt. I hope they would get better.
Cheers NEONCORY for your experience, there is no salt in the water and luckily i have not had any prblems with the mollies and i keep the temperature with a heater at 77degrees and i do at least a 30% water change a week but since the fry have been born i have been doing more like 2 40-50% changes a week and i will be taking another parameter reading soon with my own kit (just arrived) as the lfs only tell me if something is high or fine and unless its out of the ordinary do not go it to detail.
I also have an extra filter so i think i will get that going to increase circulation and may try very slowly decreasing temperature but would like any more opinions on it, for instance if it does sound like sopme kind of illness and if there could be any medication for them?
Cheers again,
Nightmare!!!! lost one of my peppered cories, had him nearly a year now :(. He had no real signs of illness just getting the first sign of cloudyness of one eye from my close inspection heres a pic of the pandas sorry for the poo picture only have a camera phnoe to use:
(molly fry and shrimp darting through pic too)
it shows the knid of white sheen around them a bit.
I am no expert but I don't find anything unordinary of your water parameter. However I do not like the looks of your picture of Pandas even I think about the tinted not so high quality picture. Their eyes looks beyound cloudy but almost look of dead fish and I also see some fuzziness on their body. So I suspect that we might be dealing some kind of fungus or illness. Since I do not know much about the sickness.

I would say you should take more clearer untinted(looks green) if it is possible and post it on emergency part of this forum and seek some medical advise.
Good luck.
the pic does make it look worse and i have looked very closely for a few hours at a time lol and there is no fungus as its not growing or anything its the actual colour of the fish going odd and i have now posted on the emergencies, hopefully will get some more advice.
Cloudy eyes and darting for air are clear signs of danger. Cloudy eyes bring to mind bacterial infection. But fungus and bacterial infections go hand in hand with Cories.

I would most certainly remove the affected fish to a hospital tank.

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