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  1. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    So they can make this long trip of Florida to California in Priority? How many days do they usually takes? 2 days? What is the longest days it took and still alive? I know many seller guarantee for overnight but not priority. And I know the Corys tougher than many other fish. Well at...
  2. N

    Cory And Missing Eye

    I heard clown loach can be aggressive and heard more than few occation that they did take out the other fish. It seems eyes are pretty tasty for fish that is why when some fish die the eyes are the first part of the body get picked on. You might need to check on that since you sure don't...
  3. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes, I believe he is the one when I mentioned the seller at the Florida. If the fish can make to Cal(your home), they should make to Seattle(my home) ok I hope. Do you use Fedex overnight, or USAS express or priority? I think that is the choice listed on his ad. I am thinking since he is...
  4. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    So after I collected 111 eggs in the afternoon, I went to run some errands. And saw some more eggs, and collected 47 more eggs from them yesterday. I should know how many hatch by Tuesday/Wednesday. Hopefully at least 10 or 20.
  5. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes, I think the Sterbai is number game. I don't think I can even hatch 50% of the all the eggs I gather. Although I am still experimenting and my breeders are still young and there are only 2 males and I almost never use fungucide., etc. But their eggs and frys are sure small compare to the...
  6. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey Alps, I was wondering what happened to you since few times I tried to reply or send the PM to you, they didn't let me. And I thought you got booted from the forum. And made me wonder what kind of BAD thing did you do to get kicked out. Anyway, welcome back. The April auction was...
  7. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    quoted by jollysue "I just learned from an experienced panda breeder and Cory importer that most pandas sold in the stores are from China breeding farms. He said that they have a shorter life span and are more sensitive and less likely to spawn. I got some panda breeding stock from a breeder...
  8. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess they found out that I was complaining about the bad hatch rate. :blush: This afternoon just before I was about to go out to take care of the errands, I noticed there are some eggs on the front glass of the tank. After the close inspection, there are more on the far back corner of the...
  9. N

    Rainbow Emperor Tetra(nematobrycon Lacortei)

    Hi. I'm wondering if anyone out here have experience of keeping Rainbow Emperor Tetra(Nematobrycon lacortei). And I am not sure I should get a pair, trio or typical tetra group of 6. I read that the male can be territorial sometime. I have been looking for these beautiful tetras for a...
  10. N

    Mini Discus

    Except I heard that small tetras can be in danger of eaten by Discus when they are or become big adult. Especially Neons. I just hate to see the Neon/Gold Neons to disappear when the Discus become big.
  11. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did find 23 eggs last night although 3 were much darker so I must missed from the previous spawn. And of course, they were in the Java Moss except 1 on the back glass. I did moved the Melatonias to another tank. So there are only pretty big family of Pandas(6 adults and about dozen youngs...
  12. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Thanks jollysue, Although, it is far from the success. I did find 1 more hatched this morning. That gives 4 out of 41 eggs, that is less than 10%. I see I need further experiment or maybe need to get more male(s) possibly female(s). Then again, I saw few other fish I like to get when I...
  13. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    It is still not perfect but I got 3 wigglers this morning out of 41 eggs I collected on Tuesday. I do hope more would hatch during the course of Today. These guy sure give me trouble of hatching the eggs. At least, I know now some can hatch. Hopefully I can find the water parameter best...
  14. N

    Is Anyone Breeding Albino Sterbai Successfully?

    Is anyone keep them?
  15. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Collected 47 eggs this evening. 1 on the glass, 21 on the leaves of Java Fern and 25 in the spawning mop. I guess each females make about 40~50 eggs every 2~3 days now.
  16. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess between the jobs help(I call it FISH VACATION.) :shifty: It would be great if I can make living out of it but I probably need to find J O B in few months. Until then, my fishy got full attention from me. I see more eggs in the Sterbai tank need to be collected this afternoon/evening...
  17. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I did collect 41 eggs in the Java Moss. They usually place eggs in a bunch. Unfortunately, I still can't hatch their eggs well. Hopefully I can find the right answer. I'll try softer water and see if it makes any difference this time.
  18. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I collected 11 eggs, all in the Java Moss.
  19. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I got eggs from all 3 Corys today. I collected 42 eggs from Sterbai, 19 on the glass and 23 on the leaves of Java Fern. And I must say some of the earlier frys finally become miniture Sterbai instead of todpoles. I still have no idea how many frys exactly I have in the 3 small tanks. And...
  20. N

    More Corys

    If you have choice between same spiecy or different, you ought to go with same spiecy to increase the number of group. They would feel more ease with their own kind, and interact more than with other kind. Also I am wondering what kind of tankmates you have for them. Sometime that make the...
  21. N

    Arrggggg! Could It Be Worms?

    What fish and how many fish did you have in the 150G tank? And how long the tank was running? And what kind of filteration and water change schedule? And what kind of substrate? I think those things I asked above would help to figure out.
  22. N

    It's Happening All Over Again With Another Panda Cory.

    I would move Pandas to the tank of their own if I were you. If both tanks which Pandas were in had any casuality or sick(same symptom), I don't see any reason why not combine both groups in same tank together. I would use old substrate(at least half of what you are going to put in the new...
  23. N

    It's Happening All Over Again With Another Panda Cory.

    saphphx, I am sorry to hear that you have trouble with your Pandas. Since all the problems is not same and so is the solutions. And I have no experience with the fish you keep as the tankmate of Pandas. So I cannot give you the solution or remedy for your Panda situation however I can...
  24. N

    Is Anyone Breeding Albino Sterbai Successfully?

    Since nobody yet to speak of breeding Albino Sterbai successfully. How about keeping them successfully? And I also would like to hear how did you obtained them(LFS, mail order.,etc) and what is the survival rate. I know they are more fragile than regular kind and I am not sure how they do...
  25. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I collected 22 eggs this morning. 1 on the glass, 1 on the leaf of Java Fern and 20 in the Java Moss. I think these eggs came from 2 females since there is some egg size difference. I have this female that is bigger than rest of the Pandas, most likely she is old also. I got her from...
  26. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    It is getting close to I can comfortably count. :fun: I THINK I collected 130 eggs(8 on the glass, 71 on the leaves of Java Fern and 51 in the spawning mop.) However, I noticed that some eggs were not fertilized since some of the eggs were turning milky whiter color. I know the good eggs...
  27. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Update :hyper: I found 1 hatched sometime between yesterday morning to this morning. It is only 1 out of about 50 eggs I collected from week ago. I am hoping more would hatch sometime today. But at least, I can say that some egg(s) is good enough to hatch and I am sure this time because I...
  28. N

    Is Anyone Breeding Albino Sterbai Successfully?

    I am wondering if any of you breeding ALBINO Sterbai successfully. Also if you had any trouble, acclimate them to the new home after the long trip. I would be appreciate if anyone can share the experience with me since I have this crazy itch that I would like to obtain some ALBINO Sterbai...
  29. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Unfortunately, I am not really sure if I have any frys from the Melanotanias. Last batch I put the eggs with Panda eggs since I was in a hurry and also the lack of space. And it seems I got more frys then the number of Panda eggs I put in. So I think I have some frys from the Melanotanias...
  30. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yes, I do count them eggs since I need to collect them. And fortunately or unfortunately, they seldom go over 3 digits which is barely my capability of count thing. :fun: I have not totaled how many eggs I collected since they start spawning and I still experimenting the best way to hatch...
  31. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess they are fine since I collected 79 more eggs this evening. 17 on the glass, 9 in the spawning mop and 53 on the leaves of Java Fern.
  32. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Last night, I collected 26 eggs( 5 on the filter, 12 on the glass, 4 on the leaves of Java Fern and 5 in the spawning mop.) I thought this was small batch. I wonder if I get more on the next batch.
  33. N

    Ich/whitespot Pictures Anyone?

    Sorry about your NTD problem. Although the disease is named as NEON tetra diseace, I read that some of the other Tetras could catch it also. I don't think they mentioned about other fish outside of Characins. But it definiately other Tetras such as Cardinals, Glowlights are at the risk...
  34. N

    Crossbreeding Cories?

    I think more likely to happen when the similar marking/color and size of Corys are kept together. For example, Dividsandsi, Melini, Matae and Panda. Or all the so called spotted Corys, they would more likely to hybrid among similar spotted Corys. Then again, not long ago, someone was posting...
  35. N

    Scared Cories

    But the question is how many of each fish and how big the tank. That affect the shyness/outgoing of Corys.
  36. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Last night before I go to bed, I collected 18 eggs. It can be cold to stick my hand in the unheated tank but I have to lift the bogwood with Java Ferns on it since I noticed some littlw pearls on the leaves. :crazy: Anyway, I didn't see any more eggs but on the leaves of Java Ferns this time...
  37. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Found 11 more eggs this morning. 9 in the Java Moss and 2 in the spawning mop.
  38. N

    Panda Cory Problem Still Ongoing

    Hi saphphx, I am wondering if your Panda developed like some kind of tumor? I know fish could have tumor just like people. I don't know if you know some vet or some fish dieseace expert. But it may need to cut it open. Since it is not responding to all the medication you used, I would...
  39. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Found 46 more eggs this evening. 34 in the spawning mop and 12 on the leaves of Java Fern.
  40. N

    Angel Eggs

    Hey you DANCING HEATHER, I say everything going pretty peachy. I'm getting many eggs from my Corys and I have more and more frys every week and they are growing although little by little. And I did pick up few items at the local aquarium society auction yesterday. Some food, meds, BIG...