Ich/whitespot Pictures Anyone?



Ok, I think I have whitespot :crazy:

I'm not sure tho, are there any pictures anywhere? I know I could do a search but I'm really tired and feeling a bit depressed. I knew it would happen eventually.

Some of the Neon's look a bit dody. One of them has sort of dulled off more gray/brown than silver, its also the biggest of them and I had just assumed that it was old age. However, whilst watching them tonight I noticed that it had some grey/white irregular splotches on it's side and some slightly raised scales on the other side. Another has the same sort of grey/white splodge in the fork of it's tail, at this stage I haven't seen any other fish with anything similar YET!

So that's why I'd really like to see a picture, I don't want to medicate the tank unecessarily.
quick google search came up with this


and this

that looks v advanced though, it can be a lot less severe than that.

good luck
Ok scratch this question, it's Neon Tetra Disease. I Googled "white spot fish disease image", told myself not to be so damned lazy, tired or not, found a site, it's defiately not white spot after a bit of further looking I found the Neon Tetra Disease looked at that one and bingo! Damn I'm sick of buying sick fish :X

Thanks Miss Wiggle, we must've been posting at the same time! I shouldn't have been so lazy, it annoys the hell out of me when people wont even try and find stuff, so I shouldn't do it myself.

np, i try and encourage peopel to find things themselves but there's plenty of tiems i've come on here feeling really low or despondant about my fish and have appreciated the help so i do understand.

anyway good luck with your treatment, i don't know much about NTD, I hope you can cure him
If it is Neon Tetra disease there is no cure :(

However, it could be False Neon Tetra Disease which is pretty much identical, but may respond to bacterial medication.

Could someone refresh my memory please, is Melafix a bacterial med?
Once fish are known to be infected, there is no effective cure. However, sometimes similar symptoms can be displayed by fish with bacterial infections (sometimes called false neon disease) which may respond to antibacterial treatments. If this does not prove effective, you should sterilise the tank and décor before reintroducing fish.

Got this off another website, does this mean it will spread to other fish or only to other Neon's if I put them in without steralising the tank? If I have to steralise the tank for the other fish that's going to cause a huge problem, if it's only for future Neon's then I'll make sure I never buy them again. I suppose I better let the LFS know the same as I did for the Dwarf Neon Gourami Iridovirus, they don't stock them anymore, I'm not too confident that they'll stop stocking Neon's tho!
awwww Jozlyn i'm so sorry. if it's uncurable perhaps it would be best to euthanise the affected fish now, i don't know how contagious NTD is but possibly removing the affected fish then treating the remainder of the tank with an antibacterial med could stop it spreading
Still looking for info, I can't see if it crosses over to other tetra's or other fish or if it's just specific to Neon's. Anyone know?
Sorry about your NTD problem. Although the disease is named as NEON tetra diseace, I read that some of the other Tetras could catch it also. I don't think they mentioned about other fish outside of Characins. But it definiately other Tetras such as Cardinals, Glowlights are at the risk.
So as much as I hate to say this but remove all the Tetras(most likely Neons) that showing typical NTD symptoms such as lose of color, washed up color especially red become white. Also the advanced symptom is bent spine caused by lose or weaken mascle tissue by the diseace. If you are positive about the diseace, you have to destroy the sick fish since there are no known cure yet. If you are not totally sure about this, you need to put them in hospital tank and try some medication. And see if there are any improvement. And meanwhile, you need to do the major water change of the tank which the suspected fish were in. I would do this for few days if I were you.
Since there are no cure all we can do is prevention of this deadly diseace. I heard the maintanance of high quality water and balanced nutritions and selection of genetically healthy strong fish which can be tough since the Neons are known to mass produced in Asia without the regard to the quality in some Country.
Personally, I never had problem with my Neons. I would buy the youngest (small) Neons and raise them if I need or want some Neons for my tank. Although it does not make much sense economically but I do breed my Neons. And they are still my favorite fish.

Anyway, I hope it is not NTD what your Neons have. And it is something curable. Good luck.

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