Crossbreeding Cories?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2007
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Cories are by far my favourite fish and the plan is to eventually get a tank big enough to keep lots of different cory species in it :rolleyes:

I was wondering if it was possible for cories to crossbreed - ie. a panda julli cross?

Please note before anyone gets angry with me - I don't really plan on them breeding at all - if they DO happen to have any eggs it'll be down to survival of the fittest, I'm just curious as to whether they potentially COULD.
If you only have one or two of each species then the chances of hybrids will be high. My suggestion would be to make sure that you have both sexes of each species you buy and if possible buy at least 4 of each species.

If you only have one or two of each species then the chances of hybrids will be high. My suggestion would be to make sure that you have both sexes of each species you buy and if possible buy at least 4 of each species.


ive always heard that the chances of hybrids is small :dunno: and ive only ever heard of 1 spawn of hybrid cories on this forum
I don't think any one really knows which kinds will cross breed. I have seen many people ask and no one has gotten a real answer that I have found. All they get told is to keep males and females of each kind and it won't happen. That doesn't seem to answer what is being asked, so the question keeps coming back.
It is frowned on crossbreeding. I have come to the conclusion that either no one knows or they just don't want to tell in fear that someone will try it because of the information that they gave.
Either way... if you are really intent on finding out... you will probably have to search somewhere else. If you do actually get lucky enough to get a real answer here I will be shocked. It is a touchy subject here. Cross breeding makes it much harder for us to find true breeds. People say they won't put their half fish into circulation, but it happens.
Good luck getting the info you are after. I just hope you use it wisely. :good:
To be honest, the only reason I'm asking is because in the main community tank I keep 8 pandas and jullis. I don't intend on crossbreeding them, I was just curious as to whether it was a possiblity that it would accidentally happen!
Me too. I asked a long time ago. I wanted to know which kinds to keep away from each other to keep from crossing them. I never got an answer. I want to eventually have several different kinds. I wanted to know which ones to keep apart or not to get. Like I said... If they know... they aren't telling... at least not that I can find. I found lots of people asking, but no answer to any of them. I am still trying to find out.
Good luck :good:
It might just be certain individual corys that mate with other types of corys. The only corys that could mate withe eachother would be the anaeus (cant spell :p) The albino and bronze because they are the same strain but just different colour. Id assume most would cross-breed if they were given the correct circumstances. Just thought id add my 2c
I think more likely to happen when the similar marking/color and size of Corys are kept together. For example, Dividsandsi, Melini, Matae and Panda. Or all the so called spotted Corys, they would more likely to hybrid among similar spotted Corys.
Then again, not long ago, someone was posting the picture of hybrid between Panda and Sterbai. And she said she had enough males and females of both species in the tank. So I guess you never know which different species of Corys would hybrid.
Also make me wonder if it could happen accidentally when both species spawning with their own specie but wrong sperm happen to fertilize the egg(s) of the other specie just because they spawn in the water.

Anyhow, I think it would be better off if you can keep the each species in the different tanks if it is possible. Especially if you are planning to breed them. Or do not save any eggs you find in the commnity tank if you have too many kind of different Corys in it.
And if you still end up with some offspring that have any possibility of hybrid, you should not release to the general public. This is of course just my opinion. And I know the hybrid and some extreme selective breeding to create the new looking fish is always a big debate which I am not try to do here.

The hybrid of Corys is like hybrid of dog and wolf, if there is no desirable opposite sex is not present they will mate something similar so they will not extinct. So the most Corys if not all Corys will definitaly hybrid if the situation is called for. I think they will even mate with another species if none of their females is not ready to mate and another species' female is happened to be ready to mate. I don't think this would happen often but it is still possible.

So I would say please be careful if you are keeping different Corys in the same tank and planning to save the spawns. But if you are serious about breeding certain Cory, you should use species only breeding tank anyway.

I'm sure not all the people would agree with me but I am not try to initiate the debate here. Like I said before this is just my humble opinion.

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