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  1. N

    I Got Great Deal The Other Day

    :hyper: I got great deal the other day. :hyper: Well at least for me. I went my local aquarium society meeting. We meet about once a month. And I was not particularly looking for anything to buy since I usually have enough fish in most of the tanks. But when I saw this big Corys in the...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Look who's here stranger. They are indeed came from the home of Brad3. And I must say, they are doing great. I have all 6 Black and 5 regular. And they are growing nicely. I think they are about 1" SL(without tail) and I think I can start to see the female getting more thicker, deeper...
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    Thanks kpintheshed, Yes, I too hoping that they give me another batch or 2 or 3 or more. :rolleyes: And I do have hundreds of other Cory babies. But I think Orange Laser is pretty nice and I want more of them. But I don't think many are offered especially the F1 or tank bred. Yes...
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    I am happy to say that the first shipping of these guys were successful although they were little smaller than the Corys I ship.(they were about 3/4"SL or 1" tip to tip) I shipped 8 of them(with some other fish) with USPS Priority to my fish trading buddy in WI on Tuesday and he got them on...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Yeah that's it. I will learn to spell when I get them. I don't know what is the forum rule so I think( I tried to sent but I am not sure it went through) I sent you PM for the detail of who I got the fish from and such. Check your PM and let me know if you got it or not. If not, I will...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Hey jollysue, I know it is tough to ship anything between the Countries this time and age. All the regulations and the law of the Countries. Recently I see more than few people listed the Black Cory on the auction at US. And I pick the one with perfect feedback and he was offering the...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Yeah, 9 tanks. That is not good. You have to have at least 10(double digits) or a dozen or teens. 9 is not enough to cover my bare walls. :D You can always sell them off and buy more later. Of course some of the animals we will have tough time to part with them. OK I just put you down...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    OK then we settled. You can move in with me. :nod: I don't snore but you have to listen to some water bubbling noise though. :lol: And of course, you have to help me with the water change. And I can have twice as many tanks and fish. That would be excellent. So forget about the...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Humm I thought I reply but it either disappeared or I messed up the posting. Anyway, Thank you all for the congratulations. Although it is not so much of the accomplishment but find the source to get them and have some money to spend on the fish. And at the place at the right time, in this...
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    No Problem Cory_Dad, I do like to read about the Cory I am trying to keep or get from the first hand experience. And I don't have money to join the paid site either. So I don't mind to shape what I know or went through with fellow Cory keeper. I think I have probably 70~80. It is really...
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    Sorry Mate, If you can wait a year and move to the State, I will hook you up. If not, you have to find on your own. I think the person posted below you have some for sale soon? And they are in the RIGHT Country for you.
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    I Had To Tell Somebody About This.

    I had to tell somebody about this. I finally got one of the Cory that is my want list for a long time. The Black Shultzi. I finally got them! :hyper: Although they are still around 1", and need some grow up to do. But he told me that they should start breed in 4~6 months. So hopefully I...
  13. N


    I guess I better give some update although I can still not post the pictures but I hope it is better than nothing. They are doing really well. It turned out that the frys are really hardy and easy to raise. I never had Aenues and never raised their frys. But I think the Orange Laser is...
  14. N


    I guess I better give some update about them(orange laser kids) although I still have no mean to post the picture. To my delight, they are pretty easy and hardy to raise. Although I don't know how many I have since I always put which eggs and which frys to which tanks. But I think I have...
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    Yeah, I bet the thunderstorm would be nice jolt for them. Yeah the female can be really fat, I mean they can get big and healthy. :shifty: I had to look for not so healthy looking skinnier males. You know the waiting is part of getting eggs from Corys unless you have nice matured...
  16. N


    Thanks Polardbear, I don't know about the hope since I think the part of the trigger was the change of atmospheric pressure change. And if I am not mistaken, your area have one weather, HOT. :shifty: You might have to run the humidifier or something. All I know is they sure worn out...
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    Well, at least I got some eggs start to hatch since yesterday. I think I got about 30 wigglers from the 50 eggs I put in the container at the top of the tank. The tank with the heater. And I think some in the Livebearer baby saving floating plastic container are start to hatch also. Although...
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    Thanks Kuhni for sharing the info of your set up. Since this was first spawn from them and egg number was high enough, I decide to divide up in 3. I put about 50 in the 5G that have few Panda or Similis(don't remember which) frys in it. This tank is not heated and have sponge filter...
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    Finally, my Orange Lasers are spawning as this writing. :hyper: Some of you know that I had those guys fat and big since last Fall. And see them frantically swim up and down against the front glass for many times. I had one old thread about them wondering what I need to make them...
  22. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    I did kind of got preoccupied with new batch of eggs/wigglers from the Angel pair recently. And some of the other tanks took the back seat. And I did notice the water quality got compromised a little. So I did water change on Thursday and Friday morning again. And what do you know. The...
  23. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Well they left me 35 more eggs yesterday. :hyper: And many different places. And their eggs are kind of pretty. They have little pinkish hue to it. Of course, you probably won't see it if you have the eggs in anything but some white container( I pick eggs and put in the styro coffee cup...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    jollysue That's too bad that your local store doesn't give you much for your fish. But I guess that is the way with most store. I tried few my local store also but it is pretty much same. It's just business. And they do not much care about the quality of the fish but size and number and...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    So I did look for the eggs last night before I went bed since I knew the female was laying eggs yesterday afternoon/evening. I did find 46 eggs and I must say I have to look all over the place. Some on the moss tied to the rock, some on the plastic of the power head but most were on the leaves...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Frank, I am sorry whenever(yes the similar thing happened before although I don't remember exactly what it was. But I did apologize and we made up) I thank you, you think I am making some snide remark(?). I don't know why you think that. Is my wording on the screen cause this. I mean I...
  27. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Thanks for your tip Frank, It is nice to know that they are not the finicky kind. I guess I'll do my best to take care of them and see what happen. I did notice one of the Female is carrying the eggs this evening. I guess I'll collect them before go to bed. :rolleyes: It must be the...
  28. N

    My Angel Babies Picture(sorry Didn't Work)

    Hope it show the pictures. But here it is. This is the picture of 3 of my first successful frys from my Angels. And the person received them in the mail took the pictures for me. :hyper: They are about dime + or around 2 cm body size. Here is the tiny Albino Angels I shipped for first...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    In the case of C.Melanotaenia, yes I did get more than I know what to do with them. I still have some in the 55G. Which I still looking for their new home. I am suppose to ship some to AZ next week if the person pay me by then. And at least, it is good or bad I have not see single eggs...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Thanks for your tips Cory_Dad, Although it is not always I can keep the tanks for the eggs without moving them. Since I have few groups spawn pretty regularly. And I do ok moving them and get good enough hatch. Also I believe it is depends on the species of Corys, the egg size...
  31. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    I just read the thread about the suspension and posting other site link. I know I do it now and then since it is so much easier to copy and paste the link than type them. Not to mention, the risk of copy right.,etc. I don't know how much is allowed and where is the point that you will get...
  32. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Well, I did find 30 more eggs on Java Fern leaves and Java/X'mas Moss tied to the stones. Although there is a possibility that from Green Laser but I'm pretty sure they are from C.Similis. And it seems I can get the eggs from them about once a week. I think I should need to set them...
  33. N

    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Hi Angelmouse, Congratulation. You really did it. Grew the Discus from the eggs. :good: Hopefully, you get more of them. Soon. Your baby looks good. Such a nice color. I, too finally got some tiny Angelfish from my Albino pairs. Only 20 or so month old that are Dime size(probably...
  34. N

    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Although I usually read that people say CPD is peaceful, I do believe the males can be fight for their dominance. Although I am not 100% sure but when I start out with 2 pairs and I thought both males were in good shape, I found the 1 male DEAD few days after I put them in the tank. And I did...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    They are pretty easy to breed. You just have to provide some set up that protect the eggs and frys. They sure easier than some of the tetras since I don't think you need to adjust the water for CPD. They hatch and grow in my tap water. Here is the CPD forum that give you some basic info...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    Hi jollysue, It's been a while but I got in breeding other fish. Now I got more tanks and I have few batches of tiny Albino Angels, many size of Celestial Pearl Danios(Galaxy Rasbora) and batches of Albino and regular Bristlenose. So it was little surprise to get the eggs from different...
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    Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?

    It's been a while but I finally got some new eggs beside the same old C.Panda and Sterbai. :hyper: Actually they hatched already although I wasn't expecting much since it was their first spawn. But I think I got about 50 wigglers out of the 100+ eggs I collected last Friday from the 4...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Hi Angelmouse, Thanks. They are doing fine I think and think there are 150 of them although it is tough to tell. The parents moved them to side of the glass which even make it harder for me to count since I see the double image. And this is 5th day since the eggs came out of Mom. I can...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Hi Angelmouse, I figure I better let you know that I think I finally got some wigglers :hyper: (I did get few on their 2nd and 3rd batch but disappeared) from my Albino Angels. It is tough to count but probably somewhere 200~300. Anyway, this is their 4th try and they made eggs on Friday...