Any Tips For Raising C.similis Fry?


Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
seattle WA USA
It's been a while but I finally got some new eggs beside the same old C.Panda and Sterbai. :hyper: Actually they hatched already although I wasn't expecting much since it was their first spawn. But I think I got about 50 wigglers out of the 100+ eggs I collected last Friday from the 4 C.Similis. :hyper: I think they are 2 M and 2 F.
Anyway, this is how it happened. The late, late Friday night(actually Saturday early morning) I was doing the water change for the tank next to it before go to bed. And I notice the female Cory is holding the eggs in her fins(at fast I kind of hoped that is Green Laser since I have some in with C.Similis) but look closely and realize it is Similis.
And of course, I looked for a while where she place the eggs. It seems she does prefer the plants over the glass. Although there were not much plants in the tank but some Java Ferns attached to the driftwood and few some stem plants in the pots. And majority of the eggs were placed on the leaves of Java Fern when I collected the eggs in the morning.
The eggs were pretty big I thought. They sure are bigger than the Sterbai's and probably about the same size of Panda's.
The eggs maybe about the same size but the difference is C.Similis carry about 3 eggs per trip.

This was kind of surprised me as I wasn't actively try to breed them. And they are in the tank with few other fish.

Although I haven't grow much of any Corydoras lately since I got in some other fish that take care of their eggs and frys.(ABN and some Angels) Not to mention, I had enough C.Melanotaenia young occupying my big tank. Although I must send many group to it must be 12 different states I still have some. I probably list few more auctions of them in a week and try to move them most if not all so I will have more room. Of course, I will keep the breeding adults.

Anyway, I thought I should ask about the tip of C.Similis. I might have to shuffle things around and give them their own tank.

Hi jollysue,

It's been a while but I got in breeding other fish. Now I got more tanks and I have few batches of tiny Albino Angels, many size of Celestial Pearl Danios(Galaxy Rasbora) and batches of Albino and regular Bristlenose.

So it was little surprise to get the eggs from different Cory other than Panda and Sterbai. I get some from the Pepper also but they recycle faster than I can collect. :crazy:

And now got me some C.Similis wigglers.
Also I found more eggs yesterday about 50 in the same tank although I didn't see them in act so there is off chance that it came from Green Laser but most likely from the Similis.

Hopefully I can grow some up.

I'll TTYL.

I would like to breed the galaxys. They seem to be happy in my water. But I have more projects than I can keep up with. So I probably won't start with the mid level swimmers yet. I have the gold cardinal Tetras and the galaxys. Both would be good fish to breed, though.

They are pretty easy to breed. You just have to provide some set up that protect the eggs and frys. They sure easier than some of the tetras since I don't think you need to adjust the water for CPD. They hatch and grow in my tap water.

Here is the CPD forum that give you some basic info. Also one guy posted pretty good pictures of fry developing pictures.
I understood the males are territorial and some adjustments needed to be made for that.

Could marbles or something be used as substrate in a breeding tank? I understand the eggs fall to the bottom.
I understood the males are territorial and some adjustments needed to be made for that.

Could marbles or something be used as substrate in a breeding tank? I understand the eggs fall to the bottom.

Although I usually read that people say CPD is peaceful, I do believe the males can be fight for their dominance. Although I am not 100% sure but when I start out with 2 pairs and I thought both males were in good shape, I found the 1 male DEAD few days after I put them in the tank. And I did saw the males chasing constantly(I guess it was the stronger one was chasing the weaker one). But I didn't see any harm was done and read enough about the peaceful comments so I left them and found 1 dead in the morning few days later. It could be the one wasn't as healthy as he should be since he just came from the store few days ago. But I think males can be territorial when they are matured and ready to mate.

Since then, I just leave the trio(1M 2F) in their tank. Although I could add more to the tank and try to make the breeding group bigger but I am kind of afraid to do so after the incident.
And I do use the lazy breeding set up of Java Moss jungle since they seem to produce few eggs at the time instead of 1 big batch and done. It seems they spawn frequently. So I try to have few small tanks for them and move them to next tank every few weeks but usually end up once a month.

I'm sure marbles or screen or whatever to protect the eggs and wigglers from the other fish(including the parents). You just have to have the set up to protect them, otherwise most get re-cycled.

So is anyone here have experience of raising C.Similis from the eggs? If so, I would be appreciate if you have some tip or experience to share with me. Thanks :good:
Well, I did find 30 more eggs on Java Fern leaves and Java/X'mas Moss tied to the stones.
Although there is a possibility that from Green Laser but I'm pretty sure they are from C.Similis.

And it seems I can get the eggs from them about once a week. I think I should need to set them their own tank although I read about the article of moving them and they act so different after the move.,etc. So I think I will just let them be for now. And collect the eggs and hatch them and raise with other Cory frys. Hopefully some is strong enough to survive.

Not to mention, I just do not have tank space to raise each species in different tanks. Although I am planning to add few more tanks but in order to do that I have to set the new stands and empty the tanks and re-set them. It's a project.
Ahh yes! There is always a project waiting.

I often put eggs laid in different tanks together in the same hatching set up. (I use nets still.) But sometimes when the eggs come from a community tank, I put them in a net of their own so I will know what is hatching better.
I just read the thread about the suspension and posting other site link.
I know I do it now and then since it is so much easier to copy and paste the link than type them. Not to mention, the risk of copy right.,etc.
I don't know how much is allowed and where is the point that you will get suspended. But it probably not a bad idea to know before I get in trouble, I suppose.


Yes, jollysue. There is always some project I need to do. And even prepare the fish to be shipped need some juggling to do. I need to pull some fish Tomorrow and fast them to be shipped. Of course, I need to set a tank temporary for that. :rolleyes:
I have found that moving the eggs my dis-attaching them from what they were laid on is the worst way.

Snipping and moving the plant leaves has proven quite successful for me. Of course, it's hard on the plants. I've tried standing 8 x 10 sheets of glass against the sides of the aquarium so that I would just need to move the sheets the the baby tank but so far no luck.

The most eggs I've ever got was from me moving the 3 Corys to the baby tank and letting them deposit the eggs in there. But it's a 'timing thing' and doesn't work if they decide to start laying at 1 am.

But a baby tank is vital in my opinion although a number of people are using in tank nets quite successfully.

As they say, 'your mileage may very'.

Good luck.
Actually NEONCORY gets so many fry he doesn't know what to do with them. He gets hundreds.

I am now starting to wait a day for the eggs to harden more befor I move them. I may lose a few to predation, but I lose less to damage.
I have found that moving the eggs my dis-attaching them from what they were laid on is the worst way.

Snipping and moving the plant leaves has proven quite successful for me. Of course, it's hard on the plants. I've tried standing 8 x 10 sheets of glass against the sides of the aquarium so that I would just need to move the sheets the the baby tank but so far no luck.

The most eggs I've ever got was from me moving the 3 Corys to the baby tank and letting them deposit the eggs in there. But it's a 'timing thing' and doesn't work if they decide to start laying at 1 am.

But a baby tank is vital in my opinion although a number of people are using in tank nets quite successfully.

As they say, 'your mileage may very'.

Good luck.
Thanks for your tips Cory_Dad,

Although it is not always I can keep the tanks for the eggs without moving them. Since I have few groups spawn pretty regularly. And I do ok moving them and get good enough hatch.

Also I believe it is depends on the species of Corys, the egg size, strength of egg shells(of course they usually harden as enough time passed), the preference of egg deposit site. And yes, some do like to do the deed in the afternoon and the other like to do at the night or even in the dark.

And I do agree that you ought to separate the eggs from the adults in the case of most species. Although sometime the eggs I missed to collect hatch and rear themselves in the tank with the adults. Especially my C.Panda tank. Then again, the tank is jungle. Even then, the survive is probably a long shot.

Anyway, I just hoped if I can get some pointer from someone have experience of raising C.Similis from the eggs.
Hopefully they are not one of the problematic kind. I don't know how many is actually still with me. I know they hatched but I just don't have space to separate each kind of frys anymore. So they have to grow in the fry tank. And hopefully like a month or 2, I can spot the tiny Similis. I guess time will tell.
Actually NEONCORY gets so many fry he doesn't know what to do with them. He gets hundreds.

I am now starting to wait a day for the eggs to harden more befor I move them. I may lose a few to predation, but I lose less to damage.

In the case of C.Melanotaenia, yes I did get more than I know what to do with them. I still have some in the 55G. Which I still looking for their new home. I am suppose to ship some to AZ next week if the person pay me by then.
And at least, it is good or bad I have not see single eggs from them for quite some time. So they maybe one of those seasonal spawner. Or they might not like the big Community tank. Although I see the 1" small boys try to pursue the big fat Female make me laugh. But she just try to lose them and look for more food.

And I do get fair amount of eggs but I still am not good at growing some of the species. And some of them I do not have as much frys as I would like. Then, there are some I have not seen any eggs from them although the females are so fat ready to burst. :angry:
I guess I just finish my projects and set up more tanks and have to assign one tank for them and tinker with the water a little.
Of course, I got side tracked by the eggs of Angels and frys from the CPD.
So like what you said, there are always some projects it should get done but there is always more projects. When it comes to keeping fish. :rolleyes:

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