

Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
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seattle WA USA
Finally, my Orange Lasers are spawning as this writing. :hyper:
Some of you know that I had those guys fat and big since last Fall. And see them frantically swim up and down against the front glass for many times.
I had one old thread about them wondering what I need to make them spawn.,etc. And after a while, I kind of gave up and figure they may spawn someday. And I got into some other parenting fish like BN/Albino BristleNose and Angels. I have a pair of Angels with like 200+ frys right now(too many to count).
And I guess they finally gave in.
Hopefully at least some eggs hatch and hopefully the frys are easy like Melano to raise.

I don't know how many eggs there will be as they are still making them. And I don't disturb them too much. But it looks like the eggs are pretty big about the size of Panda eggs. And they are nice snow white at the moment. And they seem to prefer to place on the plants. I think I need to put more plants.

I have them in 10G with powerhead with sponge unheated tank which I think hover around 68~72F and I haven't test the Ph for a while but around 7 and get at least weekly 50% water change. I don't know the hardness either since I don't have no testing or measuring device.

Sorry, no pictures as I still have only crappy comp and camera.

Anyway, I figure I GOT TO tell someone about the great news(at least for me). I've been waiting for this for like 6 months.
Congratulations NEONCORY.

I am so envious (in a good way).

So you have no idea what kicked it of? Pity.

Let's keep the log going as this is one species I want to eventually try.

Congratulations NEONCORY.

Thank you Cory_Dad

I am so envious (in a good way).

Getting eggs is one thing but raising them can be another. So you never know what kind of trouble I just found. I am hoping 1) some will hatch 2) and some can survive and grow. Also I am hoping they will be the easy and hardy kind to grow their frys. I guess I have to wait and see.

So you have no idea what kicked it of? Pity.

Actually I think I know one thing encourage them to spawn Today. The change of weather. The time they start to spawn it wasn't raining but it did start to rain this evening. Rain in Seattle, you say. But we had dry weather for a week or maybe longer until Today So I am pretty sure the atmospheric pressure change put them in the mood somewhat.
I got eggs from my Panda last night and Sterbai in the afternoon as well as Orange Laser Today. So I think the weather change was big stimulant.

Let's keep the log going as this is one species I want to eventually try.

I know how it is. I too like to hear the first hand experience of the species try to keep and breed. So I will share whatever I know and noticed.

I think the spawn last about 3 hours or so. I notice they are spawning like 11 in the morning and by 3, they are done.
I know at least 2 females were carrying eggs and I know I have only 2 males out of 7 fish I have. And I don't know both had chance to fertilize the eggs or not but I saw both pursuing the female(s).
I found about 136 eggs. They are nice sized eggs as big as Pandas or maybe tad bigger even. I saw the female carry 1~3 eggs in her fins. And all eggs are found on the leaves of plants and no eggs on the glass. So I think they have the strong preference of the plants. It could be the short duration of the time from spawning to collect the eggs but I thought the eggs are really sticky. I found some on the leaves of African Fern and some on the Java Fern and some even on the bit piece floating and constantly moving Water Sprite.
I would like to remove the small floating Water Sprite and add more plants and spawning mop and even set up more dedicated breeding set up. But for now, I will not change until I get few spawns from them first. Hopefully.

Anyway, it is a start. The start I had been waiting for about 6 months. :rolleyes:

Hope this is some help for someone who try to breed these guys.
it must be orange laser breeding season :p

I'm quite unsure of what is happening with my large batch of eggs(4th spawn), 250 egggs nearly all seem to be fertile yet i has been 6 days none have hatched, the first 3 spawns hatched after 4 days, I have another 50 eggs from their latest spawn sitting in a different container on air, will see how they go.

The fry are quite easy to raise, they were my first large spawning so I've done a couple mistakes but losses are minimal, have lost maybe 10 from the 130 hatched.

I've had 6 spawns from my orange lasers in 2 weeks :p
it must be orange laser breeding season :p

Hi Kuhni,
It maybe. Since I heard that the wild caught Lasers tend to be seasonal spawners. They sure made me wait and all the time I watched the fat female swam frantically against the front glass for many times. :rolleyes: Although I got my fish from local stores I suspect they probably wild caught

I'm quite unsure of what is happening with my large batch of eggs(4th spawn), 250 egggs nearly all seem to be fertile yet i has been 6 days none have hatched, the first 3 spawns hatched after 4 days, I have another 50 eggs from their latest spawn sitting in a different container on air, will see how they go.

Any temperature or hardness change? What kind of water parameters(PH, temperature and hardness) are you using to hatch the eggs?

The fry are quite easy to raise, they were my first large spawning so I've done a couple mistakes but losses are minimal, have lost maybe 10 from the 130 hatched.

I would be appreciate if you can share the details of your hatching/raising set up.

I've had 6 spawns from my orange lasers in 2 weeks :p

That is nice to hear. And hopefully I can get many frequent spawns.
My Hatching and rearing setups are simply 10-20L containers with an airstone and some pimafix, I may try to hatch the eggs inside the tanks in breeder nets from now on to see if this lowers the fungus rate.
They are hatched in the cory tank's water, which is around pH 7, and fairly hard.
I don't believe the water really matters with these fry as they seem very hardy, I just seem to be having lots of fungal issues perhaps as a secondary result of physical damage during moving.

A fair few eggs have hatched from the second batch.
Thanks Kuhni for sharing the info of your set up.

Since this was first spawn from them and egg number was high enough, I decide to divide up in 3. I put about 50 in the 5G that have few Panda or Similis(don't remember which) frys in it. This tank is not heated and have sponge filter.
And I put about 50 in the little container with clipped the airtube to the side which clipped to side of another fry tank. I think this tank is around 75F.
And I put the rest(probably about 35) in the Livebearer floating plastic container that is floating in the 20G tank that have various little bigger Cory frys. And I think the heater set for like 75F. And it has canister filter with spray bar. And I set the corner of plastic box get a single spray from the outlet of canister.

I'm sure the eggs in the un-heated probably takes longer to hatch. But the parents tank are un-heated also. So I 'll see how they do.
And hopefully I get some to hatch in next few days.

And hopefully, they are as easy to grow as you say.
Anyway, I'm sure I will let you all know when the eggs start to hatch. Hopefully.
Well, at least I got some eggs start to hatch since yesterday. I think I got about 30 wigglers from the 50 eggs I put in the container at the top of the tank. The tank with the heater. And I think some in the Livebearer baby saving floating plastic container are start to hatch also. Although I am not 100% sure since there were some Sterbai eggs in there so they could be Sterbai.

Anyway, I got some wigglers :hyper: and hopefully I can raise few dozens(or more hopefully)to the point of 1/2"+ in few months. :good:
I'm sure they will get my first attention. Although the eggs from the Gold Rams that I got yesterday will be close 2nd.
Congrats NEONCORY! You're giving me hope for mine!

Thanks Polardbear,

I don't know about the hope since I think the part of the trigger was the change of atmospheric pressure change. And if I am not mistaken, your area have one weather, HOT. :shifty:
You might have to run the humidifier or something.

All I know is they sure worn out my patience pre~~tty thin. :hyper: You remember my other thread, it was like 6 months ago. I just hope it is not one hit wonder. And they spawn like every week. I know I saw at least 2 females were laying eggs but I doubt that all 5 females I have was involved. So I think I should have another 2~3 plump females in there.

At least, these guys weren't small young year or less old fish. So I think I got decent hatching since Wednesday. I just hope I can raise few dozens to the point of show the adult coloration with "Orange Stripes". :hyper:
You're right about my weather, HOT pretty well descibes the next 6 months or so. We do get a lot of thunderstorms about mid summer so maybe that will help (along with a fan on the tank). I think it may be a while before mine are ready to try though, I've got some mature females but my males are pretty dinky still.
You're right about my weather, HOT pretty well descibes the next 6 months or so. We do get a lot of thunderstorms about mid summer so maybe that will help (along with a fan on the tank). I think it may be a while before mine are ready to try though, I've got some mature females but my males are pretty dinky still.

Yeah, I bet the thunderstorm would be nice jolt for them.
Yeah the female can be really fat, I mean they can get big and healthy. :shifty: I had to look for not so healthy looking skinnier males.
You know the waiting is part of getting eggs from Corys unless you have nice matured adults group it seems.

And I now believe the atmospheric pressure change can be the nice extra push they need to spawn sometime. Especially after this morning.
Yes it was a nice light raining morning here in Seattle Today. And I woke up to see my new group of C.Duplicareus chasing and tangled up. And after like an hour of that, I finally see them form T and see the female carry egg. A huge egg. I think their eggs are biggest I see among the Cory I bred.
And they carry one egg at a time. I saw once or twice she have 2 eggs but majority of the time, she only carry 1 egg.
And I read and I thought they like to place the eggs near the water line of surface. But whatever the reason they placed on the fake plastic plants and leaves of small Amazon Sword I have it potted. Also I saw some on the ceiling of T plumbing pipe joint I put in the tank for the Pl*co. :rolleyes:
And they take their sweet time.(their chasing is not as frantic as many other Corydoras. I know they are somewhat timid and mellow species so I guess their chasing is gentler. So I think it probably best to have 2M to 1F or even 3 to 1 ratio.) I think they finally finished like 3 in the afternoon. I don't know how many eggs there are until I collect them in few hours.

Of course, getting eggs is only the beginning. Hatching and raising can be a challenge I am sure. But I must say this is not a bad start since I got them from the friend in the mail like a week ago. They are still in the tank that is furnished as quarantine tank. And I have not combine the 4 I already have. I guess I will combine them in next few days. After all the new group seem happy and healthy enough.
I guess I better give some update about them(orange laser kids) although I still have no mean to post the picture.

To my delight, they are pretty easy and hardy to raise. Although I don't know how many I have since I always put which eggs and which frys to which tanks.
But I think I have somewhere 50~100 kids growing. Growing nicely. So far, they do not look anything special but just like another brown spotted cory frys. But I'm sure someday they will get their nice Orange lines. I can hardly wait.

So it seems like Kuhni said they are not hard Cory to hatch and raise. But getting eggs can be trouble. Well at least for me it was. And probably the wait was shorter if I had more males than the females I imagine.
But I still think the change of weather is the key. Especially the wild caught ones.
So I may have to wait another wet weather to come for the 2nd spawn.

Although our weather person predict for us to have nice warm dry weather for a while, I guess it won't hurt to do another water change. :shifty:
I guess I better give some update although I can still not post the pictures but I hope it is better than nothing.

They are doing really well. It turned out that the frys are really hardy and easy to raise. I never had Aenues and never raised their frys. But I think the Orange Laser is just as easy to raise. It is possible that I didn't notice since I raise them in the tank with some plants/moss and hiding places but I don't think I ever see any drop dead. And I think they grew pretty fast also.
Of course, the getting eggs part especially from the Wild Caught of them seems different story.
After the 1st spawn, I don't think I never see any eggs after. And now I see nothing happen for a month and some, so I decide to shake things up. So I moved them like 2 days ago from their own 10G to 55G with some Tetra and 2 Bristlenose. And it seems they are much more active and out. So we'll see if they spawn for me again. And I will make sure to keep some of the kids and see if F1 is really easy to spawn. I really do hope it is.
Anyway, their 1st batch is probably about 1 1/2 month old and they are about 1/2"~5/8"SL. They are still smaller than I usually ship but they are already sporting the stripes although some may not be as bright or as orange as the adults. But they are working on to getting there. And I re-homed few to my local Aquarium Society member. And planning to ship some to my fish buddy in WI next week.
And if things go well with the shipping, I probably offer some on the auction.

Anyway, that is the update of them.
Thanks for the update, it's really appreciated. How many do you think you have left out of how many that were laid?

Are you feeding anything special?

As for posting pictures, where have you uploaded them to or have you uploaded them to a photo sharing site? I use several but for my fish pics I've been using I then cut & paste the img link to my post. Works quite well. Give it a try, I'm eager to see them.


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