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  1. 14gtr14

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Did you get the eels? Any pics?
  2. 14gtr14

    My Mbuna (pics Included!)

    How big is your tank KK? Your fish look amazing!
  3. 14gtr14

    Fish Choices

    Choice 2 really isn't gonna be good. Dwarf puffers need their own species tanks. It would munch on the tetras. It would probably leave the ottos alone though.
  4. 14gtr14

    General Newbie Questions (itemized)

    Plants Read the planted tank section in this forum, it is really helpful. Find out your light wattage and divide that by 20 gallons to find out your watts per gallon. Then you can see if your tank is low medium or high lighting. This'll also probably decide if you'll go for a low-tech or...
  5. 14gtr14

    Fish Choices

    tiger barbs are basically the same story as danios, they need lots of room to be properly enjoyed. no chance a goldfish! it'll outgrow that tank veryvery quickly. And if a pleco, it'd need to be a small growing one (clown plec, bristlenose etc etc) And i'm not sure about the crabs, i've read...
  6. 14gtr14

    Wanted:tanganyika Pics

    My tank's a work in progress, but I am looking to get it done within the next week....fingers crossed!
  7. 14gtr14

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Are they the corries I gave you? How are they doing?? Oh and btw if it is them, they are corydoras schwartzi and not pandas. :good:
  8. 14gtr14

    Wanted: Java Ferns (narrow Leaf, Philippine, Red) this guy posts to the uk really cheaply, really good!
  9. 14gtr14

    Highly Recommended Plant Seller On Ebay!

    my windelov's fern were nearly perfect! a couple of leaves out of a about forty were yellowish! I'll tell you all how anubias go when they arrive!
  10. 14gtr14

    Highly Recommended Plant Seller On Ebay! this guy is amazing! dirt cheap plants sent worldwide from malayasia!! I've oreder windelov fern in the past and have just ordered 2 large anubias and 2 anubias nana for £10 including postage!!
  11. 14gtr14

    Hi Everyone

    amazon swords need a rich substrate, if you have that they'll grow like mad! If not they'll die probably. the umbrella plant: I was sold a plant that was described as that when i first started. When you hold it by it's stem out of the water does it supports it's weight? If it does it's...
  12. 14gtr14

    Beginner - Planted Or Plastic I Can't Make Up My Mind

    you should test for ammonia from day 1. Read the fishless cycle pinned topic in the beginners section. laterite can be added whenever: before you set up your tank or 50 years down the line lol! tbh I wouldnt add ferts if you've got low lighting. It'll just help algae in my experience. If...
  13. 14gtr14

    Beginner - Planted Or Plastic I Can't Make Up My Mind

    I would definitely say planted with anubias, java fern, mosses, hornwort etc etc. Sand on its own is inert (low in nutrients) so will not help the plants grow as such. What you should look for is stuff called Laterite. All you need is one small box to mix in with the gravel/sand. This acts as a...
  14. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    :lol: :lol: i never realised that at all! sorry! :lol:
  15. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    I will. As soon as the shells are in and I've got the shellies too! thanks for the interest! :good: I will. As soon as the shells are in and I've got the shellies too! thanks for the interest! :good:
  16. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    Just a little update. I got a trio of juvie Julidochromis Regani today! And the fs are getting in shellies and a batch of calvus! So I think that's me done really! Thanks for all your help! :good:
  17. 14gtr14


    I might just get them. The shellies better ejoy them! Spending £15 on empty shells :grr:
  18. 14gtr14


    I was going to get the "very large" escargot shells from ebay, but do you think it's worth it when you put the postage on? it would be near enough fifteen quid on 36 shells! EDIT- *very
  19. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    I've read up on some valuable info that came to me about my stocking and it seems it's all good. The calvus may eat fry, but not adult shellies. thanks
  20. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    ok cheers :good: thanks all for your help! Just gonna decide on the 3rd species now. I'll let you know, when (or if ) I go for one! thanks :D :) :D
  21. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    What would you recommend then? Cheers for the info :good:
  22. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    :hyper: Wow awesome fish!! I love the look of them! But will they eat all the shellie fry? I love the shape of them, and the black versions are stunners lol! Would these breed if i had a m/f? Are they generally aggressive or are they alright? I have never seen these for sale before, how much...
  23. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    For the 3rd species i am thinking about Altolamprologus calvus, comps, or paracyprichromis. And probably Brevis for shellies.
  24. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    :drool: lol i could go with a couple bn. I've got some giant ottos. Would they be fine? Is there no "cleaner" from tanganyika?? thanks
  25. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    Another question. Am I right in saying shrimp wouldn't live happily in there and that they would be an expensive snack? And what could i put in for a "clean up crew" type thing? There will be mts in there, but what else. Thanks.
  26. 14gtr14

    Micro Sword

    ok cool. If anyone wants some just pm me..or it'll be going on ebay!
  27. 14gtr14

    Micro Sword

    I'm changing my tank over to a Tanganyikan Shell-dweller/Julidochromis and i remembered this topic. So I thought i'd just tell you that i have a whole bundle of micro swords for sale + loads of other plants!
  28. 14gtr14

    Shell Dwellers In A 7 Gallon?

    I think they're recommended for a 10+ gallon, but i'm sure 2-3 would be ok. Wait for some more experienced replies though :rolleyes:
  29. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    Ok, i'll have a look. Ye i've got apistos just now, it's just the tanks lacking character almost. It's hard to explain :lol: I'm just not happy with it. Anyone have any ideas on what shell dwellers and rock dwellers to get? Thanks :good:
  30. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    Haha! Well that's good then! :lol: Yes, as regards to mmmyyyyyyy question about myyyy tank :sly: :lol: :sly: :lol: oj, i think you've all convinced me i need some of these:P!!
  31. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    Wow! Quick replies thanks alot guys!! :good: About each fish having a seperate area: I read in PFK this month that Julis tend to stay next to their caves and don't swim over open water. They do this for protection. "In such tanks it is best to split the decor up into discrete areas, ie. a rock...
  32. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    At the mo i have a 48" x 12" x 18" community planted tank, but to be honest it's a bit boring! I am thinking about changing it to a Julie/Shelldweller/Rock Dweller tank!. I would have a rocky area on the left and right sides of the tank with a sandy area in between. The julies would be in the...
  33. 14gtr14

    Options For A 15 Gallon

    haha! that would be good!! I'm not too far from the coast, but i think i know what i'm going to do now: I heavily planted indian dwarf puffer biotope. thanks for all your opinions anyway, I'm going to wait until i have a bigger tank free to attempt brackish. Maybe some archer fish in the...
  34. 14gtr14

    My Tanks Cycled!

    :good: :good: good to hear! what you thinking of stocking it with??
  35. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    just thought i'd let you know that i am almost definitely going to go down the Indian dwarf puffer Biotope route. How many of these would go in the tank ok? seven? thanks 14gtr14
  36. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    options: FW species tank with puffers or shell-dwellers Brackish with not too sure!
  37. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    ye i would love to go full marine reef, but i don't have that sort of money and/or time really! what about my original plans? Anymore suggestions?? thanks
  38. 14gtr14

    Options For A 15 Gallon

    Some of you may have read that i have a 15 gallon fry tank that'll be free in a month or so and that i was going to turn it into a species tank. I had four options: Apisto breeding tank, puffers, Shell-dwelling cichlids, gobies. Someone then said that brackish could be an option! What options...
  39. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    haha! cheers. what options would i have in brackish then? I think if i go the brackish route it'll be the needle or floaty one i'll take. I'm not going to spend loads. Thanks for your info geo7x