Hi Everyone


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
Hi Everyone! I just got my first live plants I have ever had in any of my tanks today!I got Argentine sword, amazon sword, kyoto grass, umbrella plant, and some random plant that I dont know what it is. Anyway I want to know if their is anything special about these plants? And The pics of them are in the aquarium pics forum :good:
amazon swords need a rich substrate, if you have that they'll grow like mad! If not they'll die probably.

the umbrella plant: I was sold a plant that was described as that when i first started. When you hold it by it's stem out of the water does it supports it's weight? If it does it's non-aquatic, if it doesn't it's aquatic. This works for most plants (apart from saggitaria and anubias (which is a marsh plant, so i've heard))

cheers 14gtr14
They dont necessarily need special substrate. you just need to make sure you have root tabs (fertalizer) for them, and they will do just fine.

Tell us more about your tank! What kind of light, what ferts you are using, what fish are in there... inquiring minds want to know!
They dont necessarily need special substrate. you just need to make sure you have root tabs (fertalizer) for them, and they will do just fine.

Tell us more about your tank! What kind of light, what ferts you are using, what fish are in there... inquiring minds want to know!

Honestly I was told that these plants were low maintenece and didnt require anything but water :( The fish are in my sig :good:

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