Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!


Jun 3, 2006
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Bathgate, Scotland, UK
At the mo i have a 48" x 12" x 18" community planted tank, but to be honest it's a bit boring! I am thinking about changing it to a Julie/Shelldweller/Rock Dweller tank!.

I would have a rocky area on the left and right sides of the tank with a sandy area in between. The julies would be in the left rocky area, shell dwellers in the centre, and a species of rock dweller on the right.

I would probably have Julidochromis Marlieri, but i'm not sure about the shell or rock dwellers.

Also would any Synodontis/catfish live ok in here?

Is this setup ok? Would it be entertaining? Would it work??


EDIT- This all kind of due to an article in this month's PFK! The article on the Julis was fascinating!
At the mo i have a 48" x 12" x 18" community planted tank, but to be honest it's a bit boring! I am thinking about changing it to a Julie/Shelldweller/Rock Dweller tank!.

I would have a rocky area on the left and right sides of the tank with a sandy area in between. The julies would be in the left rocky area, shell dwellers in the centre, and a species of rock dweller on the right.

I would probably have Julidochromis Marlieri, but i'm not sure about the shell or rock dwellers.

Also would any Synodontis/catfish live ok in here?

Is this setup ok? Would it be entertaining? Would it work??


EDIT- This all kind of due to an article in this month's PFK! The article on the Julis was fascinating!

I don't know much about tangs, but what i can tell you is if you set up and area with specific area sfor specific fish, that rarely happens - so good luck :good:

it sounds fine, i would put some petricola catfish in as they are from tang anyway and are a 'dwarf' type species 4" max. best in a group of 4 or more imho.

As Dru said Petricola would go well in that tank. If you want interest they are extremely entertaining things to watch. A group of 6 would be a better number imho.
As Dru said Petricola would go well in that tank. If you want interest they are extremely entertaining things to watch. A group of 6 would be a better number imho.

regarding petricolas i've got 10 in my tank and would say have as many as you can, the only thing i don't know is whether a large group like that would over power the tank as the shell dwellers may not take too kindly to the disturbance that a group of feeding petricola can cuase
the open water and rock hugging species will be fine however :look: i think :D
You see your petricola feeding? I have 8 in my tank, they don't hang out together and I have rarely seen them feeding so I don't think you'd have a problem 14gtr14. :)
Wow! Quick replies thanks alot guys!! :good: About each fish having a seperate area: I read in PFK this month that Julis tend to stay next to their caves and don't swim over open water. They do this for protection. "In such tanks it is best to split the decor up into discrete areas, ie. a rock pile for each rock-dweller, with open sand (and shell-dwellers, if desired) in between." hopefully it might work!

So petricola should be ok in there, yup?

What shell-dwellers and rock-dwellers would you go with?

thanks :hyper: :good:

EDIT- Would this all be ok in the tank? (45 gallon)
You see your petricola feeding? I have 8 in my tank, they don't hang out together and I have rarely seen them feeding so I don't think you'd have a problem 14gtr14. :)

no - i never see them feeding - i see them going around like a little pack of lions - always playing and nudging each other in the caves in ythe tank, its awesome... i don't actually know why they are soo fat, but i guess the ya re scavanging what they can........

10 minuters later......

yep they are all there still so they are no cannabils -...........yet :lol:
Well ever since I got those F1's I've been worried...I used to be able to count the 4 at once but trying to see 8 at once is nigh on impossible :-( So when I had to catch the tropheus I took the opportunity of taking all the rocks out and there were the 8 little darlings some very plump too. Anyone who has a colony of petri's won't be disappointed. :)
Well ever since I got those F1's I've been worried...I used to be able to count the 4 at once but trying to see 8 at once is nigh on impossible :-( So when I had to catch the tropheus I took the opportunity of taking all the rocks out and there were the 8 little darlings some very plump too. Anyone who has a colony of petri's won't be disappointed. :)

Plump as in fat - or plump as in female?? (ps. hope its cuase you've got some females :good: )
I do see my petricola. There are two sizes: the dwarf and the regular. But I actually see more of the multis, also from Lake Tanganyika. They do seem to come out more in the open to scavenge.

[If you would like to liven up your community tank instead, try apistogrammas. :angel: she whispered.]
Ok, i'll have a look.

Ye i've got apistos just now, it's just the tanks lacking character almost. It's hard to explain :lol: I'm just not happy with it.

Anyone have any ideas on what shell dwellers and rock dwellers to get?

Thanks :good:
Another question.

Am I right in saying shrimp wouldn't live happily in there and that they would be an expensive snack? And what could i put in for a "clean up crew" type thing? There will be mts in there, but what else.


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