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  1. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, basically I have the tank back up and running with new water, some of my old live rock & a lot of new rock. I acclimatised the critters to the new tank and added them, but they seem to be in a bit of shock, unsurprisingly. :( The only way I can describe it is as if they are drunk or...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, back from LFS with replacement live rock and lots of RO water. I have the tank with the water and rock, and the critters still in their rescue bucket.....
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks YF..... I am still in shock, :( Ok I have got a bucket with a powerhead and heater, and the live rock which wasn't exposed to the air (unfortunately most of my live rock is dead rock, as there was only about 3 inches of water left in the tank when I found it). All my inverts are alive...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    DISASTER!!! :( :( :( I have an outlet pipe going from my return powerhead back into the tank. Overnight it somehow detached and emptied the tank onto the living room carpet!!! :( I am in the middle of a rescue operation right now............
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    lol...probably! As a side note, I went down last night with the red torch to see if I could see the crab and there were dozens of glowing eyes darting around the tank. It looks like they tiny shrimp and the red light was reflecting of their eyes! (At least I presume it was their eyes!)
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    lol....good thinking! I could add a mantis to get rid of the crab, and then add a barracuda to get rid of the mantis, and then add a seal to get rid of the barracuda, and then add an orca to get rid of the seal....and then..........dynamite? :P
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    Nope, the little **** just won't go into the glass. :( :( :( My Hermits keep getting trapped though!! If he moves to another cave it might be easier, as right now it is very hard to angle a glass near his current home.
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    Aarghh! What Happend To My Duncans?

    I'm pretty sure that quote comes from a work by Shakespeare. ;)
  9. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I got 2 new pumps for my system delivered today (At the beginning I bought one to put in the 4th chamber but don't like it!). I am putting the Juwel Powerhead 1000 into the 1st compartment to replace the stock pump there. I am going to remove the UV filter and have this pump connect to a Boyu...
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    The Fashion House Birthday Nano Tank!

    Just read through this whole thread! Great tank, you got some fantastic deals from the beginning too. :D
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    10 Gallon Office Tank

    I would 2nd the Firefish option. My brother has one in a similar tank and it is beautiful, and peaceful.
  12. D

    Orca Tl550 Journal

    :kewlpics: Great shots, looks like the Goby found a friend. ;)
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    Crap, I hope I don't have to resort to that! :(
  14. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cool, thanks for all the info! I am expecting about 4 packages next week, so should be a fun week! :D
  15. D

    Picking One Of The All In One Nano Set Ups.

    My 450 improved with new power heads and I am waiting for a new skimmer. Not sure if the 550 is the same though.
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    Mine is kind of living underneath some live rock, in a hollow. It is actually the most awkward spot it could have chosen as home!! :( I wonder could I lure him out with some bait tied to a string. We used to catch crabs this way from piers on holidays!
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    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    I was thinking of that also, might give that a try tonight. I used some white fish as bait for the glass, I wonder should I try something different now.
  18. D

    Hitchhiker Crab - Can't Catch Him! :(

    Hey everyone, Some of you may already know about my setup, but I have had a small hitchhiker crab in my system from almost day one (came on my first live rock!). I haven't been able to ID it, but I don't think he is good - especially after seeing him try to grab one of my snails a week ago. I...
  19. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Is the RO Unit I got (RO-Man 3 Stage 50 GPD + DI Unit) as easy to setup as it seems? I read through the manual and it seems very straightforward, but usually I see that and when I get the unit it is a different story! lol I have read a few threads here about setting them up and I think a few of...
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    Awesome Tank Build I Have Just Read

    Any chance of getting the link? :good: I didn't get it the first time around.... :(
  21. D

    Picking One Of The All In One Nano Set Ups.

    Welcome! :D I can only speak from my limited experience with the Orca 450. It is a good tank but requires some modding/equipment upgrades to make it really good (but the modding is fun!). Not sure if the 550 is the same.
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    488l Mega Nano the pic! :D
  23. D

    488l Mega Nano

    Wow wow. Just went through every page of this thread (quiet in work :P ), and that is one of the most impressive looking tanks I've seen. Fantastic. Also, I love Custard - Yellow Tangs are probably my favourite fish. I just love their face, sort of goofy looking. :D
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Never thought of that! lol thanks! Another thing is that I am not really happy with my flow at the moment. I have a Koralia Nano in there, but still not sure where to put it. I have also ordered a Maxi-Jet 1000 to put into the final chamber and connect that up to the spray bar for better...
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    Kane's Nano............

    Amazing pictures and corals! Looks incredible with the blue actinic
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hey all, Sorry haven't updated in a while! Basically it is still going well. Just ordered a 50 GPD RO unti from RO Man, so I won't have to buy water anymore. :D :D However, one thing I completely forgot to do from the off was add some Rowaphos into my setup. :( So I will have to get some to get...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yeah! It is the star of the show right now! Fantastic colors on it too. :D
  28. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Back from trip to LFS, couple of new additions: Halloween Hermit: Zoa (Just after adding to tank): Zoa (About 30 mins later): I also saw one of my red legged hermits move into a new shell this evening. Here he is as he sizes up the new shell:
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    My 40l Wave Vision 45 Nano

    LOL...never noticed how old it was!
  30. D

    Awesome Tank Build I Have Just Read

    Link me up too please! ;)
  31. D

    My 40l Wave Vision 45 Nano

    Really nice tank setup mate! :D I keep reading differing views on the min tank size for Percs (some say it is fine for that size, some say it is too small!). I think they best thing would be to just keep and eye on them, and if they start outgrowing your tank start thinking about moving them to...
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    Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

    :thumbs: Great stuff! Looking forward to seeing pictures. Trips to the LFS are a highlight, I bought my fiancee a dress during the week - it has bought me a ticket to go shopping to my lfs tomorrow. LOL! Not sure about Brittle Stars, they look great but I get the feeling they could be...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    It could well be! Various folks have different opinions on what they could be! Lol My crab trap worked!!!..... Sort of, it caught one of my hermits! I can't seem to tempt the crab I want to catch, and after seeing him try to grab one of my snails I want to catch him sooner rather than later! :(
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    Mandarin Love

    Very interesting journal! Mandarins are amazing looking fish, pity they are so difficult to look after. Although I suppose the view would be that they are worth the effort! ;)
  35. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I have been doing more research on possible fish for my nano, and considering the Bicolor Blenny. General consensus seems to be they are good for nanos & have a great personality. Drawbacks being they may cause trouble for similar fish/colors and can nip at corals. Thoughts or experiences? :)
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Finally got my tripod back so can take some better pics (although the curved front on the tank is a pain for taking pictures) Also saw what my crab is capable of. Was watching the tank and one of my turbo snails was crossing a gap from one rock to another, next thing I see it sort of rocking...
  37. D

    Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

    Hopefully you can tease it out eventually. Some of the pics of peoples sun coral I have seen on these forums are amazing looking.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    lol......I doubt it would work! I said to her that I might have to flush him, and she said "no you can't do that. Can you not put him in the back garden?"........ :crazy: I laughed and said "he can't live in the garden" and she said "but maybe the crows will eat him" So for some reason she...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Did a 25% water change yesterday evening, also added a Koralia Nano 1 for better flow. I went down with the torch (my new favourite thing to do!) about 3 hours after lights out and the crab was out wandering. Also noticed tonnes of "pods", including one pretty big amphipod swimming around the...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yeah, I've read differing views on mixing them. The hitchhiker crab didn't fall for my trap last night, will just have to keep trying! My bumblebee snail is back though, he must have just hidden for a while.