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  1. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    Yeah but my feet fully rotate (I dont do ballet)lol(this got so off topic)
  2. Aquavulpes8

    How do I change a laptop keyboard?

    Unfortunately unless you take it to get repaired it cant be changed like a computer but if you don't use the laptop on your lap and have the space on the desk get a USB keyboard and mouse and that should work
  3. Aquavulpes8

    Marimo Moss Balls are they as good as people say for betta

    Hopefully I'd love to be able to get some though Amazon seems to still sell them
  4. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    Inside the lid (sorry for the feet it's late and I'm in pyjamas)
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  8. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    These are the pieces that attach to the lid 1 is missing and 1 is broken in half but still covers the lid well
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  13. Aquavulpes8

    Marimo Moss Balls are they as good as people say for betta

    Ok thanks I'll have to learn how to identify those snails and whatever else you said but sounds like it shouldn't be to hard to do
  14. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    im going to go take some pics of the tank to see what you all think on what i should do
  15. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    i try to be reasonable but they don't really respect that i know more than them with certain things and i try to explain i will talk to the store as well to get the platy somewhere better so they can live long and live happy
  16. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    i would but i already have the 6 gall and trying to stay in a bit of a buggit but i can always upgrade later down the line my motto is work with what you got until you have something better
  17. Aquavulpes8

    Marimo Moss Balls are they as good as people say for betta

    I've been told that these are great for bettas but just like in the past my sources have come up wrong so I'm double checking here are these good for bettas
  18. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    That was what I was thinking but my parents are fighting me on trying to find a suitable home for ember(the platy) and say I cant return it either because "you cant return fish"
  19. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    Yeah I think I'm just gonna use 6 gallon as betta tank and find something else to go in with the tetras and cories
  20. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    Cant stay at dads as only there weekends and dad is to busy so they would get neglected
  21. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    Although when it moves to my mums house(divorced when young) it will be much harder to move (mum has problems with something I dont get told much) but that is for later I have to clean and prep it first (checking inbuilt light and replacing/cleaning bulb)
  22. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    When I was testing for leaks it was in my back garden aswell so I think I'll just do that
  23. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    Ok I dont have a bath tub but I'm sure I can find something my shower is too small and I'd have to go up a flight of stairs (the tank is really heavy and my dad is always busy (only other person in the house capable of lifting it)) but I'll figure something out
  24. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    Yeah ok so I'm not being crazy by wanting to at least keep the neons few I thought I was just being petty but guess not (on top of that if the betta/neons are aggressive I can use my 6 gallon as a betta tank)
  25. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    I'll be able to get a pic of the tank soon although there is a piece missing dont think It will to big an issue though I'll see what you lot think (because just about everything I know has been wrong so far)
  26. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    I know the only issue is I already have some neons and I would hate to return every one of my original 3 fish
  27. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    My phone did a stupid again lol
  28. Aquavulpes8

    The journal of my new tank (suggested by someone on the thread)

    @essi looked up my water again it said it was a hardness level 19 mg/lca what is that in gh I cant seem to find anywhere to convert on google
  29. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    Yeah I know tell you what let's move back to the journal one everything in this plan was turned on its head as soon as learnt more this is a beautiful nightmare
  30. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    I was just talking to someone else and I think I might just rehome/return the platy??
  31. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    Ok thanks for all the help I'm going to go check all the fish I think I want to put in and see what type they are (this is all very complicated but I enjoy a challenge)
  32. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    It was sold to me as a molly witch makes it so much worse but now that I've been here I know not to trust alot of stuff said at the fish shop I go to or at least the guy who sold me the fish i own gotta take their words with a big pinch of salt
  33. Aquavulpes8

    Plans for my tank (would these work)

    I said yikes as I already have a platy