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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    If you buy eggs be prepared to hatch them, also feeding may be difficult as you will most likely need live foods, your cories may also eat the babies
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    That's a gd start, I wish u luck on ur tank, it should go well ya never know, maybe your killis will even breed for ya!!
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    You could do, but the problem is that 2 may bond and leave and even harm the red fish , I'm not saying it cant be done, it certainly can however stay cautious and just watch your tank to make sure it's in the clear good thing is that if the male ever decides to be aggressive, the aggression is...
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    The red striped killifish Is an excellent hardy and small fish that will only grow abt 2 inches, you can get a male and female,the same applies with gardeners, easy, undemanding, and gets up to 2.5 inches, so slightly larger as for the rachovii, they require specialist care as they are really...
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Rlly? I thought as there is no other top dwelling fish the golden should be fine, so long as you stay on top of the bio load and maintain your water changes, but obviously the bigger the better.
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    If u plan on getting golden wonders, then I recommend only getting 1 pair, that's a male and a female, luckily the other fishes are cories, which live in a different tank area, so they should be good, if u had any other sort of killi, eg clown killis, I would say abt 4-6 would be a good number...
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Well yes, not 6 months, with proper care they could live for at least over 1 year, also, I cant really say unless I know what type of killis you plan on getting, they vary in size wildly, eg the clown killi gets 1 inch max whereas the golden killi gets 4 inches , so plz say the type of killi u...
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    While it is true that sand is best and recommended for corydoras, its possible to have it with gravel, so long as it is not very rough around the edges I've pulled it off and many others have as well, your stratum substrate has smooth sided gravel, so they shouldnt damage there barbells, imo I...
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    Help a gal brand new to Killifish out!

    Hi, killifish are primarily top dwelling fish, so as long as you dont keep any top dwelling fish in the tank you should be fine, Cory's are bottom fish so they should suit eachother well.killifish are primarily carnivores, so anything that can fit in there mouth will be considered food, as long...
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    I’m Giving Up On Fish

    Fish definitely are alot more trouble than we originally thought, i feel like maintaining my dogs is easier than my tank lol
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    African cichlid question

    Not yet, yh ik nobody responded :( I've purchased 3 more peacocks , and also 1 deepwater hap and a malawi trout. I've held of the eyebiter just in case someone posts something soon, o wanna be 100 percent certain it will be fine
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    Yh , definitely after this will be a bit more cautious , I went to petsathome becuase my normal lfs, maidenheadaquatics, had a LONG queue due to the coronavirus so it was just a last resort rlly
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    African cichlid question

    Hey all, I have a 60 gallon (UK gallon) tropical african cichlid tank so far, since the tank is relatively new and just got cycled recently I only have 4 peacock aulonacara cichlids, I know I need to overstock but I'm adding them gradually as to not cause an ammonia spike, so I'm at the lfs just...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    And with my luck I unknowingly got black phantoms, incorrectly sold as black widows, just my luck ain't it
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    48l Tropical Aquarium

    They look rlly nice m8, congrats
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    48l Tropical Aquarium

    What are the floating plants? Frogbit?
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    fair enough then mate, I'm cant force you to see any differently, and likewise, you cant me, but Im Not saying that you are incorrect, for you do make valid points and on some things I agree on you with, however these golds barbs of mine truly seem happy , the tank , though it may seem...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    What you are ultimately saying then, is that the vast majority is incorrect?
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    Hi there, the tank is a custom built 20 long the measurements are 31X14X12 these are not exact values and I have rounded them to a whole number for the sake of convenience , but it should get the picture of the size of the tank,
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    All this talk about biologist icthyoligists,its like someone telling me even though I have my driving licence I dont know how to drive because I'm not a driving instructor, just because some people arent biologists/icthyoligists, does not mean they lose all there credibility. Many fishtubers do...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    the difference with what I am trying to say is that nobody, has ever recommended to keep a single cory, everyone says to keep them in groups of 3 or more, however every single website, lfs worker, fishtubers such as dws darius, cory from aquarium co op , and plenty others I have been to has...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    have u ever considered that volume of water only applies if you intend to keep 8-10 gold barbs? as i have said, i only keep 5 of them
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    not saying im not considering it, but every single gold barb care website states the mininum tank size for these fish is at least 15-20 gallon, and example is the website the spruce pets, which suggests a min of 20 galls for a school of 5-6 all gold barb vids ive seen also suggest the same, are...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    gold barbs have an lifespan of 3-6 years average , i can tell they are happy as they grow, larger than what the average gold barb does, as well as this, they have coloured up alot, which they only do if they feel comfortable, they never nip which means they are settled, and are very interactive...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    hi there, the gourami is a female opaline, and they only grow to about 4-5 inches in length theres lots of space for it imo i specifically picked a female for this reason as its more docile
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    well, as i said earlier i appreciate your advice, im happy that you care for the wellbeing of the fish, really i am. but you must undertsand the 5 gold barbs have plenty of swimming space, and hiding spots, the only type of aggression im really experiencing is with these newly purchased skirts...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    just to clarify, when i said 20 galloons, i was talking by the uk measurment, if we are doing USA gallon measurements its a 24 gallon long
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    the gold barbs, while large, dont take up all the space in the aqaurium, gold barbs are mainly at the bottom of the tank, and since its 20 uk gallon long tank, they have plenty of room to move back and forth, these gold barbs have been living in here for 2 plus years now, and judging by there...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    im sry m8 i meant 20 gallon uk standards, which in US is 24 gallon for us measurement, theres plenty of space as the barbs are at the bottom, and the mid to top is all but empty besides the gourami who goes up for a few seconds for air .
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    thx for ur input m8, much appreciated, welll then my lfs only had a few tetras due to lockdown and stock related issues, so do you recommend any schooling fish replacement? one that will not fit into a gold barbs mouth tho, so around 2 inches and above, if what the fishkeepers who replied to...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    thx m8, well ive got 6 of them, and from the info u just gave me, ive got 2 males and 4 females the tank is densely planted, with long sword leaves and amazon frogbit at the top, and some crypts/anubias as well as a few rocks at the bottom for cover t the bottom, so far the fish are quite...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    i know and i was considering neons/cardinal tetras at first, but i got my barbs from a local breeder here in the uk who specialises in barbs, as a result, my gold barbs are huge, over 3 inches long and quite fat, so i got tetras because i found out that they some of the larger types of tetra...
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    hey all, new to this forum and its my first post, and im in quite a bit of a pickle, i have 20 gallon long tank, planted with amazon swords, crypts and anubias, along with some frogbit at the top, stocking is 5 gold barbs, 1 female opaline gourami, and recnetly 6 new juvenile black skirt tetras...