aggressive black skirt tetras

I only have your word for what "they" are saying, but if anyone is advising others that it is OK to keep five Gold Barbs in a 20g tank, then yes, they are incorrect and unreliable. They clearly do not understand the species, or fish physiology, or biology.
fair enough then mate, I'm cant force you to see any differently, and likewise, you cant me, but Im Not saying that you are incorrect, for you do make valid points and on some things I agree on you with, however these golds barbs of mine truly seem happy , the tank , though it may seem undersized to you, seems fine to me, but once again, I appreciate your input on it.
My personal experience is that most tetras are too....spastic for me. I started with the Glowfish tetras, returned them, got black skirt tetras, returned them. Why? I do not find them to be peaceful fish. They are constantly picking on each other and everyone else. I did not feel peace with them in the tank. They irritated me. Neon and cardinal tetras seem to be okay, but I will be avoiding the other tetras unless I can have a species only tank with 20+ in an oversize, densely planted tank.
My personal experience is that most tetras are too....spastic for me. I started with the Glowfish tetras, returned them, got black skirt tetras, returned them. Why? I do not find them to be peaceful fish. They are constantly picking on each other and everyone else. I did not feel peace with them in the tank. They irritated me. Neon and cardinal tetras seem to be okay, but I will be avoiding the other tetras unless I can have a species only tank with 20+ in an oversize, densely planted tank.
You may like ember tetras then, they are small but school nice and are very peaceful. I also have glo light, neon and red eye tetra in my tetra tank and they all seem to get along. The embers like to shoal at one end of the tank in an area I call the anacharis forest. the glow light and neon group together in the middle and the red eye tend to stay at the other end. The black skirt tetras I avoid too they are too aggressive and I do not buy the glowfish.
My personal experience is that most tetras are too....spastic for me. I started with the Glowfish tetras, returned them, got black skirt tetras, returned them. Why? I do not find them to be peaceful fish. They are constantly picking on each other and everyone else. I did not feel peace with them in the tank. They irritated me. Neon and cardinal tetras seem to be okay, but I will be avoiding the other tetras unless I can have a species only tank with 20+ in an oversize, densely planted tank.

Your particular issue was selecting more active and feisty species of tetra. There are close to if not more than 300 species of "tetra," and they are divided among several different genera (plural of genus) which means they are all characins but not that closely related. And that means likely different behaviours and expectations. This is why it is essential to research a species from reliable sources before acquiring them. All shoaling fish need numbers of their species, somewhat variable but some more demanding.

I have had tanks of characins for 30+ years, and I have had a few that were aggressive to the point of my having to get rid of them (back before I knew to research first). But more often they have been extremely peaceful and suited to the particuylar aquarium I set up for them. My 5-foot 115g Amazon riverscape had over 100 tetras representing some five or six species, all similar in what they expected and needed. I selected them for every level i the tank; some swam in the upper third, some middle, some mid to lower.
You may like ember tetras then, they are small but school nice and are very peaceful. I also have glo light, neon and red eye tetra in my tetra tank and they all seem to get along. The embers like to shoal at one end of the tank in an area I call the anacharis forest. the glow light and neon group together in the middle and the red eye tend to stay at the other end. The black skirt tetras I avoid too they are too aggressive and I do not buy the glowfish.
And with my luck I unknowingly got black phantoms, incorrectly sold as black widows, just my luck ain't it
Most likely. Never trust LFS or large chain store workers with fish identification or disease treatment.
Most likely. Never trust LFS or large chain store workers with fish identification or disease treatment.
Yh , definitely after this will be a bit more cautious , I went to petsathome becuase my normal lfs, maidenheadaquatics, had a LONG queue due to the coronavirus so it was just a last resort rlly
Yh , definitely after this will be a bit more cautious , I went to petsathome becuase my normal lfs, maidenheadaquatics, had a LONG queue due to the coronavirus so it was just a last resort rlly
I can relate... :rolleyes:

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