aggressive black skirt tetras

Other members are suggesting more fish without apparently realizing this is only a 20g tank, albeit a 20g long. This is frankly insufficient space for the gold barbs. And it most assuredly is too small for Black Skirt Tetras in with the barbs.

This is really going down the wrong path. You are forcing these fish into a situation that is not in their best interest and it will have consequences. It already has from post #1.
im sry m8 i meant 20 gallon uk standards, which in US is 24 gallon for us measurement, theres plenty of space as the barbs are at the bottom, and the mid to top is all but empty besides the gourami who goes up for a few seconds for air .
I agree entirely with you on the Gourami, although, I've seen much worse as I expect we all have.
The gold barbs whilst ideally would be in a bigger group, i dont think 5 or 6 is to bad as a minimum acceptable level. I also don't think a 20 long is insufficient for them. My thoughts are the exact same with the Black Skirts. Don't wanna be argumentative but I do disagree with a lot of that.
That is why we have a forum to discuss and exchange ideas, While I have been keeping fish for over 30 years, I have kept tetra for a much shorter time. Black skirted tetra are a nice looking fish but I have heard enough negative things about them to not want them in my tetra tank but your experience may be different. Fish can react differently depending on the circumstances they are placed in. One of my tanks is a 20 gallon long and I like it a lot for easy maintenance but I keep my shoals of tetra in my 55 gallon to give them the room to swim and the numbers they need for their shoals.
the gold barbs, while large, dont take up all the space in the aqaurium, gold barbs are mainly at the bottom of the tank, and since its 20 uk gallon long tank, they have plenty of room to move back and forth, these gold barbs have been living in here for 2 plus years now, and judging by there growth, i reckon they are pretty happy
im sry m8 i meant 20 gallon uk standards, which in US is 24 gallon for us measurement, theres plenty of space as the barbs are at the bottom, and the mid to top is all but empty besides the gourami who goes up for a few seconds for air .

I don't know the dimensions, but a 24g is not going to provide any more space than a 20g long for this species. And there is most definitely no space for any other fish. And the fish are being negatively impacted by this, though you/we cannot see it, but we know it.
just to clarify, when i said 20 galloons, i was talking by the uk measurment, if we are doing USA gallon measurements its a 24 gallon long
I don't know the dimensions, but a 24g is not going to provide any more space than a 20g long for this species. And there is most definitely no space for any other fish.
well, as i said earlier i appreciate your advice, im happy that you care for the wellbeing of the fish, really i am. but you must undertsand the 5 gold barbs have plenty of swimming space, and hiding spots, the only type of aggression im really experiencing is with these newly purchased skirts, many websites and youtube fish care recomends at least a 15-20 gallon min size for these fish, but i understand your concern for the wellbeing of the fish
I agree entirely with you on the Gourami, although, I've seen much worse as I expect we all have.
The gold barbs whilst ideally would be in a bigger group, i dont think 5 or 6 is to bad as a minimum acceptable level. I also don't think a 20 long is insufficient for them. My thoughts are the exact same with the Black Skirts. Don't wanna be argumentative but I do disagree with a lot of that.
hi there, the gourami is a female opaline, and they only grow to about 4-5 inches in length theres lots of space for it imo i specifically picked a female for this reason as its more docile
the gold barbs, while large, dont take up all the space in the aqaurium, gold barbs are mainly at the bottom of the tank, and since its 20 uk gallon long tank, they have plenty of room to move back and forth, these gold barbs have been living in here for 2 plus years now, and judging by there growth, i reckon they are pretty happy

Unless you can talk to the fish, you cannot possibly know they are happy. None of us can. What we can learn though, is what species "x" requires and then provide it. When we care about the fish enough to do this, we can be relatively certain that the fish is healthy and thus "happy."

Fish forced into inappropriate conditions as here are not going to suddenly die (well, sometimes they might). They have an instinct to survive and they will do what they can to make the best of what you force on them. That does not mean they are healthy. They are not, as any knowledgeable biologist or ichthyologist can tell us. And two years of this is not indicative in the least that they are fine. This is barely a quarter of their lifespan.
Unless you can talk to the fish, you cannot possibly know they are happy. None of us can. What we can learn though, is what species "x" requires and then provide it. When we care about the fish enough to do this, we can be relatively certain that the fish is healthy and thus "happy."

Fish forced into inappropriate conditions as here are not going to suddenly die (well, sometimes they might). They have an instinct to survive and they will do what they can to make the best of what you force on them. That does not mean they are healthy. They are not, as any knowledgeable biologist or ichthyologist can tell us. And two years of this is not indicative in the least that they are fine. This is barely a quarter of their lifespan.
gold barbs have an lifespan of 3-6 years average , i can tell they are happy as they grow, larger than what the average gold barb does, as well as this, they have coloured up alot, which they only do if they feel comfortable, they never nip which means they are settled, and are very interactive fishes, from all this i mentioned, i can deduce that these fishes are happy, although you are right, i can never be 100 percent sure, but ive never had even the slightest problem with these barbs also, 20 gallon long(24 US gallon) i feel is sufficent for 5 gold barbs imo
well, as i said earlier i appreciate your advice, im happy that you care for the wellbeing of the fish, really i am. but you must undertsand the 5 gold barbs have plenty of swimming space, and hiding spots, the only type of aggression im really experiencing is with these newly purchased skirts, many websites and youtube fish care recomends at least a 15-20 gallon min size for these fish, but i understand your concern for the wellbeing of the fish

They do not have plenty of swimming space. Any knowledgeable ichthyologist and biologist will confirm this. As for youtube and similar sites, any idiot can set up a website and proclaim themselves as somehow knowledgeable while dispensing the most obvious nonsense.

Yes i have a concern for fish, and I also have a concern that other members do not get misled with inaccurate information. We learn from those with the knowledge to impart fact. Argue this with the biologists who run Seriously Fish and similar reliable sites.
gold barbs have an lifespan of 3-6 years average , i can tell they are happy as they grow, larger than what the average gold barb does, as well as this, they have coloured up alot, which they only do if they feel comfortable, they never nip which means they are settled, and are very interactive fishes, from all this i mentioned, i can deduce that these fishes are happy, although you are right, i can never be 100 percent sure, but ive never had even the slightest problem with these barbs also, 20 gallon long(24 US gallon) i feel is sufficent for 5 gold barbs imo

How would you know? You can't unless you are a biologist.
Byron knows his stuff, i trust his word and experience with this stuff.

Its easy to make a video or blog and make up information, but Byron is giving knowledge based off of experience. I would definitely take a lot of consideration in his advice
I'm completely confused. I was sat here trying to figure out why you would think a 20 long was unbearable for Gold Barbs and Black Skirts. I saw you mention seriously fish, so I think oh maybe that's what I'm missing, quickly check up on gold barbs, they recommend 81 litres.
The Opaline, i dont think it's the most disastrous thing that could be in the tank but I can definitely see the issues and agree, I'm just not mortified by it. The barbs and tetras your gonna have to explain to me what the problem is there because from my experience with both species I would have had no issues with that nor even compatability issues between the species. I've even had a scan on Google just to try to avoid looking like a moron. So, respectfully, what am I missing here?
Byron knows his stuff, i trust his word and experience with this stuff.

Its easy to make a video or blog and make up information, but Byron is giving knowledge based off of experience. I would definitely take a lot of consideration in his advice
not saying im not considering it, but every single gold barb care website states the mininum tank size for these fish is at least 15-20 gallon, and example is the website the spruce pets, which suggests a min of 20 galls for a school of 5-6 all gold barb vids ive seen also suggest the same, are you saying that every single video out there and every fishkeeping website is wrong? im not saying that byron is wrong, we are all entitled to our opinion, its just natural that not everyones is not the same, especially when it comes to something as controversial as stocking fish, opinions can vary wildly, howver all im saying is that the vast majority of fish keepers claim that 15-20 galls is sufficient for a small school
I'm completely confused. I was sat here trying to figure out why you would think a 20 long was unbearable for Gold Barbs and Black Skirts. I saw you mention seriously fish, so I think oh maybe that's what I'm missing, quickly check up on gold barbs, they recommend 81 litres.
The Opaline, i dont think it's the most disastrous thing that could be in the tank but I can definitely see the issues and agree, I'm just not mortified by it. The barbs and tetras your gonna have to explain to me what the problem is there because from my experience with both species I would have had no issues with that nor even compatability issues between the species. I've even had a scan on Google just to try to avoid looking like a moron. So, respectfully, what am I missing here?

Seriously Fish has Puntius semifasciolatus requiring at minimum a tank with dimensions 36 inches (90 cm) by 12 in (30 cm). And a group of 8-10. Any additional fish species would require more space than this minimum.

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